Limmud Festival 2021

Limmud Festival 2021 – Tuesday 16:00

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British Muslim antisemitism

Wasiq Wasiq 

Room 14

What is the state of British Muslim antisemitism? Is there a line between anti-Zionism and antisemitism? What role do fundamentalist Islamist groups play in exacerbating antisemitism in Britain? What is the future in tackling antisemitism?

Navigating the jungle of opinions

Menachem Bombach 

Room 15

The charedi (ultra-orthodox) society is at a crossroads. How do we maintain our way of life in this modern world? There are currents and undercurrents battling with issues of morals and ethics. There is a great deal of conflict surrounding these issues. How can we navigate our way through a changing world?

The Jews of Roman Transdunabia

Zachary Esterson 

Room 11

Rome’s imperative to bolster its borders created a unique opportunity for near eastern Jews. These now Roman citizens that the philosemitic Severan dynasty invited to occupy Transdunabia, bearing loss of temple, with pagans and Christians, inspiring conflicting hopes and fears in all. What did these Jews think of themselves or their reward for service?

The Torah of Rabbi Sacks zt”l – renewal, wisdom and responsibility

Raphael Zarum 

Room 16

The loss of Rabbi Lord Sacks is immeasurable. His teachings have inspired a generation. But what were the core principles of his philosophy? This session is an attempt to highlight a number of key concerns that he addressed throughout his writings. Underlying them all is the question: what does it mean to be a faithful Jew in the 21st century?

The morning blessings

Jonathan Samuel 

Room 13

A guided meditation. Reasons to be grateful. Textual archaeology. The Berachot HaShachar (dawn blessings) are described in Talmud Berachot 60b. They are an opportunity for textual study of a personal spiritual exercise that anyone can follow, but also a fascinating insight into the costume, lifestyle and traditions of Jews in 3rd-century Babylon.

 Morning Blessings _ Berachot HaShachar _ Sefaria (c).pdf

The siddur as our guidebook for succeeding in Jewish education in the Covid-technological era

Ofek Meir 

Room 12

Do you face challenges in Jewish education? In Israel, for example, how can we teach 40 students in a 40-square-metre classroom for 40 minutes when knowledge is available everywhere? Due to Covid-19 and technological advances, we must find ways to adapt. This session with explore how our siddur contains the guidelines and values to navigate this change.


Jami UK 

Room 17

Join us to explore your creativity! Together we will write some collective poetry, using the zoom chat. Everyone is welcome, no writing/poetry experience needed and you can join in as much or as little as you like. Our emphasis is on expression, connection and having some fun.

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