Orange 15
A space to move, breathe, and rest together. Yoga is a practice of social justice, connecting us to ourselves and the world around us. This class is fat positive, neurodivergent friendly, and accessible for people with injuries or limited mobility. The class is chair based but there may be standing or floor based options for those who want them.
Orange 13
Explore how technology can be used to strengthen Jewish communities and cultural connections. Discuss innovative projects or initiatives that bring Jewish values and technology together.
Red 1
There are moments when beliefs are strong and steadfast, and there are moments when convictions become shaky. The war in Israel has many of us re-examining some of our beliefs. Through personal reflections, ancient Jewish sources and contemporary Israeli texts, we will explore some of our changing ideas.
Orange 14
Sometimes a text is so full of ideas, so provocative, so conversation-starting that it demands to be studied. Soloveitchik's 'Kol Dodi Dofek', his 1956 address for Yom HaAtzmaut, is just such a text. He explores suffering, the Shoah, Israel, history, peoplehood, theology and much more. Although parts 1 and 2 are linked, each session stands alone.
Yellow 24
Come with a team or make one when you get here. Shake off that indoor stiffness and get your heart pumping with some fun, friendly five-a-side. Slide tackles strictly prohibited. All genders encouraged.
Red 3
What are the memories that tell our personal story and what is the thread that links them? Merri shares her spiritual journey to find purpose, belonging, meaning, and wonder in the mundane business of being human in our complicated world – all told through the lens of her weekly observance of Shabbos.
Orange 11
In the modern world, there are few sexual boundaries beyond pleasure and consent. What do Jewish texts have to say about creating a sexual ethic, both within marriage and outside of what is traditionally sanctioned. Can we go deeper than what is permitted and prohibited to use foundational values to infuse our sexuality with greater meaning?
Orange 12
How and why are the faith and belief needs, personal and social development, and wellbeing of university students being let down on campus? Part one of a two-part workshop: how universities can find and implement solutions.
Red 2
The loss of works of art caused by Nazi looting pales into insignificance when compared to the tragic murder of those Jewish artisans by the Nazi regime. This talk will focus on the innovative costume jewellery of the Neiger brothers, Max and Norbert, and their humble beginnings in the glass jewellery-making area of Gablonz, in the Czech Republic.
Red 4
Navigating reproductive decisions can be complex, especially when balancing modern medical advancements with ancient Jewish law. This session clarifies the intricacies of these decisions, from the permissibility of contraceptives to the ethical considerations of assisted reproductive technologies.
Yellow 21
We've just had our Shabbat morning service - please come and join Caroline for songs, stories and games in a Shabbat-friendly session where hopefully we will get to know one another and have lots of fun. All welcome, but especially suitable for families with young children.
Orange 10
Imagine two people doing exactly the same thing on Shabbat – say, washing the dishes. One is fine and the other is: 'Uh, Oh! Shabbos!' Sometimes something apparently innocent or trivial – like folding clothes – is problematic. What is 'hachana', preparing on Shabbat for after Shabbat? Not intended to make you more Shabbat-OCD. Promise.
Red 5
The brutal selling of Joseph by his own brothers has shocked readers from time immemorial. According to ancient traditions, Yom Kippur was instituted to atone for this grave sin. We will see how these texts are part of a debate on the real character of Yom Kippur. We'll also see some of the impact of the Joseph story on later Jewish ethics.