Limmud Festival 2022

Limmud Festival 2022 – Sunday 17:10

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A spiritual response to an emotional struggle

Samuel Rosenberg 

Red 8

The role of the rabbi as a spiritual guide, helping his students and congregants in their mental and emotional struggles.

Acquire yourself another friend… (2 of 2)

Limmud Social Programming 

Main Bar

Fulfil this ancient wisdom from Ethics of the Fathers ‘and acquire for yourself a friend’. This teaches that a person should acquire a friend who will eat with them, drink with them and help them choose the best Limmud sessions. All are welcome.

Autistic Jews

Sarah McCulloch 

Yellow 21

Neurodiversity is a new strand being rapidly added to EDI and accessibility programmes everywhere, but what does this mean for our community? Sarah will talk briefly on her experiences of Jewish spaces and autistic inclusion as a justification for this talk title and then take questions on loving and supporting the autistic people in your life.

Ben Hecht: fighting words, moving pictures

Adina Hoffman 

Blue 34

Hoffman will discuss her acclaimed book about 'the greatest American screenwriter', Ben Hecht (1894-1964). Besides writing dozens of now-classic scripts, Hecht was known as reporter, playwright, novelist and all-around provocateur. This self-declared 'child of the century' came to embody much that defined America - especially Jewish America - in his time.

Hanukah candles as a paradigm of spiritual growth in the writings of Natan of Nemirov

Zvi Leshem 

Blue 33

Analyzing a text from 'Lekutei Halachot' of Natan of Nemirov (Rebbe Nahman of Breslov's main student), we will explore together how the nightly progression of the Hanukah candles leads us on an individual spiritual journey of introspection and spiritual growth. This will help us to illuminate Hanukah in a new and dazzling mystical light.

How they celebrated Yom tov, beat extreme cold and exchanged idiocies in Chelm

Eddie Bass 

Red 3

Hear some stories about Chelm, the 'village of idiots', in Eddie's own shaggy-dog style - some clever, comical, pathetic, poignant and idiotic. Some of the stories are legends, but many are made up to present-day Chelm, now a pleasant tourist centre. You are invited to complete the limerick, 'There was a young man from Chell-em' and bring it with you!

Israel at 75: In Weizmann's image – the birth of the Jewish state and its future hi-tech miracle (2 of 3)

Howard Epstein 

Red 4

Weizmann collects the Balfour Declaration, leads the British Government Palestine Commission and thirty years later extracts three essential diplomatic concessions from US President Harry Truman. Weizmann's emphasis on education leverages the birth of the Technion and leads to the Hebrew University and the eponymous Institute in Rechovot.

Maccabees and other Jewish super-heroes

Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik  Shawna Brynjegard-Bialik 

Red 5

How do you know if a comic book super-hero is Jewish? When December rolls around, they bring out a menorah or mention it at the Justice League Holiday Party. But there’s more to being a Jewish super-hero. Join us for an entertaining look at the stories of the Maccabees and Judith, and find out which super-heroes are lighting a hanukiyah this year.

Redemption in bondage - the struggles of women in pre-state Israel

Bat-Sheva Margalit Stern  Hagit Peer 

Red 2

How did 'bubba' (grandma) influence young women to join the Zionist movement, become 'chalutzot' (pioneers) and found a women's worker’ movement (today’s Naamat). How did they overcome their frustration at their exclusion from the majority of roles that were integral to the eventual founding of the State of Israel? We give you the women’s take on life in pre-state Israel.

Responding with kindness: a series of rabbinic case studies

David-Yehuda Stern 

Yellow 22

What role does kindness play in the day-to-day decision-making process of a progressive rabbi? Drawing on contemporary responsa literature (‘she’elot u-teshuvot’) in which people submit challenging ethical and legal questions to rabbis. We will discuss their responses and consider how kindness factored into their reply.

Solitude: a springboard for growth

Joe Dweck 

Red 1

Torah often emphasises the importance of our familial, social and communal lives. But there is also a tradition of solitude as a means of relating to ourselves, God and reality that is often understated. In this session we will explore how the benefits of solitude manifest in Jewish teaching and tradition.

The deck of Esther

Jacqueline Nicholls  Tilla Crowne 

Orange 11

Venice, the site of the world's oldest casino, is the starting point for this imaginative reinterpretation of the Book of Esther as a pack of playing cards. This exciting new project from Beit Venezia had the artists exploring the themes of gambling, reversal of fortunes and masked identities.

Visualizing Torah

Russel Neiss  Sara Wolkenfeld 

Orange 15

Sefaria has digitized over 300,000,000 words of Torah and created over 3,000,000 intertextual links across the Jewish canon. This has allowed us to build computer-generated visualizations that allow us to envision Jewish texts in new and exciting ways. In this workshop we’ll look at some of them and begin to construct some new ones together.

What's new in... modern Jewish history?

Ezra Margulies  Naomi Seidman  Michah Gottlieb 

Orange 12

A light-hearted conversation featuring two leading scholars of modern Jewish history, Naomi Seidman and Joshua Shanes. We will shed light on our favourite recent books and breakthroughs in the field, contemporary debates, and what makes the study of Jews in recent centuries so interesting!

Where is Anne Frank

UK Jewish Film Festival  Daniel Daniel  Irene Wise 

Orange 13

A screening of the new animated film, 'Where Is Anne Frank'. Israeli director Ari Folman brings Kitty to life for the first time, telling her own story. In search of her best friend Anne Frank, Kitty becomes a witness to the Frank family’s last months in the Holocaust, and to Europe after the Second World War.

Zionist youth movements and the Israel-Palestine conversation

Dalia Blass 

Orange 10

Join Yachad for a discussion with movement workers, tour leaders and madrichim/ot (youth leaders) from several different Zionist youth movements. We will be considering how each movement approaches conversations around Israel-Palestine and how/why these conversations might be changing. How, as Zionist movements, can we deliver programming on conflict resolution?

Jewish diplomacy and advocacy: advancing Jewish interests on the political world stage

WJC Diplomatic Corps 

Orange 14

The world is a complicated place, and adding the Jewish world to the mix makes the challenge more cumbersome. While advocating for Jewish rights on the larger stage, it is vital to have the communities in mind while doing good. In this talk, we will discuss promoting Jewish issues on the world stage.

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