Room 15
We experience many transitions in our lives, from the visible (birthdays! new jobs!) to the less visible (breakups, illness or loss). How can we create rituals, based in Jewish wisdom, for all the changes and growth in our past and our present? Join us as we co-create rituals for our lives that can help us acknowledge our transitions as sacred.
Room 12
This session will explore some of the misconceptions about circumcision and Jewish male sexual health circulating in 18th-century British popular culture. We'll examine a selection of cartoons, engravings and satiric texts, asking how antisemitism fed into popular stereotypes about Jewish men as both lustful and impotent.
Room 13
Martin Buber’s book, 'I and Thou', was published nearly a century ago. Does his famous distinction between I-thou and I-it relations align with the findings of 21st-century psychology and neuroanatomy? Where does the 'Eternal Thou' fit in? Our discussion will go beyond a scholarly exercise to seek inspiration for living a more meaningful life.
Room 16
Climate, COVID and other crises signal an ever-increasing call to activism on global issues, and Jewish attitudes to humanitarian work have seen major shifts in recent years. This session will discuss and analyse three new trends and action plans present in the way Jewish communities are engaging with our global responsibility.
Room 14
A conversation about practical, emotional and philosophical ways to ensure an inclusive community. Chaired by Anna Posner, rabbi of Norwich Liberal Jewish Community, and led by members of Beit Klal Yisrael, this session will be an opportunity to explore what inclusion looks like in Jewish practice.
Room 17
This session will include a screening of a short documentary about the life of Jewish artist, Michelle Charles, in London and New York. Michelle will address subjects that have to do with her personal journey from London to NY and how her roots have served her work as an artist. Stories include chance meetings with David Bowie and Woody Allen and her work.
Room 11
A wide-ranging conversation with David Lammy, Labour MP for Tottenham. A chance to listen in and ask questions of the Shadow Foreign Secretary, former Minister for Culture and Higher Education, and representative of one of London's most diverse constituencies which includes a section of Stamford Hill's Haredi community.