Room 12
In the documentary, 'ReConquistador!', Daniel Lobell returns to his ancestral homeland of Spain to perform comedy and learn about his heritage.
Room 13
Hebron is the second largest city in the West Bank and the only Palestinian city with an Israeli settlement at its heart. Over the years, due to the actions of successive Israeli governments, the settlement movement and intense military activity, Hebron's city centre has turned into a ghost town. Join us on a virtual tour to see for yourself.
Room 17
I'll give you even odds that at some point you have purchased a lottery ticket or lost money at a casino - but is it kosher? Come join me at the virtual craps table, where we will explore Jewish law and lore about gambling, and learn about Jews who have been prominent in the gaming industry.
Room 14
What do you get when you cross football fans and a campaign to end food poverty? When Marcus Rashford lobbied the Government to U-turn on free school meals, swathes of football fans joined the faith groups on the front lines to end food poverty. Come along to hear the story of this unlikely partnership.
Room 15
Hidden at the end of an album, this song could easily have been forgotten. But Dan and Amos's shared love of a band with strong Jewish influences led them to see if they could find indie songs that deal with any of the issues that this song covers. They struggled. Can you guess the song? Hear what they think about it, and share what you think!
Room 16
The best kind of Torah learning challenges us to create new understandings and insights. Inspired by the idea of relinquishing land ownership for the Sabbatical year, we will explore the possibilities that arise when we free ourselves from old constraints, ready to leverage new technologies, improvise and share our Torah with others.
Room 11
After completing a piece of coursework analysing Jewish Zillenials attitudes to meat free alternatives, Chloe found a relationship that was previously undiscovered. Come to her session to hear about how Youth Movements are shaping Zillenials and how religious upbringing and community factor in...