Limmud Festival 2023

Limmud Festival 2023 – Sunday 17:50

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Building a Jewish movement supporting refugees and fighting racism

David Mason 

Orange 13

HIAS+JCORE joins together a 47-year-old organisation and a 121-year-old agency into the UK voice for refugees and racial justice. What will our new directions be and how will can we all work together to bring about change? Come on this journey with its new executive director, David Mason.

Can anyone predict anything?

Jake Welford 

Red 4

Many people think no one can predict anything. In this talk we look at the people, and companies, that suggest otherwise.

Dance is food for the soul!

Maurice Stone 

Yellow 21

Hear testimony from Ukraine about the impact of war and how dance is providing relief from trauma. We'll also hear stories from other Jewish communities in Europe, Turkey, Cuba and South America which provide a template for action in the UK.

Deviant davenners

Matthew Anisfeld 

Orange 12

The question of who we can daven with can be a source of immense tension in communities made up of people with a diverse set of practices and beliefs. When it comes to davenning with others, do we care just about what people do, or do we care also about what they believe? How similar must I be to someone else in order for me to daven with them?

Female administrators of the Third Reich

Rachel Century 

Red 2

Women supported the Nazi regime in administrative roles: as secretaries, as administrative support to the army and as administrative support to the SS. This session, based on Rachel's PhD and book, will explore who these women were, why they took these jobs, how much they knew about the Holocaust and how much they contributed to it.

Hasdai Crescas, Royal Courtier: towards a history of Jews and power

Benjamin Gampel 

Orange 11

The preeminent philosopher, Hasdai Crescas, intrigues because he served the court of the Aragonese monarchs during the late 14th century when riots devastated Sephardic Jewish communities. Confront the limits of what even an exalted and well-connected member of the Jewish community could achieve in his attempt to safeguard Jewish lives and property.

Humanity, war and the climate crisis

Sharona Shnayder  Sarah Sackman 

Red 1

War has a significant detrimental impact on the climate crisis. Drawing upon expertise in activism, law and politics, our panel will discuss how this may be affecting the planet.

Israel in the world after the war

Toby Greene 

Orange 10

The Israel-Hamas war is an irreversible turning point for the Israeli-Palestinian arena and the wider region. This session takes stock of what has happened and what it means going forward for Israel's relations with the Palestinians, Arab states, the wider world including the UK and Jews in the diaspora.

Kabbalah for rationalists - how to appreciate Jewish mysticism when you're not a mystic

Ilan Emanuel 

Red 5

Interested in Kabbalah but not sure all this mystical stuff is for you? You're not alone! Join an avowedly non-mystical rabbi in exploring how to find meaning in Jewish mysticism even if mysticism is usually the kind of thing you avoid!

 Kabbalah for Rationalists Limmud.pdf

Let's make Joseph's coat

Nic Abery 

Green 27

This interactive workshop will look at how Joseph's coat was the object of jealousy between him and his brothers. Once we have explored the text, we will learn to weave our own squares using wool that will be tied together to make our own cloak.

Limmud's got talent! Heat 1: Musical talent and dance

Limmud Social Programming 

Yellow 24

Please attend this heat if you would like to perform a musical or dance-related talent in the final talent show! The heats will be used to organise performers into categories, and to create the final order of performance. All abilities welcome!

Midrash theatre: Torah on two feet

Shawn Shafner 

Orange 14

Join theatre artists Shawn Shafner and Fareed Mostoufi in an experiential, theatrical exploration expanding on the story of Joseph. First, we'll utilise the modern maven techniques of Amichai Lau Lavie to translate Torah verses from creative perspectives. Then we'll create theatrical responses riffing off the text and larger themes.

 Vayigash Verse-atility .pdf

Queer midrash watercolor workshop

Lara Haft Yom-Tov 

Red 7 - Brightsmith

Join the rich tradition of queering Jewish texts. In this workshop, we will paint, re-tell beloved Jewish stories, and connect to the magical world of queer and trans imagination. This workshop is for people identifying as LGBTQ+.

The Torah of vegan sofrut (scribal calligraphy)

Allison Barclay 

Red 8

An exploration of the many references, literal and allegorical, from Exodus until today about the Torah being in the mouth of the Jewish People. We'll see how that has shaped what materials we use to make our Torah scrolls, mezuzot and refilling, and whether there is any practical or halachic room to revert back to the use of vegetarian and vegan materials.

The life, times and people of the Bedford Jewish community

Marcus Roberts 

Red 3

This illustrated talk explores the medieval and modern Jewish history of Bedford, a small community with intriguing scandals and stories - the mysterious medieval Jewish crime of 'ementulation', a rabbi who converted, local working class Jews fighting for Jewish equality, Second World War refugees, and of course the connection with 'Chariots of Fire'!

The war in Israel: trauma, relationships and Jewish practice

Scott Kahn  Talli Rosenbaum  Nechama Goldman Barash 

Orange 15

The war in Israel affects relationships; with ourselves, our partners and with God, and has confronted us with conflicts and questions related to mental health, intimacy, Jewish law and hashkafah (religious outlook). This session will introduce and discuss selected questions related to the war.

Family Story Time

Limmud Families Programming 

Blue 32 - Families Lounge

Please join us before bedtime for a story! We want you to feel cosy and enjoy this time to wind down after a busy day! You're welcome to be in your pyjamas!

Families Softplay Exclusive Use

Limmud Families Programming 

Yellow 23

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