Limmud Festival 2023
Sunday 24 December 2023

The Tkhines Project: creating poetry and prayer rituals in response to trauma Sonti R Ramirez  Red 3
My poor, your poor: what is our obligation outside of the Jewish community Nechama Goldman Barash  Red 4
If you're going to be early, be very early: premature birth in Judaism Rebecca Posner  Red 8
'Prayerbook Hebrew the easy way' Ruti Roche  Orange 10
What do Jews in the Netherlands want? Initial findings of The Jewish Manifesto Tori Egherman  Red 1
How to worship your body? Anna Ciszewska (Betty Q)  Red 3
Participatory commemorations: co-creative design and traditional crafts in the service of memory Aleksandra Janus  Aleksander Schwarz  Red 5
Politics in everyday life Haggai Elkayam Shalem  Red 7 - Brightsmith
Drawing hands and portraits - connecting us to our history Michelle Charles  Red 8
Earthly bodies: what we share with our planet Yael Jaffe  Orange 10
Jews with tattoos: expressing Jewish identity through (consented) tattoos Marloes Schoonheim  Orange 11
The Gazelle Valley urban nature park - an environmental success story Amanda Lind  Orange 12
The Jewish year in poetry Marvin Shaw  Orange 13
What Yiddish can do for you! A feminist introduction to Yiddish culture Sarah Biskowitz  Orange 14
How does Limmud change the world? (1 of 2) Joe Hyman  Natalie Grazin  Red 1
Live Performance Pini Brown  Orange 15
Why you need to understand autism and neurodiversity Caroline Hearst  Red 3
The Turkish Jewish community, past and present Naftali Haleve Sason  Red 4
Diary of an IDF lone soldier Barry Radivan  Red 5
Jewish procrastinators welcome! Marcia Plumb  Red 7 - Brightsmith
m3Ditation: mindfulness in three dimensions Shawn Shafner  Orange 10
The settlements in the West Bank/Judea and Samaria: what do we need to know? Stephen Ogin  Orange 11
Unlock your inner storyteller Lynn Joffe  Orange 12
Mental health first aid taster Eli Rotenberg  Saul Gaunt  Blue 34
From boardroom to bimah: entrepreneurial lessons in rabbinic ethics Sam Fromson  Orange 14
All you ever wanted to know about perinatal mental health but were afraid to ask Louise Howard  Yellow 21
'Bloods of purity' - a reconsideration of meanings relative to menstruation and giving birth Elihu Gevirtz  Red 2
Beit Midrash: Talmud for all (1 of 3) Azara  Nechama Goldman Barash  Matthew Anisfeld  Laliv Clenman  Red 8
My Father’s Secrets UK Jewish Film Festival  Orange 13
Grand Designs: 21st century shuls on a shoestring Naomi Verber  Red 1
The political psychology of the 2023 protests in Israel Haggai Elkayam Shalem  Orange 15
That time I mistook the Canadian ambassador to the UAE as a cloakroom attendant...and other stories from my first year as a 20-something CEO Tal Arrowsmith  Red 3
'It is perfect, you are loved, all is clear, and I am holy...' Marc Frank  Red 4
One crazy idea Benjamin Gerber  Red 5
Agile coaching for community organising Daniel Susser  Red 7 - Brightsmith
Board/card games (1 of 3) Limmud Social Programming  Red Bar/Lounge
The stories of our belongings Merri Ukraincik  Orange 10
Sustainable tikkun olam: how we can help to reduce the social-environmental impact of transportation and industry. Felipe Burman  Orange 11
The current challenge of interpreting and memorialising the Holocaust in the UK Marcus Roberts  Orange 12
Her-Story: The untold lives of Judaism's seven prophetesses - Miriam Hadassah Fromson  Orange 14
Cruising for newcomers Malcolm Ginsberg  Yellow 21
Limmud fungus foray (Forest School for grown-ups) (1 of 2) Michael Green  Tilla Crowne  Hotel Lobby
Look to the future: meet the next generation of politicians in the community Sarah Sackman  David Pinto-Duschinsky  Red 1
The officer, the spy and the judge Adam Wagner  Orange 15
God's face hidden: in art and mysticism (1 of 3) Yael Roberts  Red 2
What's new in Jewish philosophy? (1 of 2) Michael Pollak  Red 3
I lived in a concentration camp (KL Warschau) Anna Ciszewska (Betty Q)  Red 4
Jewish love languages Neil Elton  Red 5
Funny for five at Festival! (1 of 2) Rachel Creeger  Red 7 - Brightsmith
Campus Israel update Daniel Marcus  Red 8
Embroidery extravaganza Jessica Baker  Red Bar/Lounge
Robot Rabbis and the Future of Judaism Harris Bor  Orange 10
The mental health impact of the war in Israel – what can we expect? Talya Greene  Orange 11
The making of a Second World War graphic novel Jonathan Sandler  Orange 12
What's in a thesis? A documentary of unspoken voices Chava Stone  Orange 13
How does the Jewish community engage the younger generation, and how should it? Nina Morris-Evans  Rosie Mercer  Nicole Jacobus  Orange 14
Nonviolent communication - how to transform conflict one compassionate word at a time Janine Shalev  Yellow 21
Is this the right place for a healthy argument? Robbie Gringras  Abi Dauber Sterne  Red 1
Is God still around? Clive Lawton  Orange 15
Embracing tangents: micro-lessons in the Jewish studies classroom Helen Ressler  Red 2
Autism, ADHD and the Wandering Jew Jenny Sandler  Red 4
Legal cases that made modern Britain Zeev Portner  Red 5
Why does that song make my chest hurt? and other questions. 2: The return Chlo Spinks  Red 7 - Brightsmith
Cryptic crosswords at Limmud Marion Kinshuck  Red Bar/Lounge
The next 3000 years: the case for Jewish futurism David Zvi Kalman  Orange 10
Kauft nicht bei Juden! Are boycotts targeting Israel antisemitic and should they be banned? Jonathan Turner  Orange 11
What can we learn from our Canaanite ancestors as we respond to climate change? Sam Greene  Orange 12
Pears Short Film Fund winners and short doc winners UK Jewish Film Festival  Orange 13
The third pillar? Forging a new European Jewish identity Mihails Beškins  Eva de Haan  Aleksandra Janus  Orange 14
Antisemitism in sport Benjamin Sweiry  Red 3
Afternoon Beit Midrash: Jesus in the Talmud (1 of 3) Azara  Michael Pollak  Red 8
Dreams and nightmares: past, present, future Jeffrey Newman  Yellow 21
Sexual abuse in the UK Jewish community: professional support, and stories of hope Sarah Bronzite  Erica Marks  Red 1
The climate crisis is real and you are completely unprepared... Sam Greene  Orange 15
Family therapy for Moses, Miriam and Aaron Alma Reisel  Red 2
Post-Holocaust literature: Spiegelman, Nabokov, Arendt and Sontag Anoushka Alexander-Rose  Red 4
I didn't know there were Jews in Norway Daniel Needlestone  Red 5
Imagining a Jewish 'Little Paris' Aimee Birnbaum  Red 7 - Brightsmith
How to mark Holocaust Memorial Day in a meaningful way Rachel Century  Orange 10
Baby loss, infertility and childlessness in our community – silent suffering Michelle Bauernfreund  Amy Braier  Orange 11
Human rights in a time of war Noa Sattath  Orange 12
Supporting autistic young people: why neuroception and regulation are the key concepts you need to know Holly Gibson  Natalie Grazin  Blu Cohen-Grazin  Blue 32 - Families Lounge
Unlock your creativity - mindful colouring and wellbeing tips Blue 34
Mission Hebron: Film screening and discussion Tal Sagi  Orange 13
Recreating Megilat B'ney Chashmonay - the missing Chanukah megillah Marc Michaels  Orange 14
First aid taster session Saul Gaunt  Eli Rotenberg  Yellow 24
Nature walk (2 of 5) Limmud Social Programming  Hotel Lobby
The daily argument (1 of 4) Robbie Gringras  Abi Dauber Sterne  Red 1
Blessed are You for not making me a gentile... slave... woman. Really? Raphael Zarum  Orange 15
Peace in the Holy Land - not what you thought (2 of 2) Yehuda Stolov  Red 2
Practical steps in protecting our climate Gabriel Rozenberg  Sharona Shnayder  Felipe Burman  Red 3
Modern (Jewish) family Tamas Buchler  Red 4
'Nobody lives here' - a lone boy's incredible survival in World War II Amsterdam Babette Lichtenstein  Red 5
The biblical and rabbinic origins of Nittel Nacht Gabriel Gendler Yom-Tov  Red 7 - Brightsmith
Our cheder didn’t prepare us for the Israel-Hamas war Dalia Blass  Red 8
Knit and knatter (1 of 3) Limmud Social Programming  Melanie Kelly  Red Bar/Lounge
R-rated Torah - things we don't talk about in shul Rona Matlow  Orange 10
Jewish music in the world of American cinema Mordechai (Motti) Friedman  Orange 11
Safe haven: how the UK offered refuge to Nazi collaborators and denied justice to their victims Jon Silverman  Orange 12
Video presentation of the early traditional songs of Israel David Cohen  Orange 13
On being a female Jewish education entrepreneur Tal Bassali  Orange 14
Torah on one foot Miriam-Simma Walfish  Yellow 21
Rikud chadash Slavyan Kanovski  Yellow 24
Women of worth: Shakespeare’s 'Dark Lady' (1 of 3) Aviva Dautch  Red 1
Rabbinic panel on grief, trauma and loss in our time Marcia Plumb  Noa Sattath  Orange 15
The art of strategic problem-solving Sharon Jason  Red 2
I (over) think, therefore I suffer Danielle Landau  Red 3
Who is an autist? Diagnosis vs. identity Sarah McCulloch  Red 4
Converting for marriage? (1 of 2) Beth Levy  Red 5
To believe or not to believe? Nothing Can Come From Nothing (2 of 2) Hannah Hutchinson  Red 7 - Brightsmith
Learn how to help refugees through laptop refurbishment Moses Seitler  Red 8
Having kinder conversations: A KeshetUK mini-session for parents, carers and family members of Jewish LGBT+ people Dalia Fleming  Alex Foley  Orange 10
Fate and Destiny - Soloveitchik's surprising, radical and surprisingly-radical response to the Shoah and the State of Israel (2 of 2) Robin Moss  Orange 11
Maimonides and the Messiah Benjamin Gampel  Orange 12
Family Lounge Play Time Limmud Families Programming  Blue 32 - Families Lounge
How to... revive your shul's youngest children's service Madeleine Fresko-Brown  Green 27
There's no such thing as a documentary Gary Ogin  Orange 13
Is Judaism ‘Britannica’ or ‘Wikipedia’? Daniel Goldfarb  Orange 14
A modern-day Bayeux tapestry about MAGA-fuelled politics Leon Fenster  Yellow 21
First aid taster session Eli Rotenberg  Saul Gaunt  Yellow 24
Humanity, war and the climate crisis Sharona Shnayder  Sarah Sackman  Red 1
The war in Israel: trauma, relationships and Jewish practice Scott Kahn  Talli Rosenbaum  Nechama Goldman Barash  Orange 15
Female administrators of the Third Reich Rachel Century  Red 2
The life, times and people of the Bedford Jewish community Marcus Roberts  Red 3
Can anyone predict anything? Jake Welford  Red 4
Kabbalah for rationalists - how to appreciate Jewish mysticism when you're not a mystic Ilan Emanuel  Red 5
Queer midrash watercolor workshop Lara Haft Yom-Tov  Red 7 - Brightsmith
The Torah of vegan sofrut (scribal calligraphy) Allison Barclay  Red 8
Israel in the world after the war Toby Greene  Orange 10
Hasdai Crescas, Royal Courtier: towards a history of Jews and power Benjamin Gampel  Orange 11
Deviant davenners Matthew Anisfeld  Orange 12
Family Story Time Limmud Families Programming  Blue 32 - Families Lounge
Let's make Joseph's coat Nic Abery  Green 27
Building a Jewish movement supporting refugees and fighting racism David Mason  Orange 13
Midrash theatre: Torah on two feet Shawn Shafner  Orange 14
Dance is food for the soul! Maurice Stone  Yellow 21
Families Softplay Exclusive Use Limmud Families Programming  Yellow 23
Limmud's got talent! Heat 1: Musical talent and dance Limmud Social Programming  Yellow 24
Representing extremists, a useful idiot? (1 of 2) Michael Wolkind  Red 2
Evening Beit Midrash: Crossing the line: marriage and transgression Azara  Red 8
The Devil’s Confession: the lost Eichmann tapes UK Jewish Film Festival  Orange 13
Forgotten heroes: Chaim Weizman, first President of Israel (1 of 3) Howard Epstein  Red 3
German refugee rabbis and the Progressive movements Steve Miller  Red 4
Pointless! (It SO isn't) Paul Freedman  Red 5
Inspiring Jewish songs of prayer (1 of 2) Alan Byers  Red 7 - Brightsmith
Networking for Limmud global volunteers (2 of 2) Carolyn Bogush  Clive Lawton  Uri Berkowitz  Red Bar/Lounge
How in Chelm? Yom Tovim, beating extreme cold and exchanging idiocies Eddie Bass  Orange 10
Antisemitism in literature Lynn Joffe  Orange 11
Mantua 1550 - the world's first play in Hebrew Mike Levy  Orange 12
European Jews 3.0: envisioning the future through young voices Tamas Buchler  Noah Fulton Beale  Orange 14
From trash to change Sharona Shnayder  Yellow 21
Would you like a cuppa? Sophie Levy  Yellow 24
Psychedelic Moods Nathan Finkel  Orange 15
How to do deliberative engagement Michelle Kay  Red 3
Discussing Israel: beyond dispute and controversy Batsheva Haber  Red 4
But I'm alright now Eden Ottman  Red 7 - Brightsmith
Drink and Draw Anya Shire-Plumb  Ali Simmons  Red Bar/Lounge
Close shaves with Shabbat and Kashrut Jeremy Rose  Orange 10
Jewish and queer? The intertwining of religious and sexual identities in ‘Call Me by Your Name’ David Bilchitz  Orange 11
The difference between a cinema and a shul, and why it's crucial to community success Ben Vos  Orange 12
'Patrilineal' descent (2 of 3) Joan Friedman  Orange 14
Jewish Stock Exchange Amos Schonfield  Yellow 21
Scottish Ceilidh dancing Melanie Goldberg  Yellow 24
Assassins Limmud Social Programming  Red 1
Ma-S-Ka Duo Evening of Songs Marika Guralik  Jekaterina Erlich-Koren  Orange 15
Climate technology quiz David Waimann  Red 2
How to curse a witch: a practical guide Richard Verber  Red 3
Her-Story: The untold lives of Judaism's seven prophetesses - Chana Hadassah Fromson  Red 4
The Jewish Autonomous Oblast: Zionism or chaos? Daniel Grabinar  Red 5
'Rachel Creeger: Ultimate Jewish Mother' - greatest hits plus brand new bits! Rachel Creeger  Red 7 - Brightsmith
It’s not just you: A peer support circle for parents of autistic/ADHD children Holly Gibson  Natalie Grazin  Blu Cohen-Grazin  Red 8
Wine? For me, I prefer beer! Sarah Marcus  Orange 10
How ethical start-ups are practicing tikkun olam Jake Welford  Orange 11
Harold and Maude (1971): the most surprising Holocaust film ever made Rich Brownstein  Orange 13
Pop goes the Flood: how Noah inspired Bruce Springsteen, Peter Gabriel, Sting and The Divine Comedy Raphael Zarum  Orange 14
LGBT+ social space Dalia Fleming  Gabi Parkham  Yellow 21
Modern jive dancing (1 of 2) Jonathan Hunter  Yellow 24
Sacrae: singing 'a cappella' Christian settings of Jewish texts (1 of 2) Sarah Bronzite  Red 1
Speed dating (for 22-35 year olds) Limmud Social Programming  Red 2
The Philip Guston exhibition at Tate Modern Irene Wise  Red 3
"Is Anybody Home?" Michael Hattin  Red 4
Psychedelics and Jewish spiritual practice Madison Margolin  Red 5
I have invited Corbyn to Limmud Gary Sinyor  Adam Wagner  Orange 10
Israeli art as a window to Israeli collective memory and new reality Shirel Horovitz  Orange 11
Ask us anything: Q&A with Intimate Judaism hosts Talli Rosenbaum and Scott Kahn Talli Rosenbaum  Scott Kahn  Orange 12
Israeli dance party (1 of 2) Slavyan Kanovski  Yellow 24
Fantasma Erez Safar  Red 7 - Brightsmith