Limmud Festival 2024

Limmud Festival 2024 – Tuesday 09:15

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An Ongoing Gift of Jewish Creation

David Moss 

Red 2

My main artistic challenge is way too many ideas so, 14 years ago I began a subscription series for those who love my art. About three times a year they are surprised with original, signed numbered works in many styles & formats. Nearly 50 works have gone out. Come explore this wildly diverse Jewish download from my head, heart, hands to yours.

Between the Margins: Examining Complexities of Jewish Staff Belonging in English & Welsh Higher Education

Noah Katz 

Red 8

We all hear about Jewish students on campuses but what about Jewish staff? The Higher Education sector is in crisis. Do academics stop thinking by close of play? Antisemitism is at an all-time high. Do Jews Count? This session aims to answer some of these questions. Join Noah Katz as they present the findings of their MSc Dissertation.

Have Things Changed Forever?

Clive Lawton 

Orange 15

October 7th shook Israel to the core, and its aftermath gave rise to an explosion of antisemitism which seemed unlike anything since the end of the Second World War. Are we now in a 'new normal'? Is this so unprecedented? And, will we ever be able to relax and enjoy ourselves again? This session will be me striving for some perspective...

Human Innate Affiliation with Nature

Uzi Avner 

Red 5

Modern studies show the importance of nature to our physical and mental well-being. The presentation will connect nature phenomena with ancient sources, mainly of the Bible and Sages,  showing that our ancestors were much closer to nature, while our need for nature is much deeper than we are aware of.

Inside Out: Finding Our True Selves

Leo Dee 

Red 3

We all grow up with an inner voice inside us that tells us who we are. How can we focus on listening to that voice? How do we know whether we are living our best life or veering off-track?

Israel Café and Conversations

Batsheva Haber  Linoy Barokas  Rotem Perlberger 

Red Bar/Lounge

Join us for a cup of tea or coffee, snacks, and open dialogue about Israel related topics. In each session we will take a look at a different topic surrounding the Israel conversation in small discussion groups. Come share your thoughts, hear what others have to say, and engage with these important topics.

Jewish-Muslim Symbioses in Algeria and Their Limits

Eliaou Balouka 

Orange 10

The session will highlight the legacy of little-known histories of Judeo-Muslim symbiosis and minority diversity in Algeria. With an emphasis on the co-construction of religious customs and ideology (cult of the mourning, theorisation of mercifulness), the boundaries between them and the psychosocial effects of past interactions over the long term.

Nonviolent Communication – How to Transform Conflict One Empathic Word at a Time

Janine Shalev  Emma Buggy 

Blue 32 - Wellbeing hub

Nonviolent Communication (NVC), created by psychologist Marshall Rosenberg, is a conflict transformation tool for creating harmony in relationships whether between individuals, families, organisations or communities. Come and learn how NVC can support you to manage conflict in your life and hear about the ways we are using NVC to support those struggling with impact of, and since, October 7th 2023.

Opening the Doors of the Beit Midrash

Elliott Karstadt 

Orange 12

A famous episode from the Talmud tells the story of the conflict between Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Yehoshua. It ends with the doors of the Study House being thrown open and many new students allowed in. Come and explore why they were originally excluded, and what effect the opening of the doors had on the community.

Religion vs. Spirituality: Were Our Ancestors Similarly Divided?

Yehoshua (Shuki) Zehavi 

Orange 11

We often speak of needing to choose between religion and spirituality, religion embodying rules, rituals, and institutions and spirituality lying in the realm of personal expression and the heart. We will consider whether this dichotomy was expressed in the ancient Temple and hope to open space for a full and integrated experience of worship.

 Religion vs. Spirituality - Sources.pdf

The Campus Landscape: Students in Their Own Words

Dalia Blass  Zack Colton  Sami Berkoff  Jacob Goldwater 

Red 1

The past year has been intensely challenging for Jewish students. Yet it has also witnessed huge successes and vibrancy in Jewish student life. Join Jewish student leaders from UJS and other Jewish student organisations to hear about their experiences of the past year, unvarnished, and direct.

The Egla Arufa : What Communal Care Entails

Sofia Freudenstein 

Yellow 23

What does it mean to care in a communal context? Hopefully by studying the ritual of Egla Arufa - which was enacted when there was death with an unknown murderer - we can learn what it means to take communal responsibility for indirect harm we cause.

 The Egla Arufa _ What Communal Care Entails.pdf

The Haggadah As You’ve Never Seen It Before

Leon Fenster 

Red 4

Leon’s new Haggadah is unlike any other. Every page is a visual feast, bursting with colourful delights and details, for new discoveries to be made year after year. Come see why this preposterously named ‘Ultimate Haggadah’ will revolutionise Seder tables. If a suitable sponsor or publisher is found in time, it may be released for next Pesach.

West Bank Settler, Peacemaker, Comedian

Ben Greenfield 

Orange 14

A man who engaged in interfaith peace work with Hamas clerics, wore Tefillin to meetings with international dignitaries, and pledged to stay in the West Bank as a Palestinian citizen were a two-state solution to emerge, Rav Froman z’’l was a fascinating thinker and doer. We’ll study selections from his short anthology, “It Makes the Pious Laugh”.

What to Say When You Dont Know What to Say!

Carole Spiers 

Yellow 21

Join Carole Spiers for the ‘What to Say When You Don’t Know What to Say!’ energiser workshop. Enhance your communication skills, master active listening, and build empathy and trust. Learn how to start and end conversations, and what to say—or not say. This engaging session helps create understanding and harmony, both at home and work.


Minna Bromberg 

Red 7

A welcoming affinity space for folks who self-identify as fat. Let’s gather to talk about the challenges of living in an anti-fat society, explore some texts that embrace fatness, and see how, together, we might be able to tap into fat joy.

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