Limmud Festival 2019

Limmud Festival 2019 – Tuesday 08:00

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Let's go for a morning stroll (4 of 6)

_ Limmud Social Programming Team 

Hilton Lobby

Walking and talking, what a great combination! Join other early risers for some fresh air and a walk around the grounds. This is a great way to meet new friends, too.

Morning news and brews (3 of 5)

_ Limmud Social Programming Team 

Purple 31 (Bar)

Rise and shine! Come and hear from top journalists about a recent news story in their publication and have a chat with other early risers about the news of the day and surrounding issues. Bring along a cup of tea or coffee, meet new people and get your morning off to a sociable start. This morning's session will be led by Simon Rocker, from The Jewish Chronicle.

V'yarutz v'yomer: he ran and he talked, or "run and chat"

Abigail Morris 

Main Bar

For those who want to stretch their legs as well as their minds, come and run around the beautiful campus with Abigail. We can discuss Jewish topics, our running schedules or just being outside. Please be prepared to run for an hour and maybe get muddy.

Open Hearth

The Hearth 

Green 26

Open Hearth provides a time & place for peace and quiet contemplation.  You are welcome to come into the Hearth space at any time during this session, to stretch, meditate, pray, write, draw, digest some of your Limmud experience, or simply rest.  When you have finished, just leave the space as you found it, or even lovelier than before!

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