Yellow 21
Vladimir Nabokov's Jewish wife, Véra Slonim, is used by scholars to illustrate his philosemitism. Comparing the grotesque 'Kievan Jewess' of Mary (1926) with the perfect half-Jewish Zina in 'The Gift' (1937), I explore Nabokov's representations of female Jewishness.
Jess Bricker Hannah Sharron Juliana Peña
Red 3
One in every 78 people in the world today is displaced. Each individual grapples with difficult questions and decisions surrounding belonging, identity and survival. This session will explore how their journeys are shaped by where they come from, where they seek safety and the vastly different challenges they face.
Yellow 22
I'll bring translations of Torah and Haftarah readings to share how to get inside the sense, tell the story and bring it to vivid life! Although this session is designed to help you read in synagogue, you'll gain transferable skills for any public reading. And I'll share my 7-point presentation guide - remember, 7 is a mystical number! For all ages from approximately 12 to 120!
Blue 34
In the Bible, God is described as both a 'man of war' and a 'comforting mother'. Does divine imagery always have a gender? Canaanite archaeology, rabbinic texts and gender theory will be explored to reveal what this implies about how we relate to God and each other.
Red 4
In this workshop, we'll take your pressing issue and break it down in the way a law maker needs to hear it to increase your chances of success. This great messaging tool will be useful for other persuasion opportunities as well.
Purple 31
How did Jewish cuisine survive inquisitions? The Sephardi chef, Sibel Pinto, will talk about the lives and recipes of Spain's secret Jews and will demonstrate 'Isabel Velez's Chard and Cheese Casserole'. The recipe is adopted from National Jewish Book Award Winner 'A Drizzle of Honey', written by David M Gitlitz and Linda Kay Davidson.
Red 2
Inaugurated in 1892 by Francis Cohen, the First World War saw 23, including three Australian, Jewish chaplains serving with British forces around the world. In the Second World War there were 56, including twelve from Palestine. Jewish chaplaincy continued through National Service to today. Jonathan Lewis' new book is the first full study of this topic.
Blue 33
An insight into the UK's SEN system. When parents are concerned about where a child should go, who should they turn to and what processes are in place? From doctors to lawyers, diagnosis to funding, we will cover what a parent should know about navigating a complicated system.
Sara Wolkenfeld Adam Rossano Marcia Plumb Denise Handlarski Yuval Linden Alex Israel Sybil Sheridan
Red 8
No single word truly captures the complexity of modern Jewish identity. Beyond the facade of 'orthodox', 'reform', 'religious', 'secular', what one really finds is a complex tapestry of affiliations, convictions and yearnings. Join our roundtable as we explore this multifaceted landscape, and the diverse channels by which people take their Judaism in their own hands.
Orange 15
In the Talmud, dragging the evil inclination to the study hall is the prescribed way to conquer sin. Where did this idea come from? We will explore its roots in Second Temple works such as the prayers of the Dead Sea Scrolls and wisdom literature of the Apocrypha, as we discuss how Torah became the prescription for the 'disease' of sin.
Orange 11
Dalia will be leading a discussion with past and present participants from the Yachad Youth and Student Trip to Israel and the West Bank. It will be a chance to hear young people's perspective on Israel and the occupation from those who have been there and witnessed what is happening on the ground.
Red 5
Liberal Judaism's Conference of Rabbis and Cantors allows members of a Liberal Jewish congregation, committed to having a Jewish home, to celebrate their marriage under a hupah. An emotive topic, we will create a safe space to find out more and consider this decision. What does 'equal Jewish marriage' mean in the Jewish community today?
Orange 14
Should Jewish knowledge be a prerequisite for community leadership? How can we set aside personal slights and focus on the public good? Together, we will read a fascinating tale of a rabbinic power struggle and understand its relevance to us as leaders today.
Bat-Sheva Margalit Stern Hagit Peer
Orange 10
This session is based on the award-winning book, 'The Revolutionary Ada Fishman Maimon: A Biography'. From suffrage to the founding of the Women’s Workers Movement and its elected council (Moetzet Hapoalot, today Naamat) to 'Ayanot - The Large Training Farm' for women, to the marriage law and other laws in the Knesset, Ada was involved, initiated and led the struggles for women’s equality and social justice.
Red 1
Last year during Hanukah, our community was disturbed by footage of an antisemitic attack on Oxford Street. This was followed by the BBC misreporting that 'anti-Muslim slurs' were heard from the victims. The subsequent report from Ofcom (the UK regulator for the communications services) has validated the communities' significant concerns. Join us to hear more about this legal process.