Limmud Festival 2023
Monday 25 December 2023

Was my chemistry A Level a mitzvah? Dania Mann-Wineberg  Red 2
How to build a Jew Eitan Richards  Red 4
Morning dance party Adam Rossano  Red 7 - Brightsmith
God's face hidden: Into the empty palace (2 of 3) Yael Roberts  Orange 13
Vayarotz vayomer: 'He ran and he talked' or 'Run and chat' (2 of 3) Abigail Morris  Hotel Lobby
Making sense of the Book of Genesis: In the beginning (1 of 3) David Berkley  Red 1
Lilith and the Bible Shai Cherry  Red 2
Torah tales Marc Michaels  Allison Barclay  Red 3
Healing our planet: seasons of the soul Michael Hattin  Red 4
The evolving four tribes of Israel Elhanan Miller  Red 5
Robotics - workforce, home help, productive growth and much more... Jake Welford  Red 7 - Brightsmith
…A merry Xmas? Text study Edina Weber  Orange 10
Jewish living online Anna Silver  Orange 11
What is a Jewish film? Have we lost our minds? Rich Brownstein  Orange 12
Mothers in space Merri Ukraincik  Blue 32 - Families Lounge
Music, mood manipulation, nusach Robert Brody  Orange 13
What is an eiruv? How do you build one? Warren Sher  Orange 14
Brothers, daughters, sinners, a wife and a goat Steve Miller  Yellow 21
Five-a-side football (1 of 2) Limmud Social Programming  Yellow 24
Mussar on faith: what is it and how do I get some? (1 of 2) Marcia Plumb  Red 7 - Brightsmith
'My Father My Lord' - Hofshat Kaits (2007) Rich Brownstein  Orange 13
Beit Midrash: Talmud for all (2 of 3) Nechama Goldman Barash  Matthew Anisfeld  Azara  Laliv Clenman  Purple 31
Shaping the future: challenges and visions for European Jewish communities Tal Bassali  Marika Guralik  Tori Egherman  Orange 15
Israeli art in 2023 - before and after October 7th Shirel Horovitz  Red 2
An introduction to trans inclusion Dalia Fleming  Alex Foley  Red 3
'How Rich They Are': the life story of Yehuda Amichai David Finlay  Red 4
Celebrity soundbites - life in broadcasting Simone Halfin  Red 5
The Jews, London docks, plus City Airport Malcolm Ginsberg  Red 8
The 6th megillah: Israel’s Megillat Haatzmaut? Elliot Glassenberg  Orange 10
No comparisons: the power of multi-model thinking Haggai Elkayam Shalem  Orange 11
Five Torah intros, one rabbi David Mason  Orange 12
The God quest: rethinking Jewish belief Raphael Zarum  Orange 14
Niddah salon Miriam-Simma Walfish  Yellow 21
The Torah of leaves Sydney Switzer  Hotel Lobby
Identity vs knowledge: a no-holds barred debate about Jewish education Robbie Gringras  Abi Dauber Sterne  Helena Miller  Raphael Zarum  Tal Bassali  Joanne Greenaway  Orange 15
150 years of Liverpool Old Hebrew Congregation Robin Makin  Louise Ellman  Red 2
The Jews who made the toys that made us Maurice Olsberg  Red 3
While Mosley marched, the Board issued pamphlets: a novel set in a morbid age Ben Vos  Red 4
Salonica: the rise and fall of a Jewish city Hilary Pomeroy  Red 5
What’s wrong with ESG? Michie Yana-Berger  Red 8
From 'The Jewish State' to the State of Israel Mordechai (Motti) Friedman  Orange 10
On Tu B'Shvat, the four worlds and fruit-frugivore co-evolution William Kunin  Orange 11
From Anger to Activism - the story of 5050, A Partnership for Gender Equality. Yael Yechieli  Orange 12
Jewish, progressive and Zionist on campus? Let's talk! Joan Friedman  Orange 14
Digital's rise and future Jake Welford  Yellow 21
Consent and coercion: understanding the approach of Jewish law towards non-consensual sex Scott Kahn  Talli Rosenbaum  Red 1
Ukraine: an eyewitness report Vadim Blumin  Orange 15
Past is Present: Stephen S. Wise, the Jewish Institute of Religion, and the Reinvention of Liberal Judaism Shirley Idelson  Red 2
Women of worth: the ‘real’ Yentl? (2 of 3) Aviva Dautch  Red 3
Kindertransport - the unsung heroes Mike Levy  Red 4
What’s that on your head? Yael Jaffe  Red 5
Dickens in a twist Vanessa Freedman  Red 7 - Brightsmith
Skills session - how to create and deliver a Dvar Torah Steve Miller  Red 8
Dobble kef Nicole Jacobus  Nina Morris-Evans  Rosie Mercer  Red Bar/Lounge
Divorcing in the 1st century, and the 21st Ben Crowne  Orange 10
LGBT+ and Jewish? Discussing what an inclusive Jewish community looks like for you Dalia Fleming  Alex Foley  Orange 11
What we can and should learn from the Charedi community (2 of 3) Asher Lovy  Orange 12
Is there hope? Can Jewish and Muslim women work toward peace? Emma Weleminsky  Orange 13
Achieving environmental sustainability Dennis Snower  Orange 14
Two racisms are better than one: tackling anti-Muslim hate and antisemitism in mainstream schools Jodie Franks  Yellow 21
Limmud life drawing Ali Simmons  Anya Shire-Plumb  Red 8
Gender is non-binary and always has been Rona Matlow  Orange 11
Sports day tournament Limmud Social Programming  Green 25
The greatest Holocaust film ever made: The Grey Zone Rich Brownstein  Orange 13
Halachah: law, lore or bore? Shai Cherry  Joan Friedman  Sandra Lawson  Matthew Anisfeld  Orange 14
Afternoon Beit Midrash: is there anyone to whom we shouldn’t be teaching Torah? (2 of 3) Samuel Millunchick  Azara  Purple 31
Terrorism! Resistance! Colonialism! Nazis! How words shape our understanding of conflict Alma Reisel  Toby Greene  Red 1
The textless Torah - using creativity to de-link study from text: A PechaKucha presentation and panel Eli Kaplan-Wildmann  Jacqueline Nicholls  Aviva Dautch  David Zvi Kalman  Orange 15
We visited Hebron and the Gaza border three months ago: reflections on our Israel-Palestine trip Dalia Blass  Tal Sagi  Red 2
Quishua and the question of a Jewish seed? Shani Mink  Red 3
“I am for my beloved”: the challenges and solutions to maintaining sexual exclusivity Talli Rosenbaum  Red 4
Dear diary David Finlay  Red 5
Severe depression and the Jewish experience Tony Frais  Red 7 - Brightsmith
Board/card games (2 of 3) Limmud Social Programming  Red Bar/Lounge
From India to Ukraine: a sensory exploration of global Jewish cultures Emma Weleminsky  Arielle Sokoloff  Mikael Stein  Allison Cohen  Orange 10
Israel, Gaza and the Law Adam Wagner  Jonathan Turner  Ruvi Ziegler  Joanne Greenaway  Orange 12
Accessible chair yoga Gabi Parkham  Blue 34
Escape from 1942 Paris! An interactive dramatic talk Helen Frais  Yellow 21
Nature walk (3 of 5) Limmud Social Programming  Hotel Lobby
Left antisemitism - from Labour under Jeremy Corbyn to Gaza Louise Ellman  Red 1
What is the future of Holocaust education Helen Stone  Michael Pollak  Rachel Century  Orange 15
A tale of two tribes: is Jewish unity in Israel achievable? Michael Rainsbury  Red 2
Off the grid: how to reclaim your world Michael Hattin  Red 3
War and Gender - The Current War Seen Through a Gender Lens Yael Yechieli  Red 4
What your child wishes you knew about autism (also for friends, siblings or autistic individuals) Ariella Boyd  Red 5
What starting a Jewish Festival Book Club taught me about Jewish festivals and book clubs Yoni Stone  Red 7 - Brightsmith
Titanic and other ice breakers Oli Davidson  Red Bar/Lounge
How the potty trained us Shawn Shafner  Orange 10
A shtetl called Tel Aviv Samuel Rosenberg  Orange 12
Zine and mask making Blue 34
The problem of evil and the cost of the solution Ben Fromson  Yellow 21
The daily argument (2 of 4) Robbie Gringras  Abi Dauber Sterne  Red 1
Violence amidst the silence: Darfur in 2023 Abdelmonim Haroon  Orange 15
Jewish agricultural time Shani Mink  Red 2
Try teaching about havdala in Helsinki! Nic Abery  Red 3
Ecological dilemmas and tough choices of green energy Elihu Gevirtz  Red 4
The principles of disaster response and how do we apply them? Talya Greene  Red 5
A snapshot inside the Jewish psychedelic world Madison Margolin  Red 7 - Brightsmith
Ritual transcendence (baseless love) Erez Safar  Red 8
Knit and knatter (2 of 3) Melanie Kelly  Limmud Social Programming  Red Bar/Lounge
Reflections from the Ben Azzai Programme. The Ben Azzai Participants  Orange 10
Will not the Judge of all the earth do right? - Israel in the International Court of Justice Jonathan Turner  Orange 11
LGBTQ+ inclusion in Jewish communities (round-table discussion and sharing experience) Edina Weber  Orange 12
Seed of Doubt (short film + Q&A) Daniel Daniel  UK Jewish Film Festival  Orange 13
From Anatevka to Zelensky: the Jews of Ukraine, past and present Natan Meir  Orange 14
Seize the day! How to become the poetic hero of your own life story Marvin Shaw  Yellow 21
Halachah hotseat: you be the judge in real family dilemmas Sam Fromson  Red 1
How we fought in the Gaza Strip Tal Sagi  Orange 15
The judicial coup in Israel Ruvi Ziegler  Red 2
War in Jewish art and philosophy Samuel Isaac  Red 3
Transforming mind and spirit: integrating Jewish wisdom for mental wellbeing (1 of 2) Samuel Rosenberg  Red 4
Sex within marriage: what is allowed and what isn’t Scott Kahn  Red 5
Generational trauma in Bereshit Rona Matlow  Red 8
The power of the pen Ilana Conway  Red Bar/Lounge
Judaism and American politics Ilan Emanuel  Orange 10
'Prophecy never fails': what can the development of Chabad teach us about QAnon? David Hochhauser  Orange 11
The cholera wedding: East European Jews’ magical ritual to end an epidemic Natan Meir  Orange 12
Family Lounge Play Time Limmud Families Programming  Blue 32 - Families Lounge
The Tale of Stingray Charles Lynn Joffe  Green 27
Q&A with God - Philosophy for Families Limmud Families Programming  Green 28
Moses, Midrash and the movies Miriam Lorie  Orange 13
Jesus was a magic mushroom Michael Green  Orange 14
We wish you a merry Christmas Beth Levy  Purple 31
Acceptance and flexibility: re-engaging with mourning rules and rituals Joanne Greenaway  Yellow 21
Families Softplay Exclusive Use Limmud Families Programming  Yellow 23
Sacrae: singing 'a cappella' Christian settings of Jewish texts (2 of 2) Sarah Bronzite  Yellow 24
Stories of war and peace Robbie Gringras  Red 1
Do Jews have a future in the UK? Sarah Sackman  Michael Wegier  David Mason  Orange 15
Gender identity, political teaching and sex education: challenges facing our schools Dan Squires  Red 2
Human tragedy: God’s direct action or just bad luck? Tony Frais  Red 3
Torah, chuppah and forced marriage Yehudis Fletcher  Eve Sacks  Red 4
What's new in Jewish history (2 of 2) Michael Pollak  Red 5
Social-Environmental Jewish Networking (SEJN) Felipe Burman  Red 7 - Brightsmith
Time to reminisce Ruti Roche  Red 8
Crossies and cordies Baruch Gilinsky  Yoni Stone  Red Bar/Lounge
What did Abraham have to do with the Abraham Accords? Toby Greene  Orange 10
From Crisis to Resilience: Unveiling the Modern-day Saga of Jewish Communities in Ukraine Victoria Godik  Orange 11
Reading Eichah in Cheshvan - how an ancient text echoed my own experience Shoshana Cohen  Orange 12
Family Story Time Limmud Families Programming  Blue 32 - Families Lounge
The Jewish collage club Joe Hyman  Blue 34
Family Beit Midrash: Toilet Talk in the Talmud Lara Haft Yom-Tov  Yael Jaffe  Green 28
Consonant shifts - Grimm's adventures in how languages fade into each other Frank Adam  Orange 13
1400 whys – Pirkei Avot at the Gaza border, October 7th Daniel Goldfarb  Orange 14
Hug a tree or sing a song? How music can super charge your climate change education Jessica Gold  Yellow 21
Families Softplay Exclusive Use Limmud Families Programming  Yellow 23
Sing Lewandowski! (1 of 2) Jonathan Weissbart  Yellow 24
The Camera of Doctor Morris UK Jewish Film Festival  Orange 13
Evening Beit Midrash: Serach bat Asher, the (generational) boundary buster (2 of 3) Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz  Azara  Laliv Clenman  Purple 31
Israeli democracy post Oct 7th: How do we move forward from here? Noa Sattath  Red 1
Torah for peaceniks: refugees, civilians and the Israel-Gaza war Lara Haft Yom-Tov  Red 3
Black-Jewish relations beyond Farrakhan Zeev Portner  Red 4
The Roma and the Jews - a love story? Tamas Buchler  Red 5
Inspiring Jewish songs of prayer (2 of 2) Alan Byers  Red 7 - Brightsmith
The 'R' word - exploring the prospect of retirement Andrea Kelmanson  Red 8
Mistaken prayer times and the downfall of Rabban Gamliel Nechama Goldman Barash  Orange 10
Limitless Judaism Anna Dyson  Orange 11
The tale of Wanda B. Lazarus: a journey to publication Lynn Joffe  Orange 12
A second Jewish state? Nathan Sharp  Orange 14
The Gold Rush, Jewish cemeteries, and urban capitalism Baruch Gilinsky  Yellow 21
Limmud's got talent! Heat 2: Miscellanous Limmud Social Programming  Yellow 24
Funny for five at Festival - the show! (2 of 2) Rachel Creeger  Orange 15
Turning back the clock - how the war may affect gender dynamics in Israel Shoshana Cohen  Red 3
Torah teaching from Turkiye and other Sephardic rabbis Naftali Haleve Sason  Red 4
My Stamford Hell Charlie Lewin  Red 5
Sin, human nature and redemption: a Jewish view Jeff Berger  Red 8
Global Jewish cocktails Emma Weleminsky  Arielle Sokoloff  Mikael Stein  Allison Cohen  Red Bar/Lounge
What does Israel know about water, sanitation, and hygiene in African villages? Exploring expertise in African development Sarit Baum  Caroline Mendelsohn  Orange 10
Forgotten heroes: Leo Szilard, father of the Manhattan Project (2 of 3) Howard Epstein  Orange 11
Rabban Gamliel in the bath house of Aphrodite Raphael Zarum  Orange 12
Limmud singalong Naomi Rowe  Blue 34
Tour of Jewish Italy Tal Bassali  Yellow 21
Israeli dance party (2 of 3) Maurice Stone  Slavyan Kanovski  Yellow 24
Get refusal today - a global update on the issue that never goes away Joanne Greenaway  Red 1
Finishing Hitler's work? A discussion of dating outside the faith Daniel Susser  Red 2
Would you rather: lice or locusts? Dam or dever? David Hochhauser  Yoni Stone  Red 3
Comedy night Monica Selo  Red 4
Writing our Jewish LGBTQ history Natalie Grazin  Gabi Parkham  Red 5
Acoustic café Limmud Social Programming  Red 7 - Brightsmith
Keeping Shabbat with home automation Mihails Beškins  Red 8
Kaleidoscope: tell us your Jewish story Daniela Greiber  Red 9 - The Arbour
Mysticism and trauma – an historical and personal reflection Harris Bor  Orange 10
Oscars and Holocaust films Rich Brownstein  Orange 11
Beit Midrash for the study of Israel's relations with the Nations: Christianity Yehuda Stolov  Orange 12
End of the day minyan Marcia Plumb  Anna Dyson  Blue 34
'So what will you do when you graduate as a rabbi?' Miriam Lorie  Orange 13
Israel-Palestine: What's the point of arguing? Gary Ogin  Orange 14
Why I'm a halachic minimalist, and you should be too Samuel Millunchick  Yellow 21
Modern jive dancing (2 of 2) Jonathan Hunter  Yellow 24
Psychedelic soundbath Nathan Finkel  Red 1
Bertie: concert and kumzitz Bertie Green  Orange 15
Fall asleep in my sermon Jack Cohen  Red 2
Leyenkrayz - Yiddish reading circle (3 of 3) Ilan Pillemer  Red 3
Games night extravaganza Limmud Social Programming  Red 4
The colour of Jews in a white Australia Sarah Charak  Red 5
Betty Q Burlesque Live! Anna Ciszewska (Betty Q)  Red 7 - Brightsmith
Global connections and opportunities: OLAM meet-up for global development practitioners Emma Weleminsky  Allison Cohen  Red Bar/Lounge
In conversation with Madison Margolin Micah Gold  Madison Margolin  Orange 10
Art in conflict: when words are not enough Irene Wise  Orange 11
Speed dating (for 35-50 year olds) Rachel Creeger  Limmud Social Programming  Orange 12
The paradox of piety: can observing Torah lead to chillul Hashem (desecration of God's name)? Samuel Millunchick  Orange 13
House Band showcase Limmud House Band  Orange 15
Silent disco Nicole Jacobus  Noa Gendler  Red 7 - Brightsmith