Limmud Festival 2023 - Presenters

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Presenters: W

Adam Wagner

Adam is a barrister specialising in human rights, public law and public inquiries. He practises from Doughty Street Chambers in London and is a Visiting Professor of Law at Goldsmiths, University of London. His has recently published his debut book - Emergency State: How We Lost Our Freedoms in the Pandemic and Why it Matters.

Sunday 12:20
Sunday 12:20 The officer, the spy and the judge
Sunday 22:30
Sunday 22:30 I have invited Corbyn to Limmud
Monday 13:10
Monday 13:10 Israel, Gaza and the Law
Tuesday 13:10
Tuesday 13:10 The latest fascinating cases involving religion and law

Julia Wagner

Julia is a lecturer and writer specialising in film and television. She holds a PhD in Film Studies from UCL. Julia’s writing on Jewish culture has been published widely and she lectures with international organisations and conferences. She hosts filmmaker Q&As and is passionate about media education and public engagement.

Tuesday 15:30
Tuesday 15:30 Barbie versus Golda

David Waimann

David was until recently the chairman of Oz veShalom, the leading Israeli religious peace organisation. Oz veShalom has been the leading the challenge to the religious community in Israel promoting a more tolerant and pluralistic ideology. In his day job he is a climate tech entrepreneur.

Friday 17:40
Friday 17:40 The religious peace initiative - the example of Oz Veshalom
Sunday 21:20
Sunday 21:20 Climate technology quiz

Miriam-Simma Walfish

Miriam-Simma is a member of the faculty at Hadar, Jerusalem, and a senior coach for Pedagogy of Partnership. She loves thinking about gender, parenting and education. She has taught Tanakh, Talmud and Jewish Law in numerous settings and revels in the process of learning Torah with and from her students.

Friday 17:40
Friday 17:40 “Created for life and not for pain”. What a sugya about breastfeeding can teach us about Talmud and feminism
Saturday 10:10
Saturday 10:10 Gam Ki Elech – music for the moment
Sunday 15:30
Sunday 15:30 Torah on one foot
Monday 10:00
Monday 10:00 Niddah salon

Edina Weber

Edina has been active in various scopes of the Hungarian Jewish community for over 30 years. With a degree in Hebrew language and Judaism, she covers a wide range of activism from formal and informal education through egalitarian religious services to preservation of abandoned Jewish cemeteries. She loves to learn Talmud and sing karaoke.

Friday 14:00
Friday 14:00 Parashat hashavua - the weekly Torah portion: text study
Friday 22:30
Friday 22:30 SHMantra - a spiritual singing session
Monday 09:00
Monday 09:00 …A merry Xmas? Text study
Monday 15:30
Monday 15:30 LGBTQ+ inclusion in Jewish communities (round-table discussion and sharing experience)

Michael Wegier

Michael is CEO of the Board of Deputies. He has worked as Jewish educator, strategic planner and chief executive for Jewish organisations in the UK, Israel and US. He has a degree in Jewish History from UCL, an MA in Contemporary Jewry from the Hebrew University and is a graduate of the Mandel Jerusalem Fellows for developing Educational Leadership.

Monday 17:50
Monday 17:50 Do Jews have a future in the UK?
Tuesday 14:20
Tuesday 14:20 Israel under attack

Jonathan Weissbart

Jonathan has been singing in and conducting synagogue choirs for over thirty years. He co-founded the Ne’imah Singers in 1995. Jonathan leads services in different communities and is passionate about making services meaningful and musically beautiful.

Monday 17:50
Monday 17:50 Sing Lewandowski! (1 of 2)
Tuesday 22:30
Tuesday 22:30 Sing Lewandowski! (2 of 2)

Emma Weleminsky

Emma is the UK community manager for OLAM, a network of Jewish and Israeli international development organisations, and JDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) Entwine, which focuses on engaging young Jews in global Jewish responsibility through travel. Before starting this role in 2022 she worked in several heritage and school settings. She lives in London with her husband and dog.

Monday 12:20
Monday 12:20 Is there hope? Can Jewish and Muslim women work toward peace?
Monday 13:10
Monday 13:10 From India to Ukraine: a sensory exploration of global Jewish cultures
Monday 20:10
Monday 20:10 Global Jewish cocktails
Monday 22:30
Monday 22:30 Global connections and opportunities: OLAM meet-up for global development practitioners
Tuesday 10:00
Tuesday 10:00 'Tzedek tirdof': pursuing justice in global health
Tuesday 19:00
Tuesday 19:00 Office hours: global Jewish travel and fellowships

Jake Welford

Jake consults in Growth Marketing, recently for WhatsApp. He speaks & creates content on Marketing, AI & Tech. Hobbies include (ethical) investing, deep thinking, Predictions & Futurism(Ai & robots), YouTubing and since 2022, Surfing. Jake is married, and lives with his wife Chloe & baby Isabella, in wonderful Welwyn Garden City.

Saturday 19:10
Saturday 19:10 AI and the future of work, industry and business
Saturday 22:30
Saturday 22:30 How to turbocharge your organisation's growth
Sunday 17:50
Sunday 17:50 Can anyone predict anything?
Sunday 21:20
Sunday 21:20 How ethical start-ups are practicing tikkun olam
Monday 09:00
Monday 09:00 Robotics - workforce, home help, productive growth and much more...
Monday 11:10
Monday 11:10 Digital's rise and future

Irene Wise

Artist and writer Irene Wise FRSA, is an IWM Fellow in Holocaust Education. She was Senior Lecturer in Media and Culture at University of Roehampton and Creative Educator at The British Library, writing for their website and other publications. Irene was Art Director on the recent Holocaust documentary J’Accuse. Artwork can be viewed on website.

Sunday 22:30
Sunday 22:30 The Philip Guston exhibition at Tate Modern
Monday 22:30
Monday 22:30 Art in conflict: when words are not enough

Michael Wolkind

Michael was 48 years at the Bar defending criminal cases. He appeared in famous trials at the Old Bailey, all over the UK and the Caribbean. He will share the drama, intrigue and tragedy, also moments in Court of pure love and pure comedy. Michael defended in over 200 murder cases. For some years, he also worked as a Bereavement Counsellor.

Sunday 19:00
Sunday 19:00 Representing extremists, a useful idiot? (1 of 2)

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