Red 4
Do traditional visions of wealth and poverty and laws about charity accept and modify stable societal structures, or do they confront, challenge and even undermine them? We will break into small groups to look at texts from the Bible, Mishnah and Talmud (with translations), both legal and agadic, and then come back together to thrash it out.
Red 7
During this double session you will have the opportunity to embroider a mizrah (an ornamental or sacred picture hung on the wall of a house/synagogue facing Jerusalem, toward which Jews traditionally pray). All materials will be provided. Some knowledge of embroidery would be useful as this is quite detailed work. Please note this is a DOUBLE SESSION and the number of participants is limited to 12.
Blue 32 (Millers)
What is happening in your child’s brain when they are having a meltdown, a shutdown (suddenly unable to speak), or are just intensely overwhelmed by something? And how, as a parent, should you best react and keep yourself calm when you might well be feeling fury, fear or shame, or all of the above? We will share professional strategies to bring a child back to feeling safe and listened to, and bring the reality of a parent and an autistic teenager’s perspectives. Relevant to all parents.