Red 3
There is a clamour in Israel for accountability after the failures that led to 7 October 2023. 50 years ago, after the failures that led to 6 October 1973 (the Yom Kippur War), the Agranat Commission provided just that. What did the Commission find, and what lessons might there be for a 2020s version? Two-parter but each session stands alone
Orange 11
During any tension in the middle east, Antisemitic and Islamophobic incidents always increase. Come to this session to explore how the routes of these prejudices consistently mimic each other and how we can work together to counter these forms of hate.
Red 4
Prayer is meant to connect us to the divine, but synagogue services often fail to achieve this goal. A successful programme in Venice Beach pushed the boundaries of what prayer could look like and offers valuable lessons for all communities - traditional and experimental alike. Ministers and lay leaders will love this workshop in rethinking tefillah (prayer).
Orange 10
Freedom of religion and belief are the cornerstones of a free society - but what does it mean to be free? Join Nahamu for an interactive discussion on ideologically motivated harms and how much intervention, if any, we can expect from the state.
Red 5
Come learn about how the Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe supports Academic Jewish Studies in Europe. This session combines practical advice for applying for funding with reflections on the current state of Jewish Studies. Even if you are not currently a Jewish Studies scholar, come find out more and perhaps be inspired to join the field.
Red 2
Many people in our community with disabilities or age-related frailness find even making a cup of tea a challenge. Join Jewish Blind & Disabled as we take a look at ways people can live independently, safely and happily, with a few additions to their lives and have a go with some clever equipment.
Hannah Weisfeld Magen Inon Yachad UK Ibrahim Abu Ahmad
Orange 14
An open dialogue between Israeli peace activist Magen Inon, a Palestinian peace activist from Gaza and Ibrahim Abu Ahmad, a Palestinian citizen of Israel who is a peace activist, as they share their personal stories, experiences and visions for the future. They will discuss their work, the importance of grassroots activism, and how they navigate the emotional and political landscape of peacebuilding. Questions are welcome.
Yellow 24
Unlock the thrill of musical improvisation and join the Limmud House Band for an exciting and interactive session where you'll discover the joy of jamming. Whether you're a seasoned musician or a curious beginner, this workshop will help you explore the world of spontaneous musical creation. Come and unleash your inner rock star!
Red Bar/Lounge
Tucked between the birth of Noah and the flood narrative is a vignette about fallen giants impregnating human women. It's oft-dismissed as a vestigial pre-biblical myth. Yet, with midrashic rereading and a nudge from agro-economist Ester Boserup, we may find the dark precursor to the flood and a dire warning on male hegemony in the workforce.
Red 8
Does the emerging anti-Western coalition, led by China, Russia, and Iran, indicate the start of a new Cold War or a prelude to global conflict? Given the economic and demographic pressures they face, can Western societies deter future aggression? How strong are the parallels to the 1930s, and what can we learn from the last time deterrence failed?
Red 1
The Mixed Marriage. Why does a Babylonian man get angry with his Israeli wife? How do the rabbis define a good woman? And what are the Talmud’s rules for a happy marriage? Reading Nedarim 66b through the Talmud & Aesop, Peggy Parish & Jean Rhys, John Gray & Brené Brown.
Yellow 21
This session will look at the varying challenges facing University students in a post-Oct 7th world and will discuss how CAMERA on Campus actively works to support our students combat misinformation regarding Israel on their relative campuses in the UK, Israel, and the USA.
Orange 12
Dive into the power of cultural advocacy to build meaningful bridges between Jewish & non-Jewish communities. We'll learn to create impactful, engaging cultural events through group work & brainstorming activities that showcase Israel’s art, music, food, & tech, leaveing with practical tools & strategies to plan culturally driven advocacy events.
Orange 13
The Mei Hashiloach is known for his antinomianism (leading to a potential rejection of Halachic practice). How does this map on to his relationship to (home)land? We will explore his writing on "It is not in heaven" (Deut. 30:12), to understand how we might better read and practice Torah for times of displacement and our lives in diaspora.
Yellow 23
This past year I met regularly with some anti-Zionists who are also antisemitic. Come hear why and how we met, and what Mussar values we used to ensure respectful dialogue. Mussar ground rules helped us build trust and civil discourse. In this session, we’ll focus on the middah of Savlanut/Patience, which we needed a lot of in our conversations.
Senior Israeli Official Michael Wegier
Orange 15
A senior Israeli official will have a conversation with Michael Wegier. They will discuss a variety of issues, in particular Israel-Diaspora relations since October 7th.