Limmud Festival 2019

Limmud Festival 2019 – Sunday 14:40

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Artists’ responses to the Dreyfus Affair

Irene Wise 

Blue 34

In 1894, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish artillery officer in the French army, was framed as a traitor, convicted of treason and sent to Devil’s Island. The case split the country as well as the artistic and intellectual communities. This session explores attitudes of artists and is illustrated with paintings, posters and cartoons of the day.

Building resilient communities: creativity, diversity and the power of listening

Daniel Neis 

Green 26

In this workshop we will share some of the tools we have been developing and using at Head Room Cafe to improve people’s mental health on both personal and communal levels. We will explore how you can develop these tools in your own community and get involved with Head Room Cafe.

Do our genes make us Jewish? Lessons from history and geography (1 of 3)

Alan Silman 

Red 4

From our earliest days wandering in Canaan, the Jewish people have surprisingly survived despite the challenges of historical events and migrations across the globe. What does this mean for our genetic make-up? If we evolved from Neanderthal man, how genetically different have we become from other groups? More importantly do these differences matter?

From Adam to AI: what does the Torah say about artificial intelligence?

Raphael Zarum 

Orange 10

They say superintelligence is upon us. Terminator, I Robot, Battlestar Galactica, Westworld, Humans and Blade Runner are fiction today but might come to life tomorrow. Are they right? And what does our age-old faith have to say about the synthetic minds of the future? We will discuss the ethics and antics of AI and what computers still can’t do…

Humorous stories of Chelm, ancient and modern, updated

Eddie Bass 

Red 6

Eddie's own shaggy dog style, some clever, comical, pathetic, poignant and idiotic. Some stories from the 'village of idiots' as legends, but many made up to present day modern Chelm, which is now a pleasant tourist centre. You are invited to complete a limerick "There was a young man from chell-em" Bring it with you!

Introduction to gematria

Ruti Roche 

Red 9 (Boulevard)

A fun introduction to the mathematics of Hebrew. Each Hebrew letter has a number value. Chanukah starts on 25 Caf Hey Kislev. They rested on the 25th. Come and found out more. No previous Hebrew knowledge required.

Israeli national security: a new approach

Daniel J Levy 

Red 2

British Jews love to discuss Israel and its security, but rarely in the levels of detail or sophistication this subject deserves. This session will explore doctrinal themes of how Israel approaches its national security, assess Israeli military history through these themes, and offer an appraisal of the current and future threats Israel is facing.

Knit and natter (1 of 4)

Melanie Kelly 

Purple 31 (Bar)

Limmud is a great place to learn and exercise your brain. It's also a great place to exercise your fingers and fine motor skills! Come and join us each afternoon for some creative yarn based arts. We'll knit together and chat about what we're enjoying at this year's festival. If you've never knitted before, come and try it out!

Let's go for an afternoon stroll (1 of 4)

_ Limmud Social Programming Team 

Hilton Lobby

Walking and talking, what a great combination! Join other participants for some fresh air and a walk around the grounds after lunch. This is a great way to meet new friends, too.

Limmud Book Club: Liar by Ayelet Gundar-Goshen (1 of 4)

Aviva Dautch  Shoshi Ish-Horowicz 

Green 25

This stand-alone session is a chance for book lovers to share insights. We will discuss our favourite extracts, characters and theories - for those who've already read the book and those who haven't but want to find out more. Today's choice is the latest novel by award winning Israeli novelist Ayelet Gundar-Goshen.

Mikveh 101

Nechama Goldman Barash  Debbie Young-Somers 

Red 5

A beginner's guide to mikveh and whether it might really be for you too! We will explore the textual basis for using mikveh across the community regardless of gender or sexuality. Bring your discomfort and/or excitement and learn about one of our most personalised and ancient rituals, and how the Mikveh Project might help bring meaningful mikveh to more.

Money or meaning? Making the most of your 80,000 hours

Helena Miller  Tamra Wright  Joanne Greenaway  Sam Fromson  Brett Wigdortz 

Orange 12

The average graduate will spend about 80,000 hours working. What factors did the presenters consider when choosing their career paths and how did they assess the trade-off between money (and perks and prestige) and meaning (making a difference and being fulfilled)? Should you choose meaning over money?

Not just "Fiddler" - Jews in musicals

Stuart Lewis 

Red 3

We all know that Jewish composers and lyricists have had a major impact on Broadway and West End musicals, but how have Jews been portrayed on the stage? In this session we will listen to some excerpts from shows with Jewish characters and themes and discuss how the image of the Jew has developed over the years.

Passport to Europe

_ European Union of Jewish Students 

Red 8

Around twenty Jewish students activists from across Europe, active with the European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS), will share the realities, challenges and aspirations of being a young Jews in their countries and communities and what a European Jewish identity means to them. Promise: no Brexit jokes!

A Jewish abuela takes on Masterchef Mexico

Reyna Roditi 

Orange 11

Reyna, better known as Gina, is a Sephardic Jewish granny with delicious seasoning, who decided to try her luck as a participant on Masterchef Mexico. Join her as she recounts her journey from a Jewish home kitchen to becoming a finalist on national television.

Singing for body and soul in later life

Thea Jacob 

Yellow 22

Explore practical ways informal singing can profoundly support people living with: dementias, breathing difficulties, speech, communication and coordination challenges, loneliness, depression and social isolation including within residential care, and how friends, family and their Jewish community can help.

 Singing for body and soul in later life - handout.pdf

The Arabic alphabet for Hebrew readers

Claire Hilton  Michael Hilton 

Red 7

An introduction to the shapes and sounds of the Arabic letters and vowels, showing the links with Hebrew.

 ArabicHeb2.pdf  ArabicHeb1.pdf

Wandering Jews: How young Jews are exploring their Judaism through travel

Mia Yellin 

Green 27

We put so much time and money into engaging young Jews through domestic infrastructure, but studies show that travel has a larger impact on identity than ever: 95% of students who study abroad report lasting effects on their worldview. The Jewish piece? 3 out of 4 Jewish students report a positive impact on their Jewish identity.

What is your brand essence? A workshop for nonprofit organisations

Karen Radkowsky 

Blue 33

This interactive session will help you uncover your organisation’s brand essence (or purpose). You will learn how to speak briefly, but passionately, about the important work your nonprofit does, in a way that engages and inspires others to take action – by signing up, volunteering, advocating and/or donating.

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