Room 5
Sarah Abrevaya Stein’s ninth book, named a Book of the Year by The Economist and Mosaic Magazine, an Editors’ Choice by the New York Times, and a National Jewish Book Award Finalist, uses the Levy family’s correspondence to tell the story of their journey spanning generations and the globe, from Ottoman Salonica to Western Europe, Israel, Brazil, and India, and through the dramatic tumult of the modern era.
Room 4
The Jewish Chronicle editor, Stephen Pollard, will give a brief talk about the changes to the paper and website marking its 180th anniversary, followed by questions. Please feel free to ask anything you want!
Room 6
Carolyn has invested many hours of her life volunteering both time and money to various charitable causes and organisations. This session will explore why we should all give, what’s the most effective way and what does this look like. Most importantly: how can we encourage the next generation to give of their time, money and resources?
Room 3
This workshop teaches participants to explore the question, What does 'I am here' mean to me? We will combine an embodied exploration of presence with a scriptural journey through what it means to 'be'. This includes purposeful, explorative breathing, contemplative practice, movement and creative expression as tools for presence and awareness.
Room 7
In this session everyone is given an opportunity to share, uninterrupted, how they are feeling or anything else that is important to them. After the sharing, we will have a conversation to reflect on the themes that have come up and offer and receive peer support. All are welcome and you can participate as much or as little as you like.
Room 2
Hear a radio play about Eve and Adam, two millennials going through puberty, who eat the forbidden fruit as an act of free will instead of a sin/fall from heaven. Our 25 interviews, including Anita Diamant ('The Red Tent' author) and scholar Tamar Bilal, form a collective narrator to present the feminist approach. Listen, discuss and share with the artists.
Room 8
A new online resource from the AJR and the UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation enables you to discover the UK's sites of Holocaust memory — those places relating to the victims, survivors and refugees of Nazism as well as rescuers, liberators and aid givers — and to learn about your local connections to the worst crime ever committed.