Limmud Festival 2023

Limmud Festival 2023 – Monday 21:20

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'So what will you do when you graduate as a rabbi?'

Miriam Lorie 

Orange 13

In six months time, God-willing, I’ll graduate as a rabbi - the third British Orthodox woman to take this path, and the first with pulpit ambitions. But what can an Orthodox woman with semichah (rabbinic ordination) do?! Have I studied my way out of gainful employment? Come and help me design and build towards a future in which Orthodox female rabbis make perfect sense.

Acoustic café

Limmud Social Programming 

Red 7 - Brightsmith

Presenting Limmud's legendary open-mic night, back and better than ever before! Bring your voice, bring your instrument, bring a drink and bring your friends. Open to all, regardless of ability - just get up there and share your talent. Come on, you know you want to.

Beit Midrash for the study of Israel's relations with the Nations: Christianity

Yehuda Stolov 

Orange 12

The Beit Midrash for the study of Israel's relations with the Nations runs in-depth study that rigorously examines rabbinical sources on various issues concerning interactions and relationships with non-Jews, offering traditionally reasoned textual analysis. Summary analysis on the attitude towards Christianity will be presented as an example.

 Summary - Christianity.pdf

Comedy night

Monica Selo 

Red 4

Do you fancy an evening of satire and character comedy? Come and meet Mona Lott and Crystal Ball.

End of the day minyan

Marcia Plumb  Anna Dyson 

Blue 34

Rabbi Marcia Plumb and student rabbi Anna Dyson will give you a taste of a spiritual way to end the day. Our prayers, songs, chants and mussar teachings will help us celebrate and let go of the fullness of the daytime and welcome the night.

Finishing Hitler's work? A discussion of dating outside the faith

Daniel Susser 

Red 2

Intermarriage and mixed-faith relationships have been happening since the time of Moses yet it's still a source of great taboo, great pain and great joy for many in our community. Daniel will be hosting a discussion about mixed-faith relationships. Bring an open mind and the desire to see another perspective.

Get refusal today - a global update on the issue that never goes away

Joanne Greenaway 

Red 1

There have been significant developments in recent years leading to the resolution of many long-standing and difficult cases - how optimistic should we be about the future of this most intractable of Jewish problems?

Israel-Palestine: What's the point of arguing?

Gary Ogin 

Orange 14

Ever had a discussion about Israel-Palestine and just ended up shouting at each other? Neil Caplan is author of 'The Israel-Palestine Conflict, Contested Histories' and suggests there are 11 core arguments about the conflict that are simply unwinnable. He'll be in conversation with Gary Ogin.

 Caplan_flyer (1).pdf

Kaleidoscope: tell us your Jewish story

Daniela Greiber 

Red 9 - The Arbour

If you are between 17 and 24 years old, we want your autobiography! The Kaleidoscope project wants to add your voice to a collection of short autobiographies by young Jews living in Europe. You will be inspired by stories from a similar project from early 1930s in Poland, depicting real lives, struggles and experiences of young people just like you.

Keeping Shabbat with home automation

Mihails Beškins 

Red 8

Let's talk about how the sages discussed timers and automatic switches 2000 years ago. Why were timers not allowed just 100 years ago and why do we use them widely now? I will speak about my R&D for home automation, and what software and hardware I use and explain what solutions exist for any Shabbat-observant family.

Modern jive dancing (2 of 2)

Jonathan Hunter 

Yellow 24

Come along for a fun introduction to this partner dance. It's easy to learn the basics and they can be danced to many different music types. Each session will be standalone - come to both if you enjoy it, and get ready to show off the moves you've just learned at the disco later!

Mysticism and trauma – an historical and personal reflection

Harris Bor 

Orange 10

In recent months, many have found a renewed devotion. Is this simply a response to external hostility, or something more? Join us for a discussion on the relationship between mysticism and trauma, looking inwardly at how this war has affected us, and how trauma and mysticism have intersected historically from the medieval Kabbalah to modern times.


Oscars and Holocaust films

Rich Brownstein 

Orange 11

Since 1945, 450 narrative Holocaust films have been produced by 45 national entities. Although only 77 American features have been produced, 21 of them have won or been nominated for at least one Academy Award. A further 23 foreign Holocaust films have been nominated for 41 other Oscars. Why are Holocaust films so heavily awarded? Is it merit or bias?

Why I'm a halachic minimalist, and you should be too

Samuel Millunchick 

Yellow 21

Judaism is unique, in that it demands not just that we serve one God, but also in a particular way. This session explores a halachic philosophy that honours the Torah's mission and strives to serve God the way He has asked to be served.

Would you rather: lice or locusts? Dam or dever?

David Hochhauser  Yoni Stone 

Red 3

We all know the official order of the ten plagues, but now it's time for us to devise the official ranking of the ten plagues.

Writing our Jewish LGBTQ history

Natalie Grazin  Gabi Parkham 

Red 5

There is no written history of Jewish LGBTQ life in the UK - until we write it. In this session, we will first look back at the major public milestones and then add own history collectively, crowd-sourcing a social history through our own experiences and knowledge. Expect post-it notes and walls of brown paper begging you to write on it!

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