08:00 | ||
Mellow Morning Mindfulness (1 of 4) | Lisa Barrett | Red 8 |
Birkayim ve'brachot (knees and blessings): Yoga Poses and Movements in Jewish Prayer | Tamar Rotstein | Blue 32 - Wellbeing hub |
Yoga for Beginners | Maxine Elias | Yellow 23 |
Prayers on the Run (1 of 2) | Billy Jonas | Hotel Lobby |
08:30 | ||
Singing For A Change (1 of 4) | Robin Samson | Orange 10 |
09:15 | ||
Counting Bodies - Gender and Minyan | Chaim Weiner | Red 9 |
14:00 | ||
Mexican-Jewish Lotería: A Cultural Bingo Experience (1 of 2) | Sharyn Bistre Dabbah | Red Bar/Lounge |
Israel - Birth of a Nation on film | David Cohen | Orange 13 |
Israel Processing Space | Adam Rossano | Blue 34 |
14:00 | ||
The Garden of Eden in the Modern World: Sexuality, Mortality, and the Meaning of Life | Aaron Koller | Red 9 |
16:15 | ||
Singing Chanukah Extravaganza!!! | Family Team | Red 8 |
18:35 | ||
How does Israel Recover from October 7th? | Einat Halevy Levin Rachel Dratch Magen Inon Chaim (Harvey) Hames | Red 1 |
Making Jewish Comix | Rena Yehuda Newman | Orange 10 |
Living the Shema | Billy Jonas | Orange 12 |
"Eretz" (Land) | Kaley Halperin | Orange 15 |
19:45 | ||
Surrogacy and Matrilineality in Halachah | Jamie Weisbach | Red 9 |
20:55 | ||
Kol Lev: Listening as a Revolutionary Practice | Leah Thorn Robin Samson | Red 4 |
"But it’s a swastika”: Media Spin and Political Football | Jocelin Weiss | Orange 13 |