Limmud Festival 2017 - Presenters

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Presenters: G

Clive Gabay

Clive is a senior lecturer in the School of Politics and International Relations at Queen Mary University of London. I (try to) publish on race and religion, and still entertain thoughts of ditching it all in for a career as a DJ.

Tuesday 12:10
Tuesday 12:10 Jews: White (other)?

Hadar Galron

Writer, actress, comedienne, director, and songwriter for cinema, tv and theatre. Artistic Director for ISF (International Shalom Festival) at the Edinburgh Fringe. Amongst my better-known works: Mikveh (play), The Secrets (film), Passion Killer (satirical cabaret). Academic teacher and lecturer.

Monday 20:10
Monday 20:10 Passion Killer
Tuesday 17:30
Tuesday 17:30 Sexuality and gender in the Ultra-Orthodox communities
Wednesday 17:30
Wednesday 17:30 Changing narratives - from cooperation to coexistence, and beyond?

Ian Gamse

Many years ago, Ian was the first full-time UJS education worker, having studied at Yeshivat Or Etzion and Cambridge. Then he met R. Micky Rosen z'l and helped him, just a little, in changing the world. He teaches Talmud to women at the LSJS Midrasha and teaches frequently at Magen Avot in Hendon.

Sunday 17:30
Sunday 17:30 Daf yomi - Shevuot 26
Monday 09:20
Monday 09:20 Narrative and law – the strange case of "shaming"
Tuesday 14:40
Tuesday 14:40 Expulsion and culpability: a re-reading of Bemidbar 5:1-4
Wednesday 18:50
Wednesday 18:50 “Return the man’s wife for he is a prophet”: a study in forgiveness

Philippa Gamse

Philippa has over 20 years of online experience. She is Professor of Digital Marketing & Social Media at Hult / Ashridge International Business School, has spoken at conferences in 8 countries and is a certified Management Consultant. She is the author of “42 Rules for a Web Presence That Wins”.

Sunday 13:20
Sunday 13:20 Analytics gold! Digital marketing for communal organisations (Part 1)
Monday 18:50
Monday 18:50 Traffic magnets or myths? Digital marketing for communal organisations (Part 2)

Tova Ganzel

Tova Ganzel, is the director of the Midrasha in Bar-Ilan University, and one of Nishmat's first trained yo'atzot halakha (women's halachic advisors). She completed her PhD in the Bible Department at Bar-Ilan University (2005).

Sunday 20:10
Sunday 20:10 Between the Kingdom of G-d and the kingdom of Man
Monday 14:40
Monday 14:40 Habakkuk - does his fear from God precede his wisdom?
Tuesday 14:40
Tuesday 14:40 Jerusalem: from destruction to redemption
Tuesday 17:30
Tuesday 17:30 “In the Eyes of God and Man": Orthodoxy, Torah min HaShamayim, and academic Bible studies

Eli Gaventa

Eli is a photographer, activist and educator. He has worked in Ghana, Hungary and the UK and studied Photojournalism and Documentary Photography at University of the Arts: London. As an activist/educator, Eli has worked with many communal groups including Bnei Akiva UK, United Synagogue, NIF and RESHET.

Sunday 17:30
Sunday 17:30 Photography and the Holocaust: victims, perpetrators and the allies
Monday 21:50
Monday 21:50 Documentary photography: visual stories of communities in crisis
Tuesday 18:50
Tuesday 18:50 What does a Jew look like?

Hannah Gaventa

Hannah works in international development, including Ghana, India & the Philippines; focusing on women, education and livelihoods. Hannah is co-chair of Limmud Festival 2017 MarComms team, has presented at Limmud in the UK, China and New Zealand & is the founder of a monthly women's group in London.

Tuesday 10:40
Tuesday 10:40 Around the world in 7 tales
Tuesday 13:20
Tuesday 13:20 Volunteering at its best: what can we learn?

Amir Gazit

Amir Gazit works in the Northern Galil - Great Britain Partnership of UJIA and the Jewish Agency. He has lived in Mizpe Hila in the Galilee since 1996 and is also a certified tour guide.

Sunday 10:40
Sunday 10:40 Kibbutz - freedom for or freedom from?

Shannyn Gelbart

Ahavat Hinam is a super-group of Jewish musicians, Max Jared (USA) and (Aus). Ahavat Hinam create Jewish inspired music to bring people together. Since their formation, they have performed all over the world, from Texas to Sydney, and are currently launching their debut album.

Saturday 20:30
Saturday 20:30 Cultivating a creative practice
Sunday 18:50
Sunday 18:50 Ahavat Hinam Live Concert
Tuesday 16:30
Tuesday 16:30 Ahavat Hinam for kids!
Wednesday 18:50
Wednesday 18:50 Stories sung in harmony
Thursday 09:20
Thursday 09:20 Long distance relationship survival guide

Jay Geller

Jay Geller, Associate Professor of Modern Jewish Culture, Vanderbilt University, is author of On Freud’s Jewish Body (2007) and The Other Jewish Question (2011). His sessions draw from his latest monograph: Bestiarium Judaicum: Unnatural Histories of the Jews (2017).

Sunday 13:20
Sunday 13:20 A Jewish bestiary: Lichtenberg’s physiognomy of the Judensau (1 of 4)
Monday 16:00
Monday 16:00 A Jewish bestiary: Heine’s Dog Days and Siodmak’s Wolf Man Nights (2 of 4)
Tuesday 13:20
Tuesday 13:20 A Jewish bestiary: Kafka’s primatology (3 of 4)
Wednesday 10:40
Wednesday 10:40 A Jewish bestiary: Art Spiegelman, Mausketeer (4 of 4)

Nick Gendler

Nick is a cyclist, a double bass player, and a career coach and psychotherapist, who is currently enjoying a bit of space after six years as co-chair of Masorti Judaism. He loves Limmud and doesn't care whether it's a conference or a festival.

Sunday 14:40
Sunday 14:40 Yellow candles - a Holocaust memorial phenomenon

Selwyn Gerber

Selwyn is a CPA, economist and wealth manager based in Los Angeles. He and his wife Glynis together with their entire family emigrated from South Africa. He is the proud father of four and grandfather of thirteen, and is a passionate Jew with numerous community involvements.

Sunday 10:40
Sunday 10:40 From Hollywood to traditional Judaism: my journey

Andrew Gilbert

Currently chair of UJIA UK Programmes and a trustee of the London Jewish Forum, Andrew recently chaired the first Limmud-style JLM Conference and there will be another in 2018. In the past he chaired Limmud for 7 years before setting up and chairing Limmud International for 5 years.

Tuesday 13:20
Tuesday 13:20 What is really going on in the left of the Labour Party - should Jews be concerned?
Tuesday 14:40
Tuesday 14:40 Jewish and Labour - under assault? A very narrow bridge (Gesher Tsar Meod)
Tuesday 16:00
Tuesday 16:00 What is the responsibility of British Jews who support a 2-state solution to help secure the other state?
Wednesday 12:10
Wednesday 12:10 Can Labour win back the Jewish community?
Wednesday 16:00
Wednesday 16:00 Jon Lansman of Momentum meets Jewish leaders one year on
Thursday 10:40
Thursday 10:40 John Mann MP - Ken Livingstone's nightmare!

Julian Gilbey

Julian is a Limmud veteran having been involved with Conference for many years; he is now returning after a big break. By day, he teaches maths and designs teaching resources. Julian has taught in a variety of Jewish contexts, and is a long-standing member of Kol Rina, a Jewish a cappella group.

Sunday 12:10
Sunday 12:10 Trop logic
Wednesday 14:40
Wednesday 14:40 Kol Rina singing workshop

Malcolm Ginsberg

Malcolm Ginsberg, 75, is a public relations expert and writer, specialising in transport and travel. As an eight-year-old he ‘cruised’ to Australia, a £10 Pom. His family returned after a year, but he kept his love of the sea. Editor in Chief of Business Travel News, the award-winning weekly. Malcolm is also the travel correspondent for Jewish Weekly.

Sunday 13:20
Sunday 13:20 Jewish River Cruising

Lara Glantz

Lara is a youth movement worker for RSY-Netzer having recently graduated from Bristol with a degree in Theology and Religion. She is interested in the place of women in religion, and wrote her dissertation on how oppression, both religious and institutional, determine the status of women in Israel.

Monday 09:20
Monday 09:20 How does oppression - institutional and religious - determine the status of women in Israel?

Ilan Glazer

Ilan Glazer is a rabbi, freelance speaker, maggid, and transformation coach based in Silver Spring, Maryland. He teaches widely, using Jewish wisdom to help others find meaning, healing, happiness, spirituality, and success in all areas of life. He hosts the Torah of Life podcast, found on iTunes.

Saturday 15:00
Saturday 15:00 Finding our souls in the rhythm of life
Sunday 10:40
Sunday 10:40 Everyone needs recovery - only some are brave enough to admit it…
Monday 18:50
Monday 18:50 The Art of Chant Leading: workshop for singers, musicians, cantors, rabbis, and lay leaders
Tuesday 20:10
Tuesday 20:10 Nava Tehila in concert
Wednesday 21:50
Wednesday 21:50 Chant Circle with Nava Tehila

Leah Golan

Leah Golan is JAFI’s Central Shlicha & Executive Director Head of Delegation, UK. Recently, Leah was CEO of the Orr Shalom association for children & youth at risk- Israel’s largest non-profit.

Monday 10:40
Monday 10:40 Noam Shalit in conversation with Leah Golan

Ian Gold

Ian is baal tefila at local shuls Birmingham & Biyamina, and still rocking after all these years. For fun, advocating in the criminal courts.

Sunday 21:50
Sunday 21:50 Singalong with the Rubens

Jessica Gold

Jess Gold is a singer songwriter, one third of Miriam's Sister and has produced Project Earth Rock, a multimedia resource about climate change for primary schools. She gives concerts in schools & chederim and is a freelance synagogue singer with a passion for creating beautiful prayer experiences.

Tuesday 21:50
Tuesday 21:50 What can our synagogues do about air pollution?
Wednesday 14:40
Wednesday 14:40 Jess Gold in Concert

Daniel Goldfarb

This will be Daniel Goldfarb‘s 18th (chai) Limmud. A native of Boston and 40+ years in Israel, he practiced law in Jerusalem and was Director of the Conservative Yeshiva and editor of the Torah Sparks parasha weekly. He continues to teach Torah at Limmuds and synagogues around the world.

Saturday 15:00
Saturday 15:00 The community in Jewish liturgy
Sunday 12:10
Sunday 12:10 Around the world in 17 syllables – ChaiKu HaShavua
Tuesday 21:50
Tuesday 21:50 The Akedah revisited – with Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and…

Daniel Goldman

Daniel is founder of Goldrock Capital and chairs Gesher, building bridges between secular, religious & haredi society in Israel. He publishes op-eds in the Israeli English & Hebrew press. He has developed expertise in understanding the points of contact and conflict between haredi & Israeli society.

Friday 17:15
Friday 17:15 Charedim - risk and opportunity for Israeli society
Saturday 20:30
Saturday 20:30 Are we better together?

Jake Goldman

Jake currently works as a development officer at The Together Plan charity, reviving Jewish life in the former Soviet Union. He previously held the role of President of Durham University Jewish Society, where he studied History and English after growing up in Shenley, active in a Reform community.

Thursday 12:10
Thursday 12:10 We're back in the USSR: The survival and revival of Jewish life in Belarus

Hedva Goldschmidt

Hedva is founder and Managing Director of leading Israeli Film distribution company Go2Films. Hedva serves as distribution consultant for Gesher Multicultural FilmFund and is regular speaker in film festivals. Hedva is co-founder of Women of Faith for Peace, recently awarded the Golden Lion Award for Peace.

Wednesday 18:50
Wednesday 18:50 Through the Eyes of women: a look at filmmaking and distribution in Israel

Aaron Goldstein

Aaron is one of the Northwood and Pinner Liberal Synagogue rabbis, and is Chair of Liberal Judaism's Rabbinic Conference. His motto is to, ‘Count Jews in, not out.’

Sunday 14:40
Sunday 14:40 How to enthuse the Jews in the pews? Making our synagogues flourish

Susy Goldstone

Susy Goldstone is a final year student currently reading History at the University of Leeds. She’s a bogeret of FZY and a madricha in North Manchester. At Leeds, she’s involved in her J-Soc, secretary of Opera Society and a member of Ballroom and Latin Dance.

Wednesday 13:20
Wednesday 13:20 Campus is a good place for Jews! A chance to really understand the environment

Lili Goldwein

Born in 1952 in Bucharest, Lili made aliyah in 1962. She lived in Rehovot where she graduated from the "De Shalit" high school. She served 2 years in the IDF during the Yom Kippur war. She is married to Mickey and has 4 children and 8 grandchildren.
 She is a blind user of a guide dog.

Monday 12:10
Monday 12:10 How a guide dog gave me back my independence

Jenny Goodman

Jenny Goodman is a doctor specialising in Ecological Medicine. She also has a master's degree in psychotherapy. She began questioning the practice of Brit Milah after observing it closely may times, researching the effects, and listening to mothers.

Tuesday 17:30
Tuesday 17:30 The last taboo: considering Brit Milah

Martin Goodman

Martin Goodman is Professor of Jewish Studies at Oxford University and President of the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. He has written many books on Jewish and Roman history, and his latest book, A History of Judaism, has just been published by Allen Lane.

Thursday 12:10
Thursday 12:10 A History of Judaism

Nigel Goodrich

Nigel has set up 12 Friends of Israel groups in Scotland which advocate for Israel. He is also the founder and CEO of the International Shalom Festival which brings Israeli performers from all backgrounds to the Edinburgh Fringe, winning support from all major political parties.

Monday 13:20
Monday 13:20 From Hate to Shalom
Wednesday 17:30
Wednesday 17:30 Changing narratives - from cooperation to coexistence, and beyond?

Simon Gordon

Simon has served as assistant editor of Mosaic Magazine in New York and as speechwriter to both former Israeli Ambassador Daniel Taub and ex-MP Douglas Carswell. He is currently reading for an MA in Political Economy at King's College London. He regularly writes for the Institute for Free Trade.

Sunday 20:10
Sunday 20:10 Who was David Ricardo and why should you care?
Wednesday 10:40
Wednesday 10:40 Has nationalism returned to Europe?
Wednesday 17:30
Wednesday 17:30 Is East Jerusalem a settlement?
Wednesday 18:50
Wednesday 18:50 Balfour at 100

Adit Goschalk

Adit is a teacher and artist who is passionate about international development. Whilst living and working in India she brought her interests together to set up the 'Naya' initiative; a creative women's empowerment paper-recycling initiative in the slums of Mumbai.

Tuesday 10:40
Tuesday 10:40 Around the world in 7 tales
Wednesday 10:40
Wednesday 10:40 Naya: creativity & change in the slums of Mumbai

Stephen Grabiner

Stephen Grabiner is a media investor. He has worked with the Portland Trust supporting economic development in Palestine and is currently Chair of the Jewish Chronicle.

Tuesday 16:00
Tuesday 16:00 What is the responsibility of British Jews who support a 2-state solution to help secure the other state?

Sam Grant

Sam is the campaigns manager for René Cassin. RC get the UK Jewish community more involved with human rights issues including modern day slavery & discrimination. RC provide a platform for the Jewish community to engage on human rights issues that connect to Jewish values and experience.

Sunday 21:50
Sunday 21:50 "Thank G-d, for not making me a slave"
Wednesday 16:00
Wednesday 16:00 What happens to survivors of modern day slavery in the UK?
Wednesday 18:50
Wednesday 18:50 What’s text got to do with it

Emily Green

Emily Green founded GesherEU, a charity which supports formerly hareidi individuals. She teaches English at Crest Academy in Brent & lives in Finchley with her 6 children. Her story has been reported a number of times and in December 2016 she appeared in the BBC Radio 4 documentary 'Faith or Family'

Wednesday 13:20
Wednesday 13:20 'One of us': A harrowing documentary on the journey of three ex-Hasidic Jews
Wednesday 16:00
Wednesday 16:00 The cruel cost of leaving the Charedi community

Michael Green

Michael Green is an environmental consultant during office hours and can be found foraging in the forgotten corners of parks and forests at most other times. He has been gathering edible plants and fungi for five years after deciding to expand his culinary horizons beyond his vegetable patch.

Tuesday 16:00
Tuesday 16:00 Foraging, wild food and Jews

Norman Green

Norman Green is a California tax and estate planning lawyer. A native of Los Angeles, he and his wife Rachel have two sons and two grandchildren. They daven at a Conservative (Masorti) synagogue in Los Angeles. He is not a Karaite but is interested in Karaite Judaism.

Saturday 20:30
Saturday 20:30 Introduction to Karaite Judaism

Rachel Green

Rachel Rubin Green is a retired Biology teacher and an active member of the Library Minyan of Temple Beth Am in Los Angeles. She is Chairperson of the Southern California chapter of the Kindertransport Association and a board member of the KTA.

Saturday 20:30
Saturday 20:30 Stolpersteine (stumble stones): personal Holocaust memorials
Monday 17:30
Monday 17:30 Share your story - for children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors

Joanne Greenaway

Jo is a lawyer at the United Synagogue and a participant in the Chief Rabbi’s Ma'ayan programme, training to advise women in women’s health and family purity laws. She lectures at LSJS and across the community. She is an alumnus of Gamechangers, Bradfield and Cambridge and listed in the 40 under 40.

Monday 12:10
Monday 12:10 In vitro fertilisation, intrauterine insemination, egg donation and surrogacy – a halachic view
Monday 17:30
Monday 17:30 A Jewish approach to intimacy – what lessons does the Torah provide for healthy relationships?

Suzanne Griffel

Suzanne Griffel is a liberal rabbi who has served in congregations and as a hospice chaplain. Saul Weiner is a physician and health care researcher who describes himself as a "secular atheist Jew". Their daughter Karen Weiner, a Jewish day school graduate, is a sophomore at Oberlin College.

Wednesday 09:20
Wednesday 09:20 There's an atheist in the house: spanning religious differences in families

Dex Grodner

Dex is a genderqueer Jew, a historian, poet, drag queen, stylist and political activist. Wearing many hats (and wigs) they explore the borders and binaries which divide states, genders and generations. Their work aims to making a nuisance of itself, disrupting to create space for reflection.

Monday 10:40
Monday 10:40 Beyond the binary: gender diversity in the Jewish community
Tuesday 12:10
Tuesday 12:10 Smashing borders and binaries, or Tikkun Olam
Wednesday 23:10
Wednesday 23:10 Limmud's Late Night Cabaret

Aryeh Grossman

Aryeh is Development Executive at Koren Publishers Jerusalem, described by a Limmud tweet as "the rock and roll of Jewish publishing". Born and bred in the UK before moving to Israel in 2014, Aryeh is a qualified teacher and has a BA in Jewish History from UCL.

Monday 12:10
Monday 12:10 How one font changed the (Jewish) world

Roi Grufi

Roi is the son of Jewish Yemenite immigrants and led the formation of Mizrahi student groups at universities in Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and Beer-Sheba. Roi manages "Bamizrah", a Facebook page dedicated to the history, politics and culture of Mizrahi Jews. He lives in Jerusalem.

Sunday 18:50
Sunday 18:50 Arab-Jewish shared society – where is Israel going?
Monday 18:50
Monday 18:50 The kidnapped Yemenite children affair
Tuesday 10:40
Tuesday 10:40 Mizrahi representation in Israel's culture, education and politics
Wednesday 16:00
Wednesday 16:00 Queer, brown and Jewish: Mizrahi gays in Israel

Oded Gvaram

Oded Gvaram is the Jewish Agency Shlicha for Redbridge JCC. Previously Oded was a Community Organiser in Jaffa and Jerusalem and a social entrepreneur. He has also served as an Israel Fellow at Hillel at Davis and Sacramento CA. Oded was born in Nir Galim in Israel.

Wednesday 09:20
Wednesday 09:20 Go green: ecological innovations in Israel
Thursday 09:20
Thursday 09:20 Between the Rav-Kav (the Israeli oyster card) to the autonomous car: how will we move in the 21st century?

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