Emma Weleminsky Sarit Baum Lisette van Lieshout
Orange 11
What can we do to improve health in the most impoverished communities in the world? Join two experts to hear about their efforts to eliminate poverty-related parasitic diseases. Learn how communities improve their health outcomes, what role non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and academics play in this effort, and how this echoes the Torah's call for the pursuit of justice.
Red 3
Accountants Eve Sacks and Ben Crowne explore the economics of the Charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community, including the impact of exponential growth, denial of education, cost of living, private school fees and large families.
Red 5
The rabbinic world is beginning to reckon with the question of lab-grown meat. Is lab-grown beef forbidden? Is lab-grown pork permitted? Is any of it meaty? Most of this debate has become quite dry and technical, but we will study a more creative approach that starts with manna, the miracle of Chanukah and beef steaks falling out of the sky.
Red 2
Reflective practice enables us to learn from experience. It gives us strategies to frame appropriate questions, challenge assumptions, understand our behaviour and make changes. At LSJS our BA, MA students and trainee teachers learn how to be reflective practitioners. Using a case study, we'll learn how to approach situations at home and work.
Clive Lawton Yitzach von Schweitzer Rivka von Schweitzer
Orange 15
My life's journey from the Waffen-SS to Orthodox Judaism is my book. But how that book came about is another story.
Red 7 - Brightsmith
Join us for a captivating text-based series delving into the rich narratives of these inspiring women. Explore their wisdom, courage, and enduring legacy that continue to shape Jewish history and faith. Why is Chulda the one prophetess we have never heard of and what is her relevance to us?
Jacqueline Nicholls Aviva Dautch
Orange 14
TS Eliot wrote poetry that is profound and beautiful in its consideration of the human condition. But the antisemitism present in his writing also makes it disturbingly ugly. Join Aviva and Jacqueline, a poet and an artist, who have each grappled with the complexities of responding to this problematic literary giant.
Blue 34
You can discover mindfulness with a card game, and other players. The game presented is made especially for Limmud with Jewish references, and can be played in English or French. Come and share a relaxing and enjoyable moment!
Yellow 21
In the Bible Dinah was raped, with bloody consequences. Tamar was wronged by Judah and exacted subtle revenge. Another Tamar, David’s daughter, was raped too, with a violent aftermath. How are these stories linked? What do they tell us about sexual violence and its consequences? No knowledge of Hebrew needed. In this session we'll look at the story of the first Tamar.
Orange 10
An international refugee lawyer's perspective on the Illegal Migration Act, what it means for asylum seekers, and how it can (and will) be challenged. The session will contextualise the government's anti-refugee legislation in a global context and consider the challenges arising from international (non)cooperation.
Hotel Lobby
In this session, we’ll be foraging for wild materials and turning them into our own homemade natural cordage! We’ll also look at times throughout Jewish history when wild materials have been incorporated into Jewish rituals.
Red 4
Halacha is profoundly attuned to the tradeoffs between privacy and our communal responsibilities for safety. While the debate about tech companies' social responsibilities rages, what are the dilemmas affecting leaders in tech companies, and what would Rabbi Akiva say if Zuck asked for advice? A Jewish educator and online safety expert discuss.