Limmud Festival 2024 - Presenters

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Presenters: Z

Raphael Zarum

Dean of London School of Jewish Studies where he holds the Rabbi Sacks Chair in Modern Jewish Thought, sponsored by the Zandan family. He holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics and rabbinic ordination from Montefiore Kollel. Author of award-winning new book “Questioning Belief: Torah & Tradition in an Age of Doubt”, he is also an international lecturer and creative teacher.

Friday 17:50
Friday 17:50 God, the Baker of humanity
Saturday 15:10
Saturday 15:10 Return to the Pit: Did Joseph Ever Forgive His Brothers?
Saturday 21:25
Saturday 21:25 How could God tell Abraham to Sacrifice his Son? Four Approaches to the Akeidah
Monday 11:35
Monday 11:35 Head Down: The Prayer that Saves Me Every Day
Tuesday 10:25
Tuesday 10:25 Protest and Punishment in Jewish and English Law
Tuesday 15:05
Tuesday 15:05 King David’s Retaliation: God, Gaza and the Ethics of Collective Punishment
Wednesday 10:25
Wednesday 10:25 Floating Palaces and Jewish Co-Dependency: Rabbi Sacks’s audacious assertion

Yehoshua (Shuki) Zehavi

Shuki Zehavi is a rabbi and passionate leader and educator. He has previously served at Conservative/Masorti pulpits in the US. At Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center, he now leads the synagogue community and teaches in the Conservative Yeshiva. He also designs and implements educational tours in Israel for diaspora day schools and communities.

Sunday 22:00
Sunday 22:00 Israel Ed. 3.0: Can We Have Solidarity Without Simplicity?
Monday 09:15
Monday 09:15 A Torah Response to the Climate Crisis
Tuesday 09:15
Tuesday 09:15 Religion vs. Spirituality: Were Our Ancestors Similarly Divided?
Tuesday 18:35
Tuesday 18:35 Praying on a Chariot of Fire
Wednesday 09:15
Wednesday 09:15 Nationalism, Universalism, and Piety in the Story(ies) of Chanukah

Ruvi Ziegler

Ruvi is a British-Israeli law professor at Reading where he chairs the LGBTQIA+ staff network. Senior Research Associate at Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre and the London’s Refugee Law Initiative and Chair, ‘New Europeans UK’. He specialises in refugee law, International Humanitarian Law, and the relations between citizenship and political rights.

Sunday 14:00
Sunday 14:00 ‘Refugees Welcome’? How to Stop the "Stop the Boats" Rhetoric
Sunday 19:45
Sunday 19:45 Queering asylum: a "double whammy"
Monday 17:25
Monday 17:25 What can the UK Government do to Promote a Long-term Political Resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?
Tuesday 16:15
Tuesday 16:15 LGBTQ+ Jewish Identities - Shifting Sands over Time and Space

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