Orange 11
Bob Fosse’s extraordinary 1972 film version of Cabaret is filled with symbolic and thematic moments that are easy to miss but not hard to analyze. What does the Kit Kat Klub represent and how do you know? Who is "Mein Herr"? What do the names symbolize? And most importantly, who is Elsie? Lots to learn for longtime fans and newbies alike.
Red 9
In this session I will share the core arguments of my teshuvah from the Trans Halakhah Project on whether it is permissable for trans men to wear a binder in the mikveh. We will explore how halachah gives us a language to discuss subjective experiences of the body, and what trans approaches to halachah can look like.
Red 4
This talk will introduce a few of the (many) women composer-performers of the 18th and 19th centuries who were either regular guests in some of the leading Jewish salons, or were Jewish themselves and even led their own salons. One of them is the Viennese musician Maria Theresia Paradis, for whom 2024 marks the 200th anniversary of her death.
Clive Lawton Robin Makin Louise Ellman
Orange 15
The Heritage Season resumes on 29 and 30 December with Chanukah events with an education and learning theme including about the Lubavitcher Rebbe's brother, Brian Epstein and the making of the Beatles. In January there will be Trade & Occupations and in February 2025 Art & Culture. Find out more!
Orange 12
A sticking point in any negotiations in the past has been the status of refugees that were displaced and their descendants after the 1948 war. What are potential solutions for Palestinian refugees and how might this affect a full solution.
Orange 14
In the past year many of us were caught in many tough conversations with people we completely disagreed with. The Mussar middah/trait of Shticka (how we communicate) helped me through those conversations and make them civil. Come study this ancient Jewish genre of spiritual self development to learn when to speak and when to hold our tongues.
Batsheva Haber Linoy Barokas Rotem Perlberger
Blue 32 - Wellbeing hub
Q&A with the Israel Fellows from the Jewish Agency for Israel. Come and ask anything and everything Israel related! We don’t promise to have all the answers, but we promise to try and answer what we can!
Yellow 24
Join us for an informal and interactive session where you'll have the opportunity to meet and connect with Limmud’s House Band. The House Band is known for their ability to quickly adapt to a wide range of musical genres in order to support visiting musicians. If you’ve ever wanted to play on stage at Limmud, this is the place to be!
Red 3
Vision, strategy, planning....all these things seem essential for a well-run Jewish organisation. But what are the limits of their usefulness? In the midst of the current unsettled Jewish reality, can we find a value in 'doing Jewish' without a specific end in mind? In this session we will discuss the unexpected value of sometimes 'just doing it'.
Red 1
Limmud has been around since 1980 and it's easy to say that there's been a vast and positive impact on the British Jewish community. But how exactly has that happened? What's the secret to Limmud's success? Over the last year, Limmud has been developing our impact model. Come hear what we've learnt so far and what it means for the Limmud community.
Red 5
Talmud and Midrash contain a number of legends that seem to reinforce the power of the rabbis over everyone else. There is a popular trope that they are able to reduce people to piles of bones simply by looking at them! In this session we will study some of these legends and consider what we can learn of how the rabbis thought about themselves.
Red 8
The statements in chapter 5 of Pirkei Avot go by numbers, not names. Ten leads them off, an intriguing series that raises questions about God, creation and the world we live in.
Red Bar/Lounge
The Talmud tells stories of inquisitive students who want to learn from all aspects of their rabbi's life, even what take place behind closed doors. What do they tell us about the Torah, learning and the student-rabbi relationship? If you do not want to hear about the Rabbis’ behaviour in the bathroom and the bedroom, this session is not for you.
Hotel Lobby
Even in the depths of winter, nature is abound with wonderful and nutritional gifts for us. Join me for a wander around the grounds of the NEC, get some fresh air, forage some tasty snacks, and maybe even cook up something exciting. For the adventurous. We will be walking on uneven ground.
Ayala Gottlieb Alter Rivka Gottlieb Jonathan Wittenberg
Red 7
Shema Koleinu, hear our voices: we ask God to answer our prayers, but is that what we really expect and what might being answered feel like?
Red 2
In this session we will study the halachic implications of a new form of personalised medicine being developed where the patient will be able to choose its colour, shape and flavour. Starting with the Talmud, we will trace halachah through the centuries to explore whether or not a brachah will need to be made on this novel type of medicine.
Orange 10
The Railroad Stories of the humourist Sholem Aleichem were written at about the same time as Tevye the Dairyman (the central character of “Fiddler on the Roof”). In Russia at that time, the great majority of third-class rail travellers were Jewish. The stories they tell each other are almost always amusing, but sometimes quite shocking…
Yellow 21
The drive to share your thoughts and feelings with others has become more and more prevalent over the past decade. The panel will share key posts from their online writing and talk about the impact that personal disclosure has had on themselves and their readers. We will also get advice on how to start a blog, and any pitfalls to avoid.