Limmud Festival 2023 - Presenters

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Presenters: C

Daniel Cainer

Daniel is a Limmud favourite and a multi-award winning songwriter, storyteller and broadcaster. He is a veteran of seven off-Broadway runs, 18 years at the Edinburgh Fringe and concerts all around the world, with his ever-evolving Jewish-themed 'stories in song'. He composes for TV, theatre, radio and synagogues. Daniel is also known as 'The comic Bard of Anglo Jewry' (The JC).

Tuesday 13:10
Tuesday 13:10 Daniel Cainer's Jewish chronicles

Rachel Century

Rachel is the Director of Public Engagement and the Deputy Chief Executive at the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and an Educator for March of the Living UK. She has a PhD in Holocaust Studies from Royal Holloway, University of London, and has published a book based on her research in 2017 entitled 'The Female Administrators of the Third Reich'.

Sunday 14:20
Sunday 14:20 How to mark Holocaust Memorial Day in a meaningful way
Sunday 17:50
Sunday 17:50 Female administrators of the Third Reich
Monday 14:20
Monday 14:20 What is the future of Holocaust education

Sarah Charak

Sarah is a lawyer, history nerd and Jewish educator from Sydney, Australia. Her Honours thesis analysed the impact of the White Australia policy on Australian Jewish identity. She has studied at Midreshet Lindenbaum, Nishmat and Drisha and worked in educational and leadership roles for Bnei Akiva, Or Chadash and Limmud Oz.

Monday 22:30
Monday 22:30 The colour of Jews in a white Australia
Tuesday 12:20
Tuesday 12:20 The maid of Rabbi Judah the Prince: knowledge, power and privilege in the Jewish community

Michelle Charles

Michelle Charles has exhibited and taught in the UK and the USA for the past three decades. She has spent 20 years teaching at art institutions around the world including Parsons, Pratt, Long Island University, St Martins and Camberwell.

Sunday 09:00
Sunday 09:00 Drawing hands and portraits - connecting us to our history

Shai Cherry

Shai is a rabbi, has a doctorate and is the author of 'Torah through Time: Understanding Bible Commentary from the Rabbinic Period to Modern Times' and 'Coherent Judaism: Constructive Theology, Creation, and Halakhah'. After many years as a university lecturer, in 2019 Shai made the leap to a Conservative congregation just outside of Philadelphia.

Friday 17:40
Friday 17:40 Living long on the land
Monday 09:00
Monday 09:00 Lilith and the Bible
Monday 13:10
Monday 13:10 Halachah: law, lore or bore?
Tuesday 10:00
Tuesday 10:00 Jewish responses to Darwinism

Anna Ciszewska (Betty Q)

Betty Q successfully introduced burlesque to Poland in 2010. Now she is not only Polish leading burlesque performer but also a well known feminist activist and TEDx speaker. MA in Education. Former Director of Education Department at Polish Office of Sochnut

Saturday 20:20
Saturday 20:20 Why are Polish Jews baptised?
Sunday 09:00
Sunday 09:00 How to worship your body?
Sunday 12:20
Sunday 12:20 I lived in a concentration camp (KL Warschau)
Monday 22:30
Monday 22:30 Betty Q Burlesque Live!

Laliv Clenman

Laliv teaches rabbinic texts and Aramaic at Leo Baeck College and supervises PhDs at KCL. Her research explores themes in talmudic and midrashic discourse, including identity, violence and the interplay between halakhah and aggadah. She is passionate about Jewish literacy and building supportive, inclusive and challenging learning communities.

Sunday 10:00
Sunday 10:00 Beit Midrash: Talmud for all (1 of 3)
Monday 10:00
Monday 10:00 Beit Midrash: Talmud for all (2 of 3)
Monday 19:00
Monday 19:00 Evening Beit Midrash: Serach bat Asher, the (generational) boundary buster (2 of 3)
Tuesday 10:00
Tuesday 10:00 Beit Midrash: Talmud for all (3 of 3)

Allison Cohen

Allison is a JDC Entwine Jewish Service Corps Fellow working for OLAM, a network of Jewish and Israeli international development organizations. She grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, and is currently based in Tel Aviv.

Monday 13:10
Monday 13:10 From India to Ukraine: a sensory exploration of global Jewish cultures
Monday 20:10
Monday 20:10 Global Jewish cocktails
Monday 22:30
Monday 22:30 Global connections and opportunities: OLAM meet-up for global development practitioners
Tuesday 19:00
Tuesday 19:00 Office hours: global Jewish travel and fellowships

David Cohen

David is a retired civil servant (Ministry of Justice), has a social sciences degree from Leicester University and is a regular Limmudnik. His first book 'Battles of the Wars of the Roses', the turbulent period of English history in the Medieval period, was published by Pen and Sword in March 2023. His next project will be 'Israel's Early Wars of Survival.'

Sunday 15:30
Sunday 15:30 Video presentation of the early traditional songs of Israel
Tuesday 17:50
Tuesday 17:50 War on Yom Kippur - a short film

Jack Cohen

Jack received a BA in Philosophy from University College London before spending five years studying for rabbinic ordination at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Israel. He has served as the associate rabbi at Hampstead Synagogue and is currently the senior rabbi at the vibrant Mill Hill East Jewish Community in London. His greatest passion is learning and teaching Torah.

Monday 22:30
Monday 22:30 Fall asleep in my sermon
Tuesday 12:20
Tuesday 12:20 If you weren’t Jewish you'd probably be an antisemite

Shoshana Cohen

Shoshana Cohen is a rabbi, and senior faculty member and research fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute. She teaches at Hartman's Hevruta gap year program and was a senior faculty member at the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem where she taught Talmud, Midrash and Gender Studies.

Monday 17:50
Monday 17:50 Reading Eichah in Cheshvan - how an ancient text echoed my own experience
Monday 20:10
Monday 20:10 Turning back the clock - how the war may affect gender dynamics in Israel
Tuesday 17:50
Tuesday 17:50 Does God Cry? Three Theological Responses to Destruction
Wednesday 08:00
Wednesday 08:00 Jewish peoplehood in a time of crisis - between default and demand

Blu Cohen-Grazin

Blu is a committed film analyst, writer, reader, political activist and social critic of the world around her. She is proudly autistic and LGBT-identified. Brought up in New North London Synagogue, she loves the warmth and depth of community but is less convinced by the God part of Judaism. Aged 14, this is her 10th Limmud.

Friday 21:10
Friday 21:10 Shabbat Menucha – but do you ever get to rest? A peer support circle for parents of autistic/ADHD children
Saturday 15:00
Saturday 15:00 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Breakdown: what do our autistic/ADHD young people need?
Saturday 21:30
Saturday 21:30 Hollywood goes to Hendon – what’s to love and hate about Disobedience
Sunday 14:20
Sunday 14:20 Supporting autistic young people: why neuroception and regulation are the key concepts you need to know
Sunday 21:20
Sunday 21:20 It’s not just you: A peer support circle for parents of autistic/ADHD children

Ilana Conway

Ilana Conway is a London-based UX writer, working in tech. Her fiction writing has received honourable mentions and runner up placing in a number of competitions, and she is looking forward to sharing her love of creativity with Limmud attendees. Come along to her workshop and discover the power of the pen!

Monday 16:40
Monday 16:40 The power of the pen

Belinda Copitch

Belinda is a qualified teacher whose PhD in Education was based on her Jewish Identity research. Her book on autism has been accepted by her publishers. Her previous published book, ‘Collaboration versus Competition’, was aimed at the business market and utilised many of the techniques she used growing up in Jewish youth movements.

Tuesday 14:20
Tuesday 14:20 Almost normal: navigating the world as an undiagnosed autistic adult

Mark Creeger

Working in corporate risk, ethics and compliance software, Mark taught Jewish education and IT at multiple levels. He is a regular speaker and prayer leader at Barnet United Synagogue and a bar mitzvah teacher. He is married to the fabulous comedian, Rachel Creeger, and they share two wonderful boys, a marvellous daughter-in-law and fantastic grandson.

Saturday 20:20
Saturday 20:20 There must be a better world somewhere

Rachel Creeger

Rachel is an award-winning stand-up comedian, writer and director, and the only practising Orthodox Jew on the UK comedy circuit. She is co-host of 'Jew Talkin' To Me?' podcast and has taken four critically acclaimed shows to the Edinburgh Fringe. As seen on BBC1, Amazon Prime and NextUp Comedy, and regularly heard across the BBC Radio network.

Saturday 21:30
Saturday 21:30 Limmud takes on 'Taskmaster'
Sunday 12:20
Sunday 12:20 Funny for five at Festival! (1 of 2)
Sunday 21:20
Sunday 21:20 'Rachel Creeger: Ultimate Jewish Mother' - greatest hits plus brand new bits!
Monday 20:10
Monday 20:10 Funny for five at Festival - the show! (2 of 2)
Monday 22:30
Monday 22:30 Speed dating (for 35-50 year olds)
Tuesday 16:40
Tuesday 16:40 Rina Wolfson, in her own words

Ben Crowne

Ben is a forensic accountant and a partner at Vardags, one of London's leading family law firms. He lives and works in London, and has been a treasurer and trustee of several community charities (including Limmud!).

Monday 12:20
Monday 12:20 Divorcing in the 1st century, and the 21st
Tuesday 10:00
Tuesday 10:00 Charedinomics 101

Tilla Crowne

Tilla is an artist, cartoonist, irrepressible forager and the creator and co-editor of 'Private Oy!', the UK’s foremost parody magazine of a parody magazine.

Sunday 11:10
Sunday 11:10 Limmud fungus foray (Forest School for grown-ups) (1 of 2)
Tuesday 12:20
Tuesday 12:20 Limmud fungus foray (Forest School for grown-ups) (2 of 2)

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