Limmud Social Programming Team
Marquee 3
As Friedrich Nietzsche once said “We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.” Come and dance your troubles away...
Red 6
A session to relax in after a hard day's night. Wittgenstein said that a serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes. In this session, Yehoshua will tell his favourite Jewish jokes, whilst also showing how often the funny is the profound.
Limmud Social Programming Team
Red 7
Are you like Shania Twain in the shower or Beyoncé in the bath? Are you a Justin Bieber or a Justin Timberlake? Come prove all these things and more at the Limmud karaoke night!
Limmud Social Programming Team
Red 2
Meet new people and play some classic board games. You might even learn some new ones!
Red 3
We will explore the dreams in parshat Miketz and use the text as a springboard for writing. Come with pen and paper.