Savannah Dable |
Savannah Dable will appear on a panel led by Owen Power called ‘What might an accessible & inclusive Community look like?’.
David Davidi-Brown |
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David Davidi-Brown is Chief Executive of the New Israel Fund UK, has previously worked for the JLC, UJS, UJIA, and Jewish Care, has volunteered with Limmud and KeshetUK, and is a Schusterman Fellow.
Eleanor Davis |
Eleanor is a student rabbi at Leo Baeck College, with a particular love of Rosh Chodesh (the Jewish New Moon), music and baking (not always separately). Originally from Gloucestershire, she now lives in Edgware with her husband, Robert, a singer.
Ruth Deech |
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Ruth was Principal of St Anne’s College Oxford, chair of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, BBC Governor, Rhodes Scholarships trustee, independent adjudicator for Higher Education, chair Bar Standards Board and trustee, Roth Institute for the Study of Antisemitism. From 2005 she has been a crossbench peer in the House of Lords.
Carla Denyer |
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Carla Denyer is co-leader of the Green Party, a local councillor in Bristol and the Green Party’s MP candidate for Bristol West. As a Bristol councillor she was the author of Britain's first climate emergency declaration.
Jim Diamond |
James A. Diamond, Chair of Jewish Studies at the University of Waterloo has published on all areas of Jewish thought including Maimonides and the Shaping of the Jewish Canon and Jewish Theology Unbound. His articles appear in leading peer reviewed scholarly journals as well as the Jerusalem Post, Mosaic and Jewish Review of Books.
Boaz Dorot |
Nigunim Ensemble was founded by Boaz Dorot and Rabbi Cantor Shani Ben Or. Both born and raised in Jerusalem, Shani and Boaz founded the ensemble to express their love of t'filah and live music. They have composed new settings for the liturgy, incorporating old and new text and tunes from Israeli, Western and Eastern Jewish traditions.
Alf Dubs |
Alf Dubs arrived in Britain in 1939 as a six-year-old refugee fleeing the Nazis in Czechoslovakia. He has since become a Labour politician, an Member of Parliament, the director of the Refugee Council and was appointed to the House of Lords in 1994. He is a leading advocate of refugee rights within British politics.
Noelle Duckmann Gallagher |
Noelle is a longtime Limmudnik and senior lecturer in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture at the University of Manchester. Her research focuses on health in popular culture, and her second book, Itch, Clap, Pox: Venereal Disease in the Eighteenth-Century Imagination, was published by Yale University Press in 2019.
Joseph Dweck |
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Joseph Dweck is the Senior Rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community of the UK. He is the Deputy President of the London School of Jewish Studies, a President of The Council of Christians and Jews and Ecclesiastical Authority of The Board of Deputies of British Jews. He also serves as a member of the Standing Committee of the Conference of European Rabbis.