Limmud Festival 2023

Limmud Festival 2023 – Wednesday 09:00

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Creativity for busy people

Miki Shaw 

Orange 13

Do you feel stuck on one of your projects? Or would you like to bring more creativity into your life? This participatory workshop will use techniques from the book 'The Artist’s Way' in combination with Jewish ideas such as chevrutah (partner learning). Come and explore some practical ways to get creative action and inspiration flowing.

Frequently misinterpreted Biblical verses

Rona Matlow 

Red 3

Many Tanach (Bible) verses are frequently misinterpreted. Some understandings change with time. Some interpretations carry religious or political baggage. In this workshop, we will explore some of the most frequently misinterpreted verses in Tanach, how Rona believes they can be read, and why they are more commonly read the way they are.

 Frequently Misinterpreted Bible verses.pdf

Hilchot Purim through art

Nic Abery 

Orange 11

Explore the different halachot (laws) of Purim, through the analysis of art and text.

Is it possible to overcome prejudice? A psychological perspective

Danielle Landau 

Red 2

How can we hope to make the world a more peaceful place when prejudice is so ingrained in our human psyche. In this experiential session, we will explore cutting-edge psychological approaches to understanding and tackling prejudice, so we stand a better chance of reducing its potential for harm.

Prospects for peace

Toby Greene  Vadim Blumin 

Orange 15

It seems almost absurd to mention the word peace against the backdrop of the war. Yet it seems that more than ever this is what we must strive for. Join this panel of experts to discuss whether there are any prospects for a peaceful future for Israelis and Palestinians.

Rainy day idea: how to create a walking tour of Jewish London

Ben Vos 

Red 7 - Brightsmith

'The Jews of London' is a United Synagogue self-guided historical walking tour. The tour focuses on kashrut over crime; shuls, not pubs; and emancipation and enrichment rather than insolvency, or exclusion from trade unions and professions. In this discussion we will critique these choices, perhaps identifying tours yet to be designed and taken…

Rape, prostitution and revenge: three interlinked stories (3 of 3)

Margaret Jacobi 

Red 5

In the Bible Dinah was raped, with bloody consequences. Tamar was wronged by Judah and exacted subtle revenge. Another Tamar, David’s daughter, was raped too, with a violent aftermath. How are these stories linked? What do they tell us about sexual violence and its consequences? No knowledge of Hebrew needed. In this session we'll look at Tamar bat David.

 Limmud 23 Tamar and Judah.pdf

The daily argument (4 of 4)

Robbie Gringras  Abi Dauber Sterne 

Red 1

Come join us for your daily dose of disagreement! How can we address our deep heartfelt disagreements about Israel, Judaism and life in general, and feel enriched not attacked? We’ll work in small groups with stories, clear guidelines and courageous honesty to dig in to the real stuff. Each day we'll address new topics, and share new techniques.

Transgression for the sake of peace

Matthew Anisfeld 

Orange 12

Living in a society which champions autonomy, and a Jewish community with a vast range of relationships to halachah (Jewish law), many of us have experienced ways in which halachic observance can cause conflict. Are there times when we can we transgress halachah in order to avoid getting into a fight with someone?

Unmasking Esther

Sophie Duschinsky 

Red 4

We will use Esther’s dilemma in the Purim story about revealing her Jewish roots to explore why autistic people may feel pressure to 'mask'. Where does this pressure come from, and what are its costs? We will reflect on what Esther’s story can teach us about masking and unmasking, and how to live fuller and more authentic lives.

 Unmasking Esther.pdf

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