Limmud Festival 2024 - Presenters

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Presenters: N

Alec Nacamuli

Alec Nacamuli was born in Alexandria which he left following the Suez crisis. He is active in preserving the Jewish religious and cultural heritage in Egypt, and chairs Sephardi Voices UK, an oral history charity recording the memories of Jews who left the Middle East, North Africa and Iran to settle in the UK. He is also a passionate film buff.

Monday 20:55
Monday 20:55 Rededicating the Eliahu Hanavi Synagogue in Alexandria
Tuesday 11:35
Tuesday 11:35 Film Noir or/ou Film Noir?– Cherchez la différence… et la femme

Daniel Needlestone

Daniel moved to Oslo from the UK 13 years ago where he lives with his family. He’s an active member of the Jewish community of Oslo. Daniel is a board member of the Zehud Online Jewish School, and works as a pedagogical adviser in an IT consultancy working with change management and user adoption.

Sunday 09:15
Sunday 09:15 Antisemitism in Norway since October 7th
Tuesday 19:45
Tuesday 19:45 I Didn't Know There Were Jews in Norway

Sarah-Beth Neville

Sarah-Beth Neville is training to be a rabbi for Masorti Judaism UK. Currently studying at Yeshivat Maharat in New York, she previously spent two years studying at the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem. In addition to her Torah studies, Sarah-Beth is an employment lawyer and enjoys facilitating Jewish learning and music events.

Saturday 14:00
Saturday 14:00 Hilchot Aveilut (The Jewish laws of mourning) – A paradigm for halachic creativity
Sunday 22:00
Sunday 22:00 Sacred song and prayer circle
Monday 09:15
Monday 09:15 “Do not hate your kinsfolk in your heart” – A halachic approach to disagreement

Danny Newman

Danny is the co-founder of Kavana: A Jewish Space for Psychedelic Preparation & Integration, and the founder and former CEO of HaMakom: A Jewish Path to Wellbeing Wisdom & Awakening. He works as a rabbi, executive coach & men’s work facilitator. Previously he worked as a corporate lawyer and in venture capital. He is a dad to Max & Zeph.

Monday 09:15
Monday 09:15 Psychedelic Preparation & Integration - Where can we find a Space for this in the Jewish Community?

Lindsey Newman

Lindsey Newman has over a decade of experience advancing racial justice in the Jewish community, and a passion for creating vibrant sustainable communities that centre belonging. Lindsey serves as the Director of Community Engagement for Be’chol Lashon, an organization advocating for the racial, ethnic & cultural diversity of the Jewish community.

Sunday 17:25
Sunday 17:25 Jews of Colour Affinity Space
Monday 18:35
Monday 18:35 The Torah of Love: An MLK Talmud

Rena Yehuda Newman

Rena Yehuda Newman (they/them) is a transgender illustrator, writer, editor, and educator celebrating Jewish diaspora in Brooklyn, NY. They are deeply passionate about Jewish communal memory, the power of independent art and storytelling, and queering the line between the personal and political.

Sunday 16:15
Sunday 16:15 "Unbound Judaism": Distilling Your Own System of Jewish Thought
Sunday 18:35
Sunday 18:35 Making Jewish Comix

Jacqueline Nicholls

Jacqueline is a London-based fine artist, visual poet & educator, using art to engage with traditional Jewish ideas in untraditional ways. Her drawing project, Draw Yomi, she drew the Talmud, following the Daf Yomi schedule. Jacqueline regularly teaches at LSJS, and is the Creative Director for Jewish Renaissance’s new artist development scheme.

Friday 21:10
Friday 21:10 Friendship or Death
Sunday 17:25
Sunday 17:25 For These I Weep: the Art of Crying
Monday 22:00
Monday 22:00 The Year in Scandal
Tuesday 23:00
Tuesday 23:00 The Rebbetzin’s Disco
Wednesday 10:25
Wednesday 10:25 Why is Judith a Chanukah Heroine?

Michael Nicholls

Born in Israel, Michael grew up in Didsbury. He spent his late teens on a kibbutz on Gilboa Heights and studied at Yeshivat HaKibbutz HaDati. He did full military service as a tankist. After Hebrew University he returned to UK and, nowadays, is busy with his family and teaching high school students how to communicate in Hebrew.

Monday 14:00
Monday 14:00 Is Psalm 104 a Copy of an Ancient Egyptian Prayer?
Monday 16:15
Monday 16:15 Cantonists: Czar Nikolai’s Jewish Boy Soldiers
Monday 23:00
Monday 23:00 In Which Alphabet Were the Ten Commandments Written?

The People's Democratic Republic of Not The Gala

An 'Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu'-free zone.

Tuesday 19:45
Tuesday 19:45 Not The Gala: The Next Generation

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