Red 5
Come and learn what you can do to set the record straight! CAMERA is dedicated to promoting an accurate and balanced coverage of Israel in the media by challenging inaccurate and skewed characterisations of Israel that mislead news consumers and policymakers. This session will focus specifically on the work of our UK & Arabic departments.
Red 4
Join artist Julie Weitz for a presentation on her recent performance art project that reimagines a dybbuk exorcism for our times, as a movement-based score and site-specific ritual. Taking place at sites of Jewish commemoration in Poland, the performance brings audiences and performers into direct and embodied encounters with Jewish memory.
Red 7
Music can express emotions and experiences when words fail. This concert by the lead singer of Alma, a leading Israeli pop/folk music band, tries to convey this last year, using stories both mundane and heroic, alongside the evocative, powerful music of Alma, with lyrics from Torah & Jewish prayer. Join us to listen; to sing along; and to connect.
Tilla Crowne Deborah Kahn-Harris
Yellow 21
For Deborah's recent book, Polyamory and Reading the Book of Ruth, she worked with Tilla to create cover art that itself functions as commentary. Through art and dialogue, they will explore the complex nature of the characters' relationships, e.g. Naomi's shifting gender presentation and the selves that Ruth shows to different people in her life.
Yellow 24
What is Israel's national dish? Is it really mentioned in the Bible? Why did our neighbours from Lebanon sue us in The Hague over Hummus? And what are the absolute do's and don'ts of hummus? Gil Hovav, one of Israel's top food writers, makes hummus, reveals all its secrets and lets you taste!
Rose Prevezer Ayelet Libson Avi Dabush Toby Greene
Red 2
Panel discussion with other rabbinic figures on the concept of human rights from a Jewish perspective.
Red Bar/Lounge
There will be a number of single parents at Limmud this year, some by choice, some bereaved, some divorced/separated. It can be lonely and challenging but also enriching and illuminating. Come and share your experiences, negative and positive, and hear from others in a similar position in a relaxed, comfortable and safe space.
Orange 12
In this session I will present the core arguments of my forthcoming teshuvah on Surrogacy and matrilineal Jewish status in halachah. Those who attend the beit midrash session on this topic will come in better equipped to appreciate the material, but everyone is welcome.
Sybil Sheridan Phil Rosenberg David Mason John Mann
Red 3
Many Jews have felt abandoned, or worse, by figures on the left in this current moment. In searching for a political home, the temptation to ally with figures on the radical right has grown. Their pro-Israel sentiments cover racist and Islamophobic beliefs that pose a threat to us all. How do we respond to this?
Orange 15
What does “God” mean to you? How has that changed over the course of your life? How can music help us explore these big questions in our communities? And why do these questions matter? Through soulful, playful original songs rooted in sacred texts and personal story, we will sing, explore, and wrestle with g?d together.
Hotel Lobby
It's important to get your dose of Brummie fresh air at Limmud. Join us for a daily walk and natter!
Andrew Gilbert Preet Kaur Gill
Red 1
How many times in hospitals, by police, by school, by the council have you been asked about ethnicity and found no tick box? Preet Kaur Gill made this the matter of a bill in parliament. Join us for an update. Next reading in March!