Red 5
The first blessing of the Amidah prayer, which we say in every service, is called Avot, and talks about our connection to God through the prism of our ancestors. We'll look at the prayer in depth, using the wonderful commentary of the 12th-century Spanish Rabbi Abudraham to unlock the meanings and nuances of its words.
Yellow 24
After a chance encounter in Bali, Indonesia in 1990, I initiated a world-wide, ongoing project with folk artists from around the world to interpret the same six scenes from the book of Esther in their own vernacular style and as if the story had happened right in their own village. Come experience the Book of Esther as you've never dreamed.
Red 7
Malcolm has been flying to Israel since Ben Gurion was Lod Airport, and the plane was a Bristol Britannia. He will update on flights into Tel Aviv, from the UK, US and Europe, and also talk about London City Airport, which he was one of the founders
Green 25 - Nursery
The big news is that all the famous Sephardi poets – masters whose work you’ve heard in synagogue or around the shabbat table time and time again – all wrote homoerotic love poetry. Yet you’re less likely to hear these on Rosh Hashanah than their other work. Join Isaac to learn about this phenomenon and read some queer sexy poetry.
Ayala Gottlieb Alter Rivka Gottlieb Roni Tabick
Red 1
For so many of us, kaddish is bound up in loss and grief, but there are many different kinds of kaddish used throughout the year. Through music and text study, we’ll deepen our understanding of this critical Jewish prayer.
Blue 32 - Wellbeing hub
Come along to an interactive braid your own challah session. Dough will be provided so just turn up, have a chat to some other aspiring bakers, and maybe try out a new braid design! Please note this is limited to 20 people or parent/child groups. All ages welcome
Red 3
Recurrent episodes of plague tore through society with devastating social and economic consequences. The effects on Jews was particularly dreadful both as a result of the disease itself and because they became the unwitting victims of blame. Despite this, Jews played a pivotal role in understanding and combating the disease.
Orange 11
Many of us are used to Jewish prayer that is quite structured and restrained, far from the world of transformative spiritual experience. But is it possible that our liturgy has roots in ancient mystical practice? If so, what might that suggest about the experiential potential built into our liturgy?
Yellow 21
The Constitutional Court of South Africa turns 30 this year: it was tasked with fundamentally overhauling the entire legal system to respect every individual. This session will reflect on the period I spent as an Acting Judge, the role and challenges of this important institution, and what happened when a major hearing overran into Shabbat.
Red 2
Session that will go through the music of Louis Lewandowski and Solomon Sulzer and it's influence in today's music in the synagogue
Orange 10
Join us for a session on dog behaviour in Jewish households! Led by a vet and animal behaviour expert, this workshop covers common behaviour issues and ways to foster positive relationships with your dog. Learn enriching experiences, training tips, and how to keep your dog happy. Please note that no dogs will be present. Perfect for all dog lovers.
Red 9
Who doesn't love a good wedding? Yet the traditional ceremony perpetuates an androcentric culture that many find troubling. But must we throw out the baby with the bathwater? Let's explore the components of a Jewish wedding, what might be problematic, and how we can rethink this lifecycle in a way that honours both our tradition and our values.
Orange 12
Interested in fast fashion and climate crisis? Want to explore how issues of fashion and climate crisis impact us as Jewish women? Join fashion activist Leah Thorn as she screens her award-winning film featuring a Subversive Catwalk of up-cycled, message-adorned clothes from her ‘a:dress’ campaign. Exciting and engaging conversation guaranteed!
Red 4
Want to teach at Limmud next year but unsure how to create an attractive session? David Benkof has taught more than 80 sessions at more than 40 Limmuds worldwide in four languages. Bring rough but promising ideas to this hands-on, interactive workshop, which was part of the Presenter Boot Camp earlier this year. Absolutely no experience necessary.
Yellow 23
Bounce into fun at the Inflatable Room! Parents must stay to supervise their child while enjoying inflatable equipment. It’s a great way for families to have a safe and enjoyable experience together. Dive into high-energy, family-friendly excitement!