Limmud Festival 2024

Limmud Festival 2024 – Sunday 10:25

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Adam Ve’Adama [Human and Land]

Shirel Horovitz 

Red 8

How is the relationship between the people and the land expressed in Israeli art? What twists and turns did this relationship take? How do politics affect the visual world and vice versa. Explore the relationship between the people and the land of Israel as reflected through art from the beginning of the 20th century until today.

Are Jews Really a Special People?

Jonathan Bergwerk 

Red 3

What drives Jews to audaciously challenge the status quo and make groundbreaking advancements? Why do Jews from Moses to Einstein, Marx and Freud have so much impact on the world?

Beyond Foodbanks – Poverty in the UK and What We Can Do

Margaret Jacobi 

Orange 11

More than 3 million households in the UK do not have enough money for food. Why do people fall into poverty? How is the Jewish community responding? How can the teachings of Judaism and and work with other faiths and organisations such as the Trussell Trust inform a response that means people no longer have to rely on Foodbanks to survive.

Coffee and Conversations: A Limmud Barista Dialogue

Sharyn Bistre Dabbah 

Red Bar/Lounge

Welcome to the Limmud Café Lounge, where coffee and conversation blend seamlessly! Join us as we explore a menu of topics while enjoying a rich cup of coffee. Engage in lively discussions with fellow Limmudniks, sharing fresh ideas and insights. Come for the coffee, stay for the conversation, and leave with something new!

Finding Work You Love at Any Age

Penelope Toff 

Orange 13

Mid-career? Mid-life? Mid-frustration?! Stuck in a job you don't love? We spend a third of our lives working; Reb Nachman taught that joy is vital and Reb Susya that we all have unique potential. Come and take the first steps towards finding the work you were born to do, with the support of an experienced and innovative life and careers coach.

Harmony and Hope: Rabbi Sacks on the Spiritual Resonance of Contemporary Music

Rebecca Posner 

Orange 12

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks connected deeply with a variety of music. From Leonard Cohen to chassidic niggunim to Eminem (yes, you read that right), join me in listening to selected tracks and discovering how Rabbi Sacks could find the Jewish wisdom hidden in contemporary arts, and how ultimately, music transcends divides to harmonise a fractured world.

How to be a pro-Palestinian Zionist

Gary Ogin 

Yellow 21

An insightful session exploring the idea that supporting a Palestinian state aligns with Zionist principles. We'll delve into the historical and political contexts, challenge conventional views, and foster a thoughtful dialogue on coexistence and mutual recognition. Expect engaging discussions and new perspectives on this complex topic.

How to Solve the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict - Jerusalem & Security (1 of 4)

Josh Dubell  Ibrahim Abu Ahmad 

Orange 10

The importance of Jerusalem and Security for Israelis and Palestinians cannot be understated. What has been on the table during previous peace initiatives, what are the hot button issues and what are Israelis and Palestinians willing to compromise on in a future agreement.

Introduction to Ladino (1 of 3)

Martin Di Maggio 

Red 5

In this session participants will learn what Ladino is and what it isn't, then we will practice some basic introductions and vocabulary. We will use the Aki Yerushalayim script (based on Latin). Please bring a notepad and pens.

 ladino lesson 1.pdf

Leon’s Dream Worlds

Leon Fenster 

Red 4

Come and discover Leon’s mesmerizing art with an emphasis on Q&A. From depictions of cities to families to vast national experiences, each artwork is a world in itself, rooted in a love of visual story telling, of illuminating unseen corners and depicted through a uniquely jewish exilic lens.

Mobilise & Amplify: Campaigning through Social Media

Matty Fisher 

Red 2

When used strategically, social media can be a game-changer in raising awareness about issues facing Jews today. In this session, Matty Fisher, the project manager behind the viral "We’ve Had Enough" campaign, will share how he amplified Jewish student voices in the wake of campus antisemitism post October 7th, and how you can do the same.

Practical Mystics Sharing Circle

Shoshana Jedwab 

Yellow 24

Facilitated by Shoshana Jedwab of Beit Kohenet, share your uncanny lived experiences, personal mystical practices, dreams and questions in a safe and facilitated communal space. By sharing and listening to one another we reclaim ourselves as beings equipped to live embodied lives in the mystery and miracle like our ancestors. We will hold space well for your neshama’s true stories.

Shtetlers of Catan? Ethical Questions in Designing a Jewish-Themed Board Game

Max Bentovim 

Red 7

Why are there so few Jewish board games? A thought: designing a tabletop game entails distinct ethical questions. Using one amateur’s experience in a game design competition as an illustration, we’ll explore the challenges in making a fun board game around an honest depiction of the Pale of Settlement while avoiding quite a few traps and pitfalls.

Uniting through Stories

Magen Inon  Yachad UK 

Orange 14

In this session, an Israeli and a Palestinian share their personal stories, highlighting how storytelling can bridge divides, foster empathy, and promote peace. Through their dialogue, participants will explore the power of narratives in breaking down barriers and building understanding across conflict.

Kindness Confetti: Tiny Acts, Huge Impact

Rachelle Lazarus 

Blue 32 - Wellbeing hub

Join us for a session on how small acts of kindness can change us and the world. We’ll explore how simple gestures like a smile, or a kind word can brighten someone’s day and build a better world. Interactive activities will include writing notes to people and sharing personal stories of kindness. We’ll also discuss the science behind kindness, showing how it boosts mood and reduces stress. We’ll end with a call to action, encouraging everyone to incorporate kindness into their daily routines. Let’s make the world kinder, one small act at a time!

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