Lievnath Faber |
Lievnath Faber was born in the Netherlands to an Israeli mother and a Dutch father. She is founder of Oy Vey, an outward-facing, inclusive, and unapologetically Jewish hub located in the former Jewish Quarter of Amsterdam. An activist on multiple fronts, Lievnath is committed to making social justice a central part of her Jewish identity.
Sonia Feiger |
Sonia Feiger has long been active in the Vienna Jewish Community. Today she is the co-chair of Shalom Alaikum, Jewish Aid for Refugees. Inspired by Jewish history, the volunteers of Shalom Alaikum started their activities in Vienna in 2015 following the influx of mostly Syrian refugees.
Miriam Feldmann Kaye |
Miriam Feldmann Kaye, is a lecturer in Jewish Philosophy at Bar Ilan University, and Associate Professor at Jewish Theological Seminary, New York. Her publications include her book Jewish Theology for a Postmodern Age, published by Liverpool University Press in association with the Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, in 2019.
Leon Fenster |
Leon is an artist from London living in Taiwan. His joyous art tells stories of cities, families, dreams and, currently, the Haggadah. He creates ketubot (marriage contracts) and murals, and writes about and speculatively designs Jewish architecture. Leon leads tefillah (prayer) and learning at the Taiwan Jewish Community, an independent, broad-tent shul.
Iris Ferreira |
After completing a degree in Hebrew and Jewish studies in Paris, Iris Ferreira studied at Leo Baeck College in London to become a rabbi. She was ordained in July 2021 and is now rabbi at Union Juive Libérale de Strasbourg, which is the progressive community in Strasbourg, in Eastern France.
Moriah Ferrus |
Moriah Ferrús has a Bachelor Degree in Hebrew Philology and is a PhD Candidate in History of Art and Musicology with the research project "The Liturgical and Musical Legacy of the Scuola (synagogue) Catalana of Rome 1532-1908". She is the Founder and President of the Nova Escola Catalana, Association for the Preservation of Catalan Jewish Legacy.
Ellen Flax |
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Ellen Flax is a philanthropy consultant who aids both foundations and grant seekers, and is a partner at Amplify Partners, which provides strategic support to nonprofits, foundations and social ventures. She received her rabbinic ordination from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.
Pam Fox |
Pam is a researcher and writer specialising in Jewish History. Over the last seven years she has written six books, including her recent history of the Jewish hotels and guest houses of Bournemouth. Pam has written many articles and is much in demand as a speaker.
Jon Freedman |
Jon Freedman is Deputy Director of Limmud and a member of Finchley Reform Synagogue. His amateur musical career has taken in song-leading at RSY-Netzer camps, synagogue services and reached its peak with an honourable 4th-place ranking at JW3's Battle of the Dad Bands. He lives with his wife and daughter in Enfield, North London.
Nina Freedman |
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Nina Freedman is the elected President of the Union of Jewish Students, representing 8,500 Jewish students, spanning over 69 Jewish Societies on campuses across the UK and Ireland. Nina recently graduated from the University of Bristol with a degree in English.
Ben Freeman |
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Ben M Freeman is a Jewish leader, a Jewish thinker and a Jewish educator Ben is a gay Jewish author, internationally renowned educator and diversity, equality and inclusion specialist focusing on Jewish identity, combatting Jew-hatred and raising awareness of the Holocaust. His first book, Jewish Pride: Rebuilding a People, was released in 2021.
Deborah Freeman |
Deborah Freeman is a playwright and short story writer. Plays include Candlesticks, and The Song of Deborah - staged at the Khan Theatre, Jerusalem, 2016. Her article 'What is Jewish Theatre' features in The Age of Confidence, published by Jewish Renaissance. Her story collection, 'Tell it Not' will be published in 2022 by Red Heifer Press, USA.
Edie Friedman |
Edie Friedman was born in Chicago and moved to the UK more than 45 years ago. Concerned to strengthen the link between social justice and Jewishness, in 1976 she founded the Jewish Council for Racial Equality (JCORE), of which she is now the executive director. Edie is a regular speaker and writer on race and asylum issues.
Zsuzsanna Fritz |
Zsuzsa Fritz is the coordinator of the Jewish Knowledge Center of the JCC Budapest, Balint Haz, Hungary. She is a Jewish educator who has been active in the Hungarian Jewish community since the 1980s. She has also been involved in the JDC Szarvas International Jewish Youth summer camp, where she is the director for Jewish Leadership and Well-Being.
Stephen Frosh |
Stephen is a professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychosocial Studies at Birkbeck, University of London. He used to work as a clinical psychologist in the National Health Service but gave that up to be a full-time academic. Stephen has spoken at Limmud on many occasions but will try to say something new this time.