Red 9
Christmas may be a holiday that many of us don't celebrate but, for some people, it is still a time to get together with your family and friends. Join us for the age-old Jewish tradition of having a drink on Christmas Eve, listening to cheesy music, and playing board games at this Limmud Christmas Party!
Red Bar/Lounge
Not only are the Limmud House Band your musical guides throughout the festival, but they also have their own showcase performance. This is a special opportunity to see the members of the House Band step into the spotlight, so don't miss the chance to see their only annual show!
Red 1
Following on the workshop earlier in the week, we will be performing for your entertainment. If anyone would like to perform who wasn't able to attend the workshop, please get in touch with a brief description of your act. Consider this an adults only open mic work a camp flair!
Red 7
And you shall love your God with all your heart & soul, blues, funk, hip-hop, R&B, rock, indie disco, reggae, euro-pop... Standing still, or swaying, is not an option. The Rebbetzin's Disco obligates your body and soul. Because these are playlists for the sake of heaven.
Green 25 - Nursery
We will explore the phenomenon of the Yarchei Kallah, when during the months of Adar and Elul, the ordinary folk of Babylonia joined the rabbis of the Beit Midrash to discuss and learn Torah. What can we learn about this democratizing and unique pedagogical experience?
Orange 12
We all love the old, traditional, Jewish jokes, and nothing brings us together more than laughter. This is an opportunity for both the panel and the participants to share their favourites and discuss why they tickle our kosher funny bones. We’ll also hear some new Jewish jokes that are keeping that culturally specific format alive!