Limmud Festival 2017
Sunday 24 December 2017

From the feet up: Feldenkrais @ Limmud (2 of 5) Emma Alter  Red 7
Resiliency, flexibility and heart rate variability Moshe Farchi  Blue 33
The interrelated structure of creation: its spiritual, environmental, and political messages Michael M. Cohen  Green 25
Science, religion and personal experience: the conflicts Michael Capek  Green 26
Mystic of Hebrew letters Rachel Reichhardt  Green 27
Two very different fanatics for justice Gabriel Kanter-Webber  Orange 10
By who, when, where and why were sections of the Talmud translated into Latin? Chaim Hames  Orange 12
Judah and Tamar: the first renunciation of honour-killing in world literature Richard Landes  Red 3
American Jewish legacy organisations and Israel Steven Windmueller  Dan Brown  Red 4
Jewish mindfulness meditation Sheila Weinberg  Red 7
Geonic custom and Islamic law Gideon Libson  Yellow 21
Arts and crafts Limmud Families Team  Families Lounge
Families Welcome (1 of 2) Limmud Families Team  Families Lounge
The fight against BDS in Europe Benjamin Weinthal  Blue 33
Film titles and the animated art of Saul Bass Irene Wise  Blue 34
Protecting against cyber abuse - the bigger picture, stories of family relationships in conflict Maureen Kendal  Green 25
Godess of Mastik and alternative culture in Haifa Lilach Weber  Green 26
Rabbi Judah Halevi at Mount Sinai Zev Harvey  Green 27
Modern (Jewish) Family Tamas Buchler  Orange 10
Wandering Jews: Judaism and travel Ellen Flax  Orange 12
Living on “Quisling Street” Cnaan Lipshiz  Orange 13
How to make change happen for LGBT Israel Zehorit Sorek  Purple 31
Kibbutz - freedom for or freedom from? Mary Azaria  Sadi Zinger  Liron Hoch  Amir Gazit  Red 1
From Hollywood to traditional Judaism: my journey Selwyn Gerber  Red 2
Taharah in the 21st century - challenges and possibilities Holly Blue Hawkins  Red 3
Lech Lecha - go to yourself: heeding the still small voice within. Yiscah Smith  Red 4
The 21st century: age of identity? Reflecting on our sources Neil Janes  Red 5
Stories of Chelm – the legendary “Village of Idiots” (Modern versions) Eddie Bass  Red 6
Everyone needs recovery - only some are brave enough to admit it… Ilan Glazer  Red 7
“You can’t wear that to shul!” :Tzni’ut, bat mitzvah dress codes and gender policing Andrea Jacobs  Blue 33
The perfect guests? Rachel Montagu  Blue 34
Around the world in 17 syllables – ChaiKu HaShavua Daniel Goldfarb  Green 25
An exciting new treatment for dementia - invented in Israel Daniel Allen  Green 26
Israel reaches for the moon Shirley Fenster  Howard Feldman  Green 27
"Get to know you" walk Social Programming Team  Hilton Lobby
Trop logic Julian Gilbey  Orange 10
Hard times make the best entrepreneur. Ran Sasson  Orange 12
Good-hearted murderers and antisemitic righteous among the nations – a humanistic journey to Poland Eyal Yashfe  Orange 13
94 years young Eric Fingerhut  Orange 15
Israel - three big questions: for what, if anything, should Israel and Israelis apologise? (1 of 3) Robin Moss  Red 3
Create new traditions: the Jewish henna designs Sandra Jerusalmi  Red 4
Bomb disposal in London - 1946 to 1948 Yitzach von Schweitzer  Red 5
A Promised Land: those who dared to dream David Finlay  Red 6
A Jewish bestiary: Lichtenberg’s physiognomy of the Judensau (1 of 4) Jay Geller  Blue 33
Goods For Good: how British industry is keeping Holocaust survivors in Moldova warm this winter Mia Hamburger  Blue 34
Jewish River Cruising Malcolm Ginsberg  Green 25
Dialogue and interfaith work Reuben Ackerman  Mahbub Nazir  Keith Ackerman  Green 26
Analytics gold! Digital marketing for communal organisations (Part 1) Philippa Gamse  Green 27
Inconvenient truths: when Jews in Britain and Arabs in Israel connect Idit (Edie) Pick  Orange 10
Praying the Bible: the hidden meanings in prayer and why prayer is never boring or repetitious Mark Levin  Orange 12
Genetically modified food and Kashrut Lucas Espinosa Menendez  Orange 13
Jewish communities in Latin America (1 of 2) Renato Huarte Cuéllar  Purple 31
One Jew, two Synagogues on a deserted island... Lior Kaminetsky  Red 2
Chanting the Torah - Does it Make Sense? Hirsh Cashdan  Red 3
With an outstretched arm... communicating with great (Makaton) signs and wonders: come learn some Makaton Signs! Shoshana Bloom  Red 4
Rabbinic rebels and rebellious rabbis: understanding authority in the Talmud (1 of 3) Yaffa Epstein  Red 5
Transparent jellyfish goes Tirtsa Posklinsky Shehory  Red 6
The other (acher): Elisha ben Abuyah & heresy (1 of 2) Leah Jordan  Red 9
Who are these guys, and what are they doing in the Tanach? Stuart Lewis  Yellow 21
Limmud Book Club: All the Rivers (1 of 4) Shoshi Ish-Horowicz  Aviva Dautch  Yellow 22
Families welcome session (2 of 2) Limmud Families Team  Families Lounge
I'm a grown-up woman - shouldn't I know what job I want by now? Anytime of life is the right time to find the work you were born to do. Penelope Toff  Blue 33
Remember Baghdad: screening and discussion Edwin Shuker  Blue 34
INS Dakar - 3 decades of search for a lost Israeli submarine Offer David  Green 25
Anti-occupation activism in the West Bank Robert Abrams  Nina Morris-Evans  Anna Roiser  Green 26
Religion, schools and the law: an Antipodean view of an unholy alliance Jacquie Seemann Charak  Green 27
Site sat nav Social Programming Team  Hilton Lobby
Conscientious objection in medicine - right or wrong? David Katz  Orange 10
Yellow candles - a Holocaust memorial phenomenon Paul Harris  Nick Gendler  Orange 12
L’Dor vador: the reality of an intergenerational community where pre-schoolers and 3rd agers live, learn and play together Judith Ish-Horowicz  Orange 13
How to enthuse the Jews in the pews? Making our synagogues flourish Aaron Goldstein  Matt Plen  Laura Janner-Klausner  Keith Kahn-Harris  Richard Verber  Phil Rosenberg  Orange 15
Can I have Yom Kippur off? No, you're the Rabbi - when religion and employment clash Jason Braier  Purple 31
Every and Enduring Eric Fingerhut  Red 1
Holy war: the Jewish view (1 of 2) Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz  Red 3
Things my dog has taught me - about being a better human Jonathan Wittenberg  Red 4
Introduction to Jewish peoplehood Noa Metuki  Hadas Nir  Red 5
What’s the secret formula? The CEO/Chair relationship Michelle Janes  Red 6
Tayelet Maurice Stone  Red 7
Scrabble schmabble Simon Rosenstone  Blue 32
Who wrote that? Robert Brody  Green 26
An introduction to Feldenkrais (1 of 5) Emma Alter  Green 27
“That’s no job for a nice Jewish…”: Jews in creative industries Gabriel Wolff  Chari Pere  Sarah Klegman  Emma Brand  Ruth Jacobson  Orange 10
The Banker in the Bath: Jews in the Golden Age of British mystery writing Shoshi Ish-Horowicz  Orange 11
Mao's China - propaganda and culture Yael Farjun  Orange 12
Pears Short Film Fund and other shorts Linda Berkowitz  UK Jewish Film Festival  Orange 13
‘Praying the gay away’ - experiences of conversion therapy for same sex attraction Shulli Clinton-Davis  Joe Hyman  Mathew Shurka  Elliot Jebreel  Orange 15
Literary lives: Shakespeare and the Jews (1 of 3) Aviva Dautch  Purple 31
RoboEthics and rabbis: being Jewish during the robot apocalypse Michael Even David  Jonathan Pam  Deborah Blausten  Kevin Lieberman  Red 1
Pioneers in the New World: the Jews of the Caribbean and Panama Dennis Sasso  Red 2
Nietzsche and Soloveitchik I: Morality Michael Harris  Red 4
The Bull and the Ram Mark Creeger  Red 6
Speed friending! Social Programming Team  Red 7
Crafternoon tea: candle making! Social Programming Team  Yellow 22
Songs of Israel: Mizrach and Ashkenaz Yoav Oved  Yellow 24
Happy Hebrew songs Raya Even David  Rhythm & Blues
Chain of tradition Jessica Deutsch  Music Room
Arts and crafts Limmud Families Team  Families Lounge
Cartoons Limmud Families Team  Oasis 1
Aliyah of food Nic Abery  Oasis 2
Daf yomi - Shevuot 26 Ian Gamse  Blue 32
Jerusalem dreams Jacqueline Nicholls  Blue 33
The story behind the making of "Ben-Gurion, Epilogue" Yariv Mozer  Blue 34
Spiritual resilience (1 of 3) Jonathan Wittenberg  Green 25
Empowering Jewish leaders Liat Cohen Raviv  Green 26
Al haNissim: on randomness, chaos and miracles Bill Kunin  Green 27
Are you willing to be complicit? Gary Webber  Orange 10
Was Benjamin Disraeli the first and the only Jewish prime minister? Robert Baruch  Orange 11
Photography and the Holocaust: victims, perpetrators and the allies Eli Gaventa  Orange 12
An Act of Defiance Linda Berkowitz  David Bilchitz  Adam Schwarz  UK Jewish Film Festival  Orange 13
Will Israel ever join the Commonwealth? And why it should... Howard Rosen  Clive Lawton  Red 1
Beyond Apikorsut: a Judaism for Secular Jews Adam Chalom  Red 2
Creative approaches to fertility issues Sargam Picker  Red 3
See the Divine through the eyes of Rav Kook (1 of 2) Michael Feuer  Red 4
'Bored of Deputies'? Richard Verber  Red 5
First steps in Jewish spirituality – the front door and backdoor to heaven Steve Miller  Red 7
Meet a secret billionaire Brian Teeman  Yellow 21
So, I'm not a kid anymore? David-Yehuda Stern  Oasis 3
Mitzvah heroes: what kind of person do I want to be? Danny Siegel  Oasis 3
When you wish upon a star Shira Kline  Music Room
The princess and the moon Andrea Kamens  Oasis 2
Navigate change with confidence (personal/family life) (1 of 2) George Halfin  Matt Halfin  Blue 33
Murder in the East End of London – the Lipski murder John Angel  Blue 34
How to end the 100 year Middle East conflict, by a political insider Ashley Perry  Green 25
The kids are all right Daniel Katz  Green 26
An art display as a D’var Torah? Creating more meaningful Bar/Bat Mitzvah experiences David Finkel  Kelly Finkel  Green 27
To be an Israeli orthodox lesbian Zehorit Sorek  Orange 10
The Kotel crisis and the future of Israel-Diaspora relations Avi Mayer  Orange 11
To the heart of America: Will Eisner and Jewish-American literature Daniel Fingeroth  Orange 12
Arab-Jewish shared society – where is Israel going? Roi Grufi  Michael M. Cohen  Yahya Mahamid  Lilach Weber  Idit (Edie) Pick  Orange 15
Great Jewish lyricists Mike Levy  Purple 31
Jesus and Judaism: Christmas for Jews (1 of 4) Amy-Jill Levine  Red 1
Shutfut: A "wedding" ceremony for all genders Michael Even David  Red 2
What makes Hebrew holy? Maimonides versus Halevi Daniel Anderson  Red 4
Stuck in the middle with Jew: understanding the old/new anti-semitism Jill Jacobs  Red 5
Ahavat Hinam Live Concert Max Jared Einsohn  Shannyn Gelbart  Red 6
Yes! And... - Improv 101 Michelle Citrin  Red 7
From the Shtetl to Ambridge - haimishing the Archers Annette Margolis  Yellow 22
The Temple Mount: past, present and future Lawrence Schiffman  Blue 33
Israel's story through a lens Amir Levi  Blue 34
A brief introduction to Hebrew manuscripts Yoel Finkelman  Green 26
The evolution of the Wandering Jew - visual and cultural interpretations Richard Cohen  Green 27
Rock and ROLL – dancing on wheels Vital Zinger  Orange 11
Who was David Ricardo and why should you care? Simon Gordon  Orange 12
Muhi Frima Bubis  Jessica Montell  Linda Berkowitz  UK Jewish Film Festival  Orange 13
Raymond Simonson in conversation with Joshua Harmon Raymond Simonson  Joshua Harmon  Orange 15
Explore the Jewish world of Leonard Cohen through his life and songs Peter Sevitt  Purple 31
Charedim and the Jewish future Tali Farkash  Menachem Bombach  Benjamin Brown  Ben Crowne  Red 1
Between the Kingdom of G-d and the kingdom of Man Tova Ganzel  Red 2
Overcoming moral dissonance through Midrashic interpretation: the disturbing case of the captive woman. Mordechai Zeller  Red 3
Godness Grief Benjamin Stanley  Red 4
Chanukah - a step back in time for LGBT+ inclusion? Dalia Fleming  Benjamin Ellis  Red 5
"Girls I've Loved and Lost" - a poetic memoir in spoken verse Marvin Shaw  Red 6
Positively parlour games! Social Programming Team  Red 7
Shai Tsabari Trio Nir Mantzur  Hod Moshonov  Shai Tsabari  Yellow 24
Braitah in the bar: a spirited session of Talmud Laura Janner-Klausner  Yaffa Epstein  Blue 32
The IDF as a melting pot? Omer Drori  Blue 33
My untold Jewish story: infertility and miscarriage (1 of 3) Sarah Bronzite  Blue 34
In a Spiritual Bind? Zohar as Mystical Midrash (1 of 2) Larry Tabick  Green 25
50 shades of great: exploring Jewish sexuality Ariella Perry  Green 26
The West Bank rabbis who are making peace with Palestinians Gideon Sylvester  Green 27
Jewish journalism’s eye in the sky Cnaan Lipshiz  Orange 10
The nose knows! Mark Oppenheimer  Orange 11
Papa Can You Hear Me - My Journey from Gemara to Gowns Moshiel Newman Daphna  Orange 12
Ken, Ken, Len: antisemitism denial in Labour Peter Mason  David Hirsh  Ella Rose  Orange 15
Is Bibi's time up? Simon Spungin  Lahav Harkov  Arieh King  Simon Plosker  Red 1
Confessions of a Rabbi Jonathan Romain  Red 3
What's so funny about Jewish humour? Gary Rosenblatt  Red 4
Singalong with the Rubens Ian Gold  Ivor Jacobs  Red 6
Israeli dance party (1 of 4) Sheila Eizensharf  Red 7
Balfour, Sadat, Herzl and Allenby: a year of anniversaries Michael Freeman  Yellow 21
"Thank G-d, for not making me a slave" Sam Grant  Yellow 22
Song and speeches: how the psalms inspired rap, reggae, pop, the blues... and US Presidents Daniel Heller  Green 25
Why do we love a TV show that is sexist, homophobic and lacking in diversity? Lucy Prevezer  Green 26
Jewish Stock Exchange Amos Schonfield  Daniel Fenster Simons  Orange 13
Another Limmud dating session? Sounds sketchy if you ask me... Social Programming Team  Purple 29
Death Daniel Shine  Purple 31
Late night kumsitz (sing-along) Zöe Jacobs  Shira Kline  Michelle Citrin  Josh Nelson  Red 6
American Bar/Bat Mitzvah party games Kevin Lieberman  Red 7
A complete history of Jewish music in seven Adon Olam tunes Isaac Treuherz  Yellow 21
Midnight meaning metaphor and meandering Samuel Barth  Yellow 22
Late night laughs at Limmud Rachel Creeger  Yellow 23