Orange 13
How might connection with land offer Jewish healing, joy and liberation? How might ancient Jewish agricultural wisdom contribute to struggles for justice today? Come learn about Miknaf Ha’aretz’s work cultivating earth-based, radical-diasporist Jewish community and building solidarity with other diaspora communities historically uprooted from land.
Red 8
One of the main reasons people convert these days is because they have fallen in love with a Jew. We will explore what the rabbinic tradition has to say about this, and track how this has developed over time.
Orange 14
Yes, we do! Come and hear about how the United Synagogue's Dorot programme is reshaping the organisation and its communities to make a positive environmental impact.
Red 2
Prayer leaders are called 'shelichei tzibbur', 'messengers of the community'. But what exactly does it mean to lead one's fellow Jews in tefillah (prayer)? In this session, prayer leaders (of any experience) are invited to come together to share their understanding and experience of this role, and consider what Jewish texts might teach us about it.
Red 4
The fascinating history, and unexpected treasures, of the London School of Jewish Studies Library. Meet the characters and oddities of Anglo-Jewish history, hear the story of Jews' College and learn about the Library regeneration project, a vibrant and valuable educational resource for the future of Jewish education and culture.
Yellow 21
Jewish law is willing to expand considerably to help infertile couples make extensive use of cutting-edge fertility technology in order to have children. We will explore some of the fascinating ways in which halachah, science and medicine intersect.
Red 5
How the Torah and a faith-based perspective can help us get to grips with antisemitism.
Orange 12
In the Middle Ages, people of different religions and ethnicities around the Mediterranean lived together, for the most part, in a harmonious world of mutual respect and co-operation. In this session we will explore stories that illustrate the rich and colourful interactions between Judaism, Islam and Christianity, stories that carry lessons for current conflicts in the region.
Robbie Gringras Abi Dauber Sterne
Red 1
Join our one-off interactive workshop on healthy arguments. How can we address our heartfelt disagreements about Israel, Judaism and life in general, and feel enriched not attacked? Working with stories, guidelines and a great deal of courageous honesty to dig in to the real stuff. Come ready to hear and air opinions…
Hotel Lobby
Mushrooms are mysterious. Perceived as life-giving, mind-blowing and deadly, fungi inspire fear, wonder and confusion. Against the odds, they also thrive in cities like Birmingham. Join us for a walk to get to know our fungal neighbours. We’ll learn how to identify common species and explore the role of fungi in the ecosystem and Jewish traditions.
Orange 11
Jonathan will be in conversation with his close friend, colleague and mentor Shoshana Boyd Gelfand about his new book, how writing it was both therapy and struggle, whether or not he should have been more radical, and where he hopes it may lead.
Barbie Goldfoot Ilana Hutchinson
Orange 10
Abuse thrives in silence. It’s time to make a change. Let’s talk about misogyny in the media, challenge harmful attitudes and explore how these contribute to a culture where abuse can manifest. In this open conversation, we will share how our work across the community is helping to reset attitudes and shape a healthier landscape for future generations.
Red 3
In a patriarchal world of intellectual elitism, one unnamed working-class woman in the Talmud stands out as a person of unusual intelligence and wit. She was a maid in the house of Rabbi Judah the Prince, the author of the Mishnah (Oral Law). This session explores her story, asking critical questions about knowledge, power and privilege in the Jewish community.
Red 7 - Brightsmith
Jess and Miki perform eco-education shows in schools across the country. Discover how song-writing and live visuals can be used to engage and empower young audiences. And then have a go at it yourself! Open to all, no experience required.
Orange 15
Settler violence in the West Bank is worse than ever, enabled by an extremist Israeli government. Since October 7th over 1000 Palestinians have been displaced by settlers. For many Palestinians it makes daily life intolerable. Increasingly these actions are referred to as terrorism by the international community. Join us to learn more. Panel TBC- please check the app.