Red 4
Many Jews are neurodivergent and we need to embrace and support that. Starting by defining autism and ADHD and briefly explaining how these conditions are characterised, the session will then discuss the links to both the Jewish community and immigration and finish with thoughts on why this is relevant and important.
Red Bar/Lounge
A social session for those who enjoy solving cryptic crosswords together with others. Crosswords will be provided.
Red 2
How do we introduce students to the breadth of Jewish learning without sacrificing the depth of a prerequisite base curriculum? This session is all about creating short micro-lessons designed to touch on current, and not so current, interdisciplinary Jewish topics that will inspire students to look beyond the pages of their textbooks.
Orange 15
Although it's becoming a bit more popular, most Jews don't think about, still less, talk about 'God' very much. That might be because 'He' is very difficult to think about, if indeed 'He' (still?) exists. In this deliberately unsatisfactory session, Clive will explore some of the issues to help make it still harder to think about 'God' in future.
Robbie Gringras Abi Dauber Sterne
Red 1
A second opportunity to join our one-off interactive workshop on healthy arguments. How can we address our heartfelt disagreements about Israel, Judaism and life in general, and feel enriched not attacked? We'll work with stories, guidelines and a great deal of courageous honesty to dig in to the real stuff. Come ready to hear and air opinions…
Orange 11
The UK government is trying to pass legislation to ban other UK public authorities from making procurement or investment decisions targeting a particular foreign territory, or saying they would if they could. Is this a good idea and will it work?
Red 5
Law lecturer Ze'ev Portner will look at several legal cases that have contributed to the shaping of modern Britain in such diverse areas as sex, race, free speech, sovereignty, democracy and death. Ze'ev will bring law alive for all those who attend this informative session, irrespective of whether you have a legal background or not.
Orange 10
On the one hand, Judaism is extremely old and still in deep conversation with its own past. On the other hand, humanity is just getting started, and our 3000+ years of history are really just a drop in the bucket for human civilisation. We'll explore what it looks like to imagine Judaism as a project that's just getting started.
Aleksandra Janus Eva de Haan Mihails Beškins
Orange 14
Our panel of visionary artists, academic thinkers, and community leaders converge to explore the question of a new European Jewish identity. Together, we'll delve into the daring question: can European Jews carve out a substantial space alongside the dominant hubs of Israel and America? Explore their pivotal role in shaping a post-Holocaust world.
Orange 12
What do our Canaanite ancestors, Mongolian yak herders, Maasai Tanzanians and Kenyans have in common? They all practise(d) semi-nomadic pastoralism, a way of life adapted to an uncertain and unpredictable world, full of risk as well as rich opportunity. What values can we learn from our nomadic past that might help us thrive in the future?
Red 7 - Brightsmith
After last year's lively success, music journalist Chlo Spinks returns to break down a whole new selection of the greatest songs of all time. Do you ever wish you could pinpoint exactly why a song makes your heart sing? Well, now it’s time to find out… Expect music theory, manic overanalysing, and the unveiling of musical secrets centuries old!
Orange 13
Each year, the Pears Short Film Fund commissions two short films about British Jewish life. The initiative is now in its 16th year. Come and watch the winners! We will also be screening the winners of our newer documentary fund, now in its second year.