Limmud Festival 2019

Limmud Festival 2019 – Tuesday 21:45

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100% that bitch (yasher ko'ach)

Hannah Brady 

Red 2

If (like Lizzo) you've taken a DNA test recently, it's time to celebrate the amazing women in our Jewish family that have led the Hebrews to greatness. Come along to toast the kosher goddesses that bring their attitude to stage and shul, and prepare your juicy self to schlep some serious lady nachas.

Blood and vampires - the peshat of Dracula

Andrew Margolis 

Yellow 22

Vampires have become a media mainstay, but is bloodsucking an antisemitic trope? This session looks at past and present literary and media portrayals of vampires to see whether or not they reflect prevailing attitudes to Jews. And we’ll also discuss whether vampire theory is compatible with Jewish theology of blood. No experience required.

 Blood and vampires - the peshat of Dracula.pdf

Blume Lempel's 'Oedipus in Brooklyn': Yiddish short fiction after the Holocaust

Jan Schwarz 

Red 5

One of many great Yiddish writers after 1945, Blume Lempel addressed the loss of the world of Eastern European Jewry among its survivors in America. The session will explore a couple of Lempel’s short stories recently translated into English.

Camp Mazel: where every day you get lucky

Hayden Cohen 

Purple 31 (Bar)

Join repressed Brit Hayden Cohen as he travels to America to become a camp counsellor. A warm-hearted coming of age story full of romance, comedy, friendship and passive aggressive camp management. This is a rehearsed reading of his new show and novel. With some strong language and extracts unsuitable for children.

Confessions of a Jewish broadcaster - musings on Gere, Sharpton, Carlebach, Dershowitz and others

Zev Brenner 

Red 4

Special focus on contemporary Jewish issues including: sexual abuse, transgenders and Orthodoxy, chassidic group tensions, OTD Orthodox Jews leaving the fold, children of Nazis and former terrorist converts to Judaism, the disappearance of women’s faces from Ultra-Orthodox media and the wall between Jews for and against President Trump.

Creative starts, creative sparks - how to liberate your creativity and bring joy to the world (Session 2 - Mental Creativity) (2 of 3)

Marvin Shaw 

Turquoise 16

How do we begin on a new creative project? Creativity specialist and 6-time author Marvin Shaw shows us how - by explaining the secret of his creative process. Firstly he offers a special rendition of his novella 'Bed of Daisies' and reveals how it came to be written. Marvin then shows us how to conceive and plan a creative project of our very own!

Hearing God’s voice today

Jeremy Tabick 

Green 25

What do we mean when we read in the Torah, over and over: “God spoke”? How does God speak? Does God speak today like the Torah describes? How would we know? We will explore some models of what this might look like in the Bible and in our lives today.


Israeli Dance Party (2 of 3)

Maurice Stone  Aviva Schneider  Natalie Assa 

Red 1

Maurice heads the Israeli Dance Institute (IDI) and works for UJIA, the UK’s leading Israel charity. He has been teaching dance for many years at Limmud in the UK, Russia and Ukraine. Since Israeli dance is a fundamental educational tool promoting Jewish identity and a connection with Israel, let’s dance!

Jerusalem and Belfast: two divided cities yearning for peace

Ittay Flescher 

Orange 11

This session is about a trip Ittay led with 12 Israelis and Palestinians from Kids4Peace Jerusalem to Northern Ireland for a week of encounters with activists, former fighters, peace makers and bereaved parents. It will explore the similarities and differences between the Oslo Accords and the Good Friday Agreement.

Jewish living as the cultivation of a spiritual practice (3 of 3)

Yiscah Smith 

Red 3

This series explores excerpts from Rabbi Kalonymous Kalman Shapira, the Piaseczna Rebbe (d.1943). The Piaseczna’s inspiring & redemptive ideas address our inherent spiritual nature and how we awaken to the Divine presence within us. This session discusses cultivating behavior that helps our soul manifest herself: acting simply and wholeheartedly.

 Jewish Living as the Cultivation of a Spiritual Practice 3_3.pdf

Long winter nights: a creative exploration

Joe Hyman  David Hochhauser  Rachel Winton 

Blue 32

Join me and my fellow facilitators for a journey from the cerebral to the creative and make some art in response to some Jewish text. We will be exploring a text about the human response to things getting a bit darker (outside or in our own lives). No art experience is necessary and we will create a judgement-free zone.

Marie Kondo, non-linear innovation, and the hidden ten commandments of Jewish transformations

Dan Libenson 

Orange 10

Rabbi Irving (Yitz) Greenberg has asserted that we are living on the cusp of the Third Era of Judaism. First there was the Biblical Era, and then the Rabbinic Era. Are we really working on the Third Era, or is what we call “innovation” mostly an attempt to salvage Rabbinic Judaism. What would a truly radical process of Jewish innovation look like?

Maureen Nehedar in concert: asleep In the bosom of childhood

Maureen Nehedar 

Yellow 24

Following the success of her latest album, "Why do you stand afar", singer, poet and composer, Maureen Nehedar is now embarking on a festive concert tour throughout Israel and worldwide, with songs from her new album. Her concert will include songs from the albums "Asleep In the bosom of childhood" and "Gole Gandom", with more surprises.

Ontological loneliness - a psychological guide to faith

Jemma Silvert 

Red 6

‘Ontological loneliness’ is the term Rav Soloveitchik ascribes to the Torah’s second conception of man, Adam II. ‘Ontological security’ is what psychiatrist R.D. Laing describes as necessary for an intact sense of self. Here, we explore how Biblical & Talmudic personalities relate to existence, and what this says about faith & identity.

Space clearing and closing ritual

Rachel Rose Reid 

Green 26

If you have enjoyed your time at The Hearth, please come along to help us fold and pack away our drapes and cushions, whilst we sing and share together. When we are done, we will end with a simple end-of-Limmud ritual, to help us make an easy transition, back out into the World.

Stamford Hell

Charlie Lewin 

Green 27

Charlie is an ex-haredi visual artist and musician who escaped her arranged marriage and the stifling confines of a cult-like community. Join her as she tells her story of struggles and triumphs through her powerfully illustrated artwork.

Syrians and Israelis - but not at war: the refugee crisis

Molly Bernstein 

Blue 33

What happens when Israelis and Syrians finally have the chance to meet, cooperate, and create? Molly Bernstein, former IsraAID head of mission in Greece, will discuss her experiences working with her 'enemies' toward education and integration, building hope in the shadow of the refugee crisis.

Wandering Jews and changing labels: The fluidity of modern Jewish identification

Adam Overlander-Kaye  Raymond Simonson 

Orange 12

Many Jews live Jewish lives differently from their upbringing. But how and why does this occur? What happens when someone changes from being a proud orthodox Jew to a passionately progressive one? Join two friends and colleagues for an intimate conversation about the joys and challenges of navigating blurred lines of Jewish beliefs and practices.

"When Nobody is Acting With Human Decency, You Must" - spiritual lessons learned protecting Bedouin shepherds

Arik Ascherman 

Yellow 21

The Tanakh is filled with stories of our shepherd ancestors, including battles for pasture and water. Some things never change. Attempts by settlers and soldiers to deny Palestinian shepherds access to pasture lands can lead them to sell their flocks and suffer displacement. Arik will share spiritual lessons learned from protecting shepherds.

Writing your life story. You know you have to!

Sue Krisman 

Turquoise 20

Your life story isn’t about genealogy (though it won’t hurt if you’ve done some!). It’s about a passionate wish to hand on your stories and feelings - to tell about the way you lived and the way life was to people you love. The comedies, the tragedies, successes and the blibs. They will thank you a thousand times. Don’t leave it too late!

Teach to Lead - a career surgery

Joanne Greenaway  Brett Wigdortz 

Blue 34

Your chance to meet Brett Wigdortz, founder of Teach First and advisor to the new Jewish school based Teach to Lead programme. Come and discuss your first/next career steps.

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