Orange 10
How have LGBTQ+ experiences been represented in Sephardic and Mizrahi cultures? What challenges have Sephardic and Mizrahi queer Jews faced in finding spaces that fully embrace their identities? Exploring these questions, we will also learn about a grassroots movement that serves folks at the intersection of LGBTQ+ and Sephardic-Mizrahi life.
Red 5
Inviting couples to a couples' fun and socialising evening, with icebreakers, get-to-know-a-couple games and speed couple-meeting. All ages welcome.
Red 2
Do you feel stuck on one of your projects? Or would you like to bring more creativity into your life? This participatory workshop takes inspiration from the book ‘The Artist’s Way’ and combines it with Jewish ideas such as daily practice and havruta (paired learning). You’ll get hands-on experience to equip you with the practical tools that get creativity flowing.
Red 4
Holocaust Memorial Day and Holocaust education have been established for many years. The Holocaust is in the UK national curriculum. Yet discrimination, persecution and racial hatred continue – and misconceptions about the Holocaust abound. Has the acquisition of historical knowledge helped? Can it be done better? A brief introduction followed by discussion.
Blue 33
Most of us want to make a difference. Ideas like tzedakah (giving charity) and tikun olam (fixing the world/social justice) are central to our faith. But working out what to do and how to do it is a real challenge. Bringing together perspectives from effective altruism and Jewish tradition, this session will explore the crucial question: how can we use our resources to help others the most?
Orange 15
They have played the music of legends past, Bowie, The Beatles and even George Michael. What will they choose next? Join The Limmud House Band as they blow off steam from a week of playing music by... playing more music!
Blue 34
An exploration of the many references, literal and allegorical, from Exodus, until today about the Torah being in the mouth of the Jewish people, how that has shaped what materials we use to make our Torah scrolls, mezuzot and tefillin, and whether there is any practical or halakhic room to revert back to the use of vegetarian and vegan materials.
Orange 12
Life changed for many in 2020. Join Mark to hear about the two major changes he made during lockdown: learning how to bake cookies and becoming a travel podcaster. Sadly, there is no oven available, so the session will focus on Mark’s podcast highlights. Perhaps you can get ideas for your next trip away (and a recipe for oat cookies too).
Red 1
Are you a poet of ANY level of experience? We want to home grow our talent, so this is a new initiative for Limmudniks who’d like to perform their poetry, monologue, comedy or music but aren’t ready to present a full session. Sign up for a slot, an optional prep session will be available. Not a poet? Join the audience and support our future stars!
Red 3
After a journey through the magical world of illuminated haggadot, our ultimate visual storytelling vehicle, we'll peek at Leon’s own, never-before-seen Haggadah, a dream-like visual feast that preposterously seeks to be the climax of that journey. A book bursting with colourful delights and detail on each page, for new discoveries to be made every year.
Wendy Amsellem Michael Moskowitz
Main Bar
We have created signature drinks connected to some of our favorite Torah texts. Come and learn why the 'Rabbi Zeira' has a lavender-infused simple syrup and the 'Beruria' has chocolate bitters. You will also have the opportunity to suggest your own textual signature drink.
Orange 11
The 'Tsene-rene', a most-beloved Yiddish biblical anthology, was a defining feature of Eastern European Jewish women's lives. This session will provide a historical overview and engage in careful text study of the work (in translation). We will discuss audience and gender, authorial intent, translation techniques and midrashic layering.
Yellow 22
If you’ve lost track of what Areas A, B or C mean; if you’re not sure of the difference between a settlement, an outpost and a farm; if you’re unclear about the twists and turns of the separation barrier – then this session is for you. An attempt to explain the complicated geography which is so important in discussions about a two-state solution.
Yellow 21
"If chess is the battle, then Go is the war." Chess has a long association with the Jewish people. By contrast, the game of Go, the pre-eminent board game of the East, is poorly known. Yet it is a game of unparalleled depth, complexity and beauty. We will learn and play Go in this interactive session, with beginners warmly welcome.