Limmud Festival 2017

Limmud Festival 2017 – Sunday 18:50

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Ahavat Hinam Live Concert

Max Jared Einsohn  Shannyn Gelbart 

Red 6

Join super-group Ahavat Hinam (Max Jared and for an engaging musical performance that feels like a party with your best friends! Ahavat Hinam have created music that is inspired by Judaism and social action - see what happens when you combine folk rock and live looping with a dash of Torah.

An art display as a D’var Torah? Creating more meaningful Bar/Bat Mitzvah experiences

David Finkel  Kelly Finkel 

Green 27

Families that may not be active participants in a synagogue often become so when preparing for a bar/bat mitzvah… until it is over. We present innovative ways in which one congregation is creating greater engagement to sustain involvement long after the simcha is just a memory. Part presentation, part discussion - so you can share your ideas too.

Arab-Jewish shared society – where is Israel going?

Roi Grufi  Michael M. Cohen  Yahya Mahamid  Lilach Weber  Idit (Edie) Pick 

Orange 15

The relations between Jewish and Arab citizens in Israel tell a story of deep inequalities, struggle for recognition, and anti-democratic legislation. But they also reveal shared communities, hybrid culture, solidarity and partnership. How can those contradictions be reconciled? Is an inclusive, equal , shared Israeli society still possible?

From the Shtetl to Ambridge - haimishing the Archers

Annette Margolis 

Yellow 22

This session will ask the question how Jewish is the Archers; to what extent can the trope of the shtetl be intertwined with Radio 4's long-running agricultural soap-opera. It will involve us developing realistic Jewish members of the Ambridge village scene, and their impact on the rest of the community and the area as a whole.

Great Jewish lyricists

Mike Levy 

Purple 31

Bart, Berlin, Hammerstein, Hart, Lerner, Sondheim, Ira Gershwin - so many of the great show tune wordsmiths were Jewish. Mike is back to celebrate their genius, play some of the songs and - who knows - lead a singalong.

How to end the 100 year Middle East conflict, by a political insider

Ashley Perry 

Green 25

The Arab/Palestinian-Israeli conflict has raged for 100 years and shows no signs of being resolved. Come join a former senior Israeli government advisor to understand the roots of the conflict and how it can be resolved.

Jesus and Judaism: Christmas for Jews (1 of 4)

Amy-Jill Levine 

Red 1

The Gospel stories of Jesus' conception and birth are on Jewish antecedents. How does the Church adapt its Jewish roots, and how in turn did Jews develop their own stories of miraculous conceptions and births? Singing of Christmas carols optional.

Murder in the East End of London – the Lipski murder

John Angel 

Blue 34

How a young Jewish woman’s murder in the East End stunned London, interrupted Queen Victoria’s holiday, raised Parliamentary questions, caused street riots, pioneered tabloid journalism, established new crime fiction, changed Anglo-Jewry and led to the establishment of Israel. Was the right man hanged? Why did 1000 women line Whitechapel’s streets?

Navigate change with confidence (personal/family life) (1 of 2)

George Halfin  Matt Halfin 

Blue 33

Taking a leap into the unknown can be daunting. There is an inbuilt guidance system that helps us navigate through life, but we often obscure it by overthinking, through anxiety or a desire to be in control. We will share an understanding that will help you gain the confidence and clarity to step into the unknown and enjoy the ride!

Shutfut: A "wedding" ceremony for all genders

Michael Even David 

Red 2

It is a wedding without a wedding. The partnership ceremony (shutfut), mainly designed for gay couples, has the potential to serve much larger groups as it doesn't require the couple to define their gender and avoids some of the problems of traditional Jewish marriage. Can it replace the traditional wedding?

Stuck in the middle with Jew: understanding the old/new anti-semitism

Jill Jacobs 

Red 5

We will explore classic and modern texts to think about the current place of anti-semitism on the right and on the left, about the role of Jews as people "in-between" and about where Jews fit in social movements.

The kids are all right

Daniel Katz 

Green 26

Daniel recently discovered, in Leeds Hillel, a long forgotten box full of decades of documentation of Jewish student activities going back to the 60s. From social events, to student politics to tackling anti-semitism, Israel activism and more, join Daniel to discover how students have and haven't changed. All current and former students welcome!

The Kotel crisis and the future of Israel-Diaspora relations

Avi Mayer 

Orange 11

In June, the Israeli government froze the Kotel agreement, which would have created an expansive space for egalitarian prayer at the Western Wall. How did we get here, what does it all mean, and where are we headed? Discuss with the spokesman of The Jewish Agency, whose chairman, Natan Sharansky, led the efforts to reach a compromise at the Wall.

To be an Israeli orthodox lesbian

Zehorit Sorek 

Orange 10

Zehorit’s personal story is intertwined with the social and judicial status of the LGBT community in Israel. As an orthodox lesbian, Sorek, fights for equality, awareness, and acceptance of the LGBT community in Israeli society as a whole and specifically within the religious community. Following the story the floor will open for questions.

To the heart of America: Will Eisner and Jewish-American literature

Daniel Fingeroth 

Orange 12

Danny Fingeroth discusses the oeuvre of master cartoonist Will Eisner (“The Spirit;” “A Contract With God”) in the context of Jewish-American literature, comparing Eisner’s work to the writings of other American-born children of Jewish immigrants, including Bellow, Roth, Malamud, and Eisner’s fellow Bronx bards, Doctorow and Paley.

What makes Hebrew holy? Maimonides versus Halevi

Daniel Anderson 

Red 4

Is Hebrew holy because of its context and usage or because of its essence? The debate itself reveals two very different understandings of Judaism - the more rational (Maimonides) versus the mystical (Halevi). But how this ultimately played itself out has had profound implications for the Judaism we know today.

Yes! And... - Improv 101

Michelle Citrin 

Red 7

How do we work on improv-ing collaboration? We say “Yes! And...” Are you ready to laugh and play with other Limmudniks? Say “Yes! And” join Michelle Citrin for an unforgettable experience of stimulating games & exercises designed to sharpen your awareness & out of box thinking skills as we invite your creative spirit to come out and play!

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