Limmud Festival 2024 - Presenters

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Presenters: I

Shirley Idelson

Shirley Idelson is a rabbi and and directs the Zelikow School of Jewish Nonprofit Management, a global virtual+ program training Jewish professional leaders. Author of We Shall Build Anew, she has devoted her career to building Jewish life in higher education and has taught at HUC-JIR, Brandeis University and Vassar College.

Sunday 16:15
Sunday 16:15 Seek to Drive Change in your Organization? Adaptive Leadership in Uncertain Times
Monday 18:35
Monday 18:35 Grief and Hope in Jewish Tradition
Tuesday 14:00
Tuesday 14:00 Considering a Career in Jewish Communal Leadership?
Tuesday 17:25
Tuesday 17:25 An American and a Brit Walk into a Hotel Lobby in LA....

Zachary Igielman

Zachary is an alumni of the Limmud Young Leadership Programme and was part of 2023's cohort.

Monday 23:00
Monday 23:00 Speed-Dating for 20-30

Magen Inon

Magen Inon is an Israeli-born London-based father of three, and an educator. Has worked to cultivate liberal values and leadership skills with students, military officers, young adults, and inmates. Since the murder of his parents in the Hamas attack on 7 October, he became a leading voice for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

Sunday 10:25
Sunday 10:25 Uniting through Stories
Sunday 12:50
Sunday 12:50 Panel discussion: the Israeli and diaspora peace camp
Sunday 18:35
Sunday 18:35 How does Israel Recover from October 7th?
Monday 12:50
Monday 12:50 In Conversation with an Israeli and a Palestinian Peace Activist
Monday 16:15
Monday 16:15 What Does it Mean to Support Israel in the Diaspora Today?

Judith Ish-Horowicz

Judith is co-founder of Apples and Honey Nightingale, the UK's first co-located nursery in a care home, and of AHN education & training, and is co-chair of GenerationAll. She believes in the transformative power of bringing generations together so we can, in Heschel’s words ‘live life in radical amazement’. Together we can make the world sparkle!

Saturday 20:15
Saturday 20:15 Healing and Hope: the Golden Thread that can Dispel Loneliness and Isolation

Senior Israeli Official

A senior Israeli official will have a conversation with a Jewish community leader. They will discuss a variety of issues, in particular Israel-Diaspora relations since October 7th.

Monday 12:50
Monday 12:50 Senior Israeli Official in conversation with Michael Wegier

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