Limmud Festival 2017
Friday 22 December 2017

Nosh and natter Limmud Shabbat Team  Blue 32
Site sat nav Limmud Shabbat Team  Hilton Lobby
Arts and crafts Limmud Shabbat Team  Orange 10
Site sat nav Limmud Shabbat Team  Hilton Lobby
What is Shabbat? Shabbat rituals Limmud Shabbat Team  Red 6
Candle lighting Limmud Shabbat Team  Yellow 24
Friday Night Delight Caroline Hagard  Green 27
Partnership Minyan Kabbalat Shabbat Orange 14
Orthodox Kabbalat Shabbat Purple 31
Progressive Kabbalat Shabbat Red 3
Masorti Kabbalat Shabbat Yellow 21
Judah's great speech Zev Harvey  Blue 34
Jewish stories of love and marriage Sandy Sasso  Orange 10
Shabbat poetry to soothe your soul Danny Siegel  Orange 12
Why Jewish History matters – a human-focused Chanukah Adam Chalom  Red 4
An idiot’s guide to Shabbat Shira Solomons  Red 5
Team challenge: solve my puzzle and learn strategic thinking and effective communication Dan Mackenzie  Red 6
Charedim - risk and opportunity for Israeli society Daniel Goldman  Yellow 21
Kiddush Limmud Shabbat Team  Purple 31
Beruria: tragedy or triumph? Sarah Charak  Blue 33
You think you know what Netanyahu should do? So tell me! Noru Tsalic  Blue 34
Judaism and Israel: myth meets reality Chaim Hames  Orange 10
Chiasms: unlocking the Bible’s dazzling literary structure David Benkof  Orange 11
Circumcision, genital mutilation and human rights Melinda Jones  Orange 12
Community or culture - what is more relevant in Judaism today? Chari Pere  Yoav Oved  Richard Jacobi  Judith Ish-Horowicz  Orange 14
Glug. There goes the Highland Park Zvi Solomons  Red 2
Reclaiming Jewish Standard Time Andrew Keene  Red 4
"It is not good for a person to be alone." Really? Then why were we created this way? Yiscah Smith  Red 5
Let's play with the devil - a small Talmudic legend with a great message Tirtsa Posklinsky Shehory  Red 6
Limmud Connections Oneg Shabbat Elements @ Festival Limmud  Yellow 21
Oneg Shabbat Limmud Shabbat Team  Purple 31
Board game central Limmud Shabbat Team  Red 1
Oneg Shabbat Red 3
Shabbat icebreakers Limmud Shabbat Team  Red 5