_ Limmud Social Programming Team
Purple 31 (Bar)
Fancy a break from intensive sessions or have lots to get off your chest after a thought provoking discussion? Come and join Limmud volunteers for an informal chat about the day's sessions over a hot drink.
Red 3
Two key areas of Jewish law about firstborns: redemption from a priest (pidyon ha-ben), and the double portion of the inheritance. How do these two kinds of firstborn interact? And what does that tell us about a parent’s relationship with their children? (Full disclosure: the teacher, a 3rd child, has exactly 1 child of his own!)
Maurice Stone Aviva Schneider Natalie Assa
Red 1
Come and enjoy IDI's youth dance programme - for the young and young at heart. Learn new line and circle dances to energise you and encourage you to Join the circle. This is a special programme to celebrate Israel 72!
Yellow 24
A concert showcasing our various contemporary styles of Jewish songs and liturgical music, dealing with Jewish texts and themes both sacred and secular. Music you can enjoy in the moment and take back to your own communities! Featuring the Limmud house band.
Orange 12
Antisemitism around the world is on the rise and there is a perception that the left is not taking it seriously - but this is not the case. Today progressive Jewish groups and allies are changing the game; educating the left on antisemitism, and making the fight against antisemitism part of our collective struggle for liberation.
Red 6
A pot pourri of Jewish stories, self-penned songs by Derek & Pippa and personal memories of the literacy circle of the Jewish East End of London from 1960s to 1980s.
Hayden Cohen Neil Janes Deborah Kahn-Harris Margaret Jacobi Leah Jordan Benjamin Stanley
Blue 34
Do you long for an understanding of Talmud, but really can't be bothered to put in the hard work? Then Talmud for Schmeryls is the session for you. The best of Limmud each have 5 minutes to share their favourite piece of Talmud as host, Hayden, plays the Schmeryl, asking the questions we all want answering.
Red 5
What are the differences between history and memory? And what is their relationship to education? We will focus on Yad Vashem’s main principles in Holocaust education.
Orange 13
Lishmah = 'for its own sake' - doing a mitzvah for its intrinsic value, not for any ulterior purpose. By creating a philosophical dialogue between 'lishmah' and the Aristotelian idea 'praxis' we'll see how this seemingly narrow religious idea has the potential to overturn the worst features of modern life: consumerism, populism and dehumanisation.
Green 27
Rachel Bluwstein Sela, Leah Goldberg, Zelda Schneurson Mishkovsky and Naomi Shemer are four of Peta's favourite Hebrew poets. Each in her own way captures something of the essence of being Israeli - perhaps also of being a woman. Take the time to just enjoy the beauty of some of their poetry and feel the poignancy of their messages.
Orange 11
The role of youth movements in the Jewish community have undergone a huge transformation in their almost 100 year old history. From uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto, settling the early state of Israel, and providing 100s of teens with unforgettable experiences, it is clear they matter, but how they might transform in the future is still unclear.