Limmud Festival 2024

Limmud Festival 2024 – Monday 20:55

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Academia after the 7th October 2023

Chaim (Harvey) Hames 

Red 4

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, being the closest university to the Gaza envelope, was impacted greatly by the massacre and the ensuing war. I will talk about how our teaching and research has been affected, how we are helping the thousands of our students called up to military service, and the effect of BDS on the future of Israeli academia.

Billy Jonas, After Dark: Concert for Adult Audiences

Billy Jonas 

Orange 15

With found-sound “re-percussion,” guitar, piano, and voice, a Billy Jonas concert is a splendiferous exploration of life, love, and all things sacred.  Joyful, soulful, thoughtful, and fun — rhythm-rich songs with audience participation, as well as introspective ballads will take you on an expansive journey filled with wonder and heart.

Careful the Things You Say: Broadway's Great Jewish Lyricists

David Benkof 

Red 3

Many – well, most – Broadway lyricists have been Jewish: there's Irving Berlin, Stephen Schwartz, Fred Ebb, Mel Brooks, Howard Ashman, Lynn Ahrens, Jonathan Larson, Frank Loesser and more -- not to mention the giant Stephen Sondheim. We’ll look at the most clever, apt, and stirring lyrics from these talented artists’ best shows.

Challenging Israeli Policy as Jews: Experiences of Jewish Dissidents in a Time of Conflict

Benny Ross  Ali Coy 

Orange 10

Increasingly, Jews outside Israel feel the need to stand up against a ruthless, warlike government that ranks Bibi’s career far above the hostages’ lives. Is criticism of Israel a betrayal of our community, our history and Hitler’s victims? This session considers Jewish responses to the crisis of Israeli society and the conflicts we experience.

Choral Singing (1 of 2)

Jonathan Weissbart 

Red 5

There are many musical settings for the prayer Uv'nucho Yomar as we put away the Sefer Torah in the ark on Shabbat morning. In this session we will sing some popular choral settings and less well known ones too. Suitable for music readers. Bring your singing voice!

 Uv'nucho Yomar - Ben Wolf.pdf  Zilberts Ki Lekach tov SATB.pdf  Blumenthal Eits chayim hi.pdf  Uv'nucho Yomar - Lewandowski original.pdf  Lewandowski Uvnucho yomar SATB.pdf  Eitz Chayim - Naumbourg SATB.pdf

Economics, Migration and the Jews

Michael Ben-Gad 

Green 25 - Nursery

Migration - a theme of Jewish history from its earliest beginnings to the present - has become one of the most contentious political issues in the developed world. How does the experience of Jewish migration in the modern era provide economists with natural experiments that both inform and test their theories about immigration and its impact?

How Rich They Are: The Life of Israeli Poet Yehuda Amichai

David Finlay 

Orange 14

In this performance piece David Finlay tells the life story of Israel's much loved poet Yehuda Amichai through the words of Amichai's poems and songs specially written by David for this performance. Hear the rich tapestry of life in the new state of Israel unfold through Amichai's beautiful and often poignant words.

Judah and the Technicolour Dreamcoat: Did Andrew Lloyd Webber Miss the Point of the Story?

Adam Berlin 

Orange 12

In this session, we re-evaluate the familiar story of Joseph and his brothers – a story of dreams, betrayal, trauma and redemption. We will ask whether it is not Joseph, but rather his older half-brother Judah who is the real protagonist of the story. We will look at ancient, medieval and more modern sources. No prior knowledge is required.

 Limmud Dec 2024 Handouts.pdf

Listening for God in Torah and Creation: Seeking Inspiration for our Troubled Time

Jonathan Wittenberg 

Red 9

Jonathan talks about his recent book on the Torah year, inviting reflection and conversation on the inner life, healing, our relationship with nature, and finding strength and resilience.

Professional or Hobbyist Yappers Unite! Meet other Neurodivergent Limmudniks and Kvel To Your Heart's Content

Georgina Daniels  Gideon Sassoon 

Yellow 21

Meeting other neurodivergent people is sort of like bumping into a kid you went to school with whilst hunting for the last box of strawberry doughnuts at Kosher Kingdom. You admire each other's taste in sufganiyot, and revel or recoil at the shared experiences leading you to this exact point in time. (Warning: attendees may leave feeling seen)

Psychedelic Integration Circle

Zac Kamenetz 

Yellow 23

Come join Zac for a Jewish psychedelic integration circle. Ever had psychedelic experiences that felt spiritual? This integration circle will help you make sense of your experience through a Jewish lens, grounded in Jewish wisdom and practice.

Rededicating the Eliahu Hanavi Synagogue in Alexandria

Alec Nacamuli 

Red 2

Seven years ago, part of the roof of the main Alexandria synagogue collapsed. After restoration a group of 120 Jews from Egypt and their families returned to rededicate the synagogue and celebrate Shabbat. The presentation will retrace the history of Jews in modern Egypt, look at the remaining Jewish heritage and show highlights from this trip.

Scottish Ceilidh Dancing

Melanie Goldberg 

Red 1

Don your tartan and dancing shoes for some traditional Scottish ceilidh dancing. No prior experience is necessary!

The Four Pioneers: The First Female Orthodox Rabbis

Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz 

Orange 11

Before Orthodox institutions like Yeshivat Maharat started ordaining women, there were four remarkable women who received private ordination between 1994 and 2006. Sadly, their stories have largely been forgotten - but by coming and finding out about them you can help put them back in the historical record!

The Meneket Rivkah: Readings in the First Book of Torah Scholarship By a Jewish Woman

Leah Sarna 

Red 8

"Who has ever heard of or seen such a novelty; has it ever happened in countless years, that a woman has written something of her own accord?" wrote a printer in 1609 about Rabbanit Rebecca bat Meir and her book, the Meneket Rivkah. Join Leah Sarna for an exploration of what might be the first printed book authored by a Jewish woman.

 Meneket Rivkah Limmud UK.pdf

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