Limmud Festival 2017 - Presenters

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Presenters: R

Yarden Raber

Yardén is a faculty member at the Conservative Yeshiva. He studied in diverse batei midrash in Israel and abroad. He holds an MA in Talmud from Tel Aviv University and is completing his rabbinical ordination at the Schechter Institute. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife and their two daughters.

Monday 12:10
Monday 12:10 Others and otherness in rabbinic literature: was idolatry a source of ritual defilement? (2 of 2)
Tuesday 20:10
Tuesday 20:10 Rabbi Akiva and his legends (1 of 2)
Wednesday 18:50
Wednesday 18:50 Rabbi Akiva and his legends - the martyrdom (2 of 2)

Rob Rabinowitz

Rob Rabinowitz is a former religious educator now working in social and environmental finance. Rob is Head of Generation at Mongoose Energy and previously worked for Jewish Continuity, UJIA, and CLAL with a brief stint in multi-faith education at a Presbyterian seminary. Rob’s PhD is in philosophy.

Wednesday 16:00
Wednesday 16:00 Jesus the Shabbat breaker

Karen Radkowsky

Karen Radkowsky spent 20+ years at global marcoms agencies: Ogilvy, BBDO & Ketchum. Her firm, Impact: NPO, helps nonprofits achieve greater impact through branding, communications and measurement. A member of Limmud’s International Advisory Council, she was previously the trustee overseeing marcoms.

Tuesday 20:10
Tuesday 20:10 What's your brand essence? A workshop for nonprofit organisations

Rachel Reichhardt

Brazilian born, she studied at the Melton mechanchin bechirim programme at Hebrew University, Jerusalem. The first soferet stam certified at seminario rabinico Marshal Meyer in Buenos Aires, Argentina, & the only woman working with it in Latin America, she participated in the Women's Torah Project.

Sunday 09:20
Sunday 09:20 Mystic of Hebrew letters

Alma Reisel

Alma is a KeshetUK trustee, the Jewish charity working for the inclusion of all Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Trans Jews in all aspects of Jewish life. Alma is also a life-long Limmudnick, passionate feminist, family social worker, and Jewish educator.

Monday 10:40
Monday 10:40 KeshetUK diversity and LGBT inclusion training
Monday 21:50
Monday 21:50 My untold Jewish story: circumcision (2 of 3)
Tuesday 13:20
Tuesday 13:20 LGBT+ inclusion in schools workshop
Tuesday 20:10
Tuesday 20:10 Gender and sexuality: introduction (for families)
Wednesday 09:20
Wednesday 09:20 Isaac and Rebecca attend family therapy
Wednesday 14:40
Wednesday 14:40 Jewish women taking on the patriarchy

Berit Reisel

Berit led the campaign for the compensation for losses suffered by Norwegian Jews during the Second World War. She was ultimately successful, making Norway the only European country to take seriously its responsibility for their country's role in the Holocaust.

Tuesday 16:00
Tuesday 16:00 The Norwegian Shoah: the war's long shadows

Susan Reuben

Susan Reuben is a writer and editor. She has a column in the Jewish Chronicle called 'Acting Like a Grown-Up' and was the editor of the JC’s Pesach and Rosh Hashanah magazines. She is also communications officer for Masorti Judaism. When not doing these things, she can generally be found on Facebook.

Tuesday 18:50
Tuesday 18:50 What does a Jew look like?

Marcus Roberts

Marcus Roberts is the founder / director of and creates Jewish Heritage trails in England, and Holocaust trails in the Channel Islands and NW France, as well as working with communities across England. JTrails is part of the ‘European Routes of Jewish Heritage’.

Wednesday 10:40
Wednesday 10:40 Jewish heritage from 400 feet - drones and Jewish heritage
Wednesday 14:40
Wednesday 14:40 The Jews of Canterbury

Yael Roberts

Yael Roberts is the Young Adults Community Organiser for Reform Judaism. She has studied at the Conservative Yeshiva and in the Pardes Kollel. Over the past two years, she completed an MA in Printmaking at UAL while working as Lead Educator at Alyth Gardens synagogue.

Tuesday 13:20
Tuesday 13:20 Parshat Vayechi with the Hasidic masters (1 of 2)
Wednesday 13:20
Wednesday 13:20 Parshat Vayechi with the Hasidic masters (2 of 2)

Yeva Robinson

Yeva is a Dance Movement psychotherapist and a senior lecturer at Roehampton University. She is a mother of a teenager with Down Syndrome and is passionate about promoting inclusion for young people with learning difficulties.

Wednesday 16:00
Wednesday 16:00 A Bat Mitzvah with a difference

Anna Roiser

Anna Roiser is a judicial assistant in the Court of Appeal, having previously worked as a family law solicitor. During 2017 Anna took a career break, spending six months in Jerusalem, volunteering and engaging in anti-occupation activism. Anna is a New Israel Fund UK Fellow for 2017/2018.

Sunday 14:40
Sunday 14:40 Anti-occupation activism in the West Bank
Wednesday 13:20
Wednesday 13:20 Should we be teaching the next generation to be zionists?

Jonathan Romain

Rabbi, writer, and broadcaster, Jonathan Romain is minister of Maidenhead Synagogue. He is chaplain to the Jewish Police Association, chair of the Accord Coalition (campaigning for inclusive education) and a Patron of Dignity in Dying. His latest book is ‘Confessions of a Rabbi’.

Sunday 21:50
Sunday 21:50 Confessions of a Rabbi
Monday 13:20
Monday 13:20 The revolution in Jewish status: equilineality
Wednesday 10:40
Wednesday 10:40 Reincarnation and the afterlife

Ella Rose

Ella Rose is the Director of the Jewish Labour Movement, which has been an affiliate of the Labour Party since 1920. She has previously been Public Affairs Officer at the Israeli Embassy and President of the Union of Jewish Students.

Sunday 21:50
Sunday 21:50 Ken, Ken, Len: antisemitism denial in Labour
Tuesday 14:40
Tuesday 14:40 Jewish and Labour - under assault? A very narrow bridge (Gesher Tsar Meod)
Wednesday 16:00
Wednesday 16:00 Jon Lansman of Momentum meets Jewish leaders one year on

Howard Rosen

Howard Rosen grew up in North West London, and has been a practising English solicitor living in Zurich, Switzerland since 1983. Howard is Ambassador at Large for the Commonwealth Jewish Council.

Sunday 17:30
Sunday 17:30 Will Israel ever join the Commonwealth? And why it should...

Melissa Rosen

Melissa Rosen is Program Manager for Matching Grants& Special Initiatives at the Jewish Funders Network. She is responsible for all programmatic initiatives relating to JFN’s matching grant programs &other member services for the JFN network. In spare time she's an avid volunteer & coffee enthusiast

Monday 13:20
Monday 13:20 What will be your legacy?

Daphna Rosenberg

Daphna Rosenberg is a singer, guitarist, and a main prayer leader in the Nava Tehila Jewish Renewal community in Jerusalem. Daphna composes new music to traditional prayers and poetry.

Monday 18:50
Monday 18:50 The Art of Chant Leading: workshop for singers, musicians, cantors, rabbis, and lay leaders
Tuesday 10:40
Tuesday 10:40 From piyyutim to yeshiva a capella: the evolution of Jewish music
Tuesday 20:10
Tuesday 20:10 Nava Tehila in concert
Wednesday 21:50
Wednesday 21:50 Chant Circle with Nava Tehila

Jeanette Rosenberg

A popular and knowledgeable family history speaker, Jeanette is education lead for JGSGB. She’s also a part time professional genealogist and was awarded the OBE in 2016 for her disability work, undertaken alongside her official role as a Civil Servant in the UK’s Department for International Trade.

Wednesday 10:40
Wednesday 10:40 An introduction to Jewish genealogy
Wednesday 13:20
Wednesday 13:20 Genealogy consultation drop-in

Joel Rosenberg

Joel is one of the RSY-Netzer youth movement workers. He has been involved in RSY-Netzer since he went on Israel tour in 2011 where he fell love with the community and ideology. After his gap year travelling, he went to the University of Leeds to study Biochemistry and graduated last year.

Monday 21:50
Monday 21:50 Jewnetic engineering - a look at the Jewish views on genetic modification

Phil Rosenberg

Phil Rosenberg is Director of Public Affairs at the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the national representative body of the UK Jewish community. Outside work, Phil is a local councillor for West Hampstead in Camden, representing the Labour Party. He is co-chair of Camden's Faith Leader's Forum.

Sunday 14:40
Sunday 14:40 How to enthuse the Jews in the pews? Making our synagogues flourish

Gary Rosenblatt

Gary Rosenblatt is editor and publisher of The Jewish Week of New York, the largest and most respected community Jewish newspaper in the U.S. He is founder and chair of The Jewish Week Investigative Journalism Fund, Write On For Israel, and The Conversation, an annual national retreat.

Saturday 11:30
Saturday 11:30 Confessions of a Jewish journalist
Sunday 21:50
Sunday 21:50 What's so funny about Jewish humour?
Monday 20:10
Monday 20:10 The Donald and the Jews
Wednesday 08:00
Wednesday 08:00 Morning news review! Gary Rosenblatt of the Jewish Week
Wednesday 12:10
Wednesday 12:10 The Conversation: a unique Jewish retreat

Simon Rosenstone

Simon is severely visually impaired but has lots of interests. He plays Scrabble in the London Scrabble League, is am a big fan of UNO, and enjoys some outdoor pursuits.

Saturday 16:15
Saturday 16:15 UNO - the number one game
Sunday 16:00
Sunday 16:00 Scrabble schmabble

Rachel Rosenzweig

Rachel is the director of Business Development for Made in JLM, a non-profit that connects and empowers Jerusalem’s startup community. She made aliyah in 2011 after her gap year in Israel with Habonim Dror. She served as an IDF commander in the “Sarel” unit for 2 years.

Monday 20:10
Monday 20:10 Being a Lone Soldier in the IDF
Tuesday 12:10
Tuesday 12:10 The emerging tech and startup scene in Jerusalem (1 of 2)
Wednesday 12:10
Wednesday 12:10 The emerging tech and startup scene in Jerusalem (2 of 2)
Wednesday 17:30
Wednesday 17:30 Hacking Judaism: A discussion with the tech community

Michael Ross

An experienced life & financial planner, Michael knows how important a healthy relationship with money is to a happy life. Taking a holistic approach, he is passionate about empowering people, and his workshops help them to see the bigger picture and achieve positive life outcomes.

Thursday 09:20
Thursday 09:20 The secret life of money

Sharon Ross

Sharon lives in a constant fog which causes severe cognitive problems. After a long journey she discovered that it is caused by frontal lobe epilepsy and is now on a high fat / low carb (ketogenic) diet to control her brain activity. She lives in Borehamwood with her husband and three beautiful children.

Wednesday 09:20
Wednesday 09:20 Ketogenic and kosher - treating a Jewish person with epilepsy through diet

Anthony Mordechai Tsvi Russell

Anthony Mordechai Tzvi Russell is a vocalist, composer and arranger specialising in Yiddish song, hazones and Hasidic nigunim. His work in Jewish music has brought him to stages all over the United States, Canada, Europe and Israel. Future engagements include performances in Berlin and Krakow.

Monday 12:10
Monday 12:10 Desert Island Discs: Anthony Mordechai Tsvi Russell
Monday 16:00
Monday 16:00 Written in Breath: Yiddish song as commentary
Tuesday 14:40
Tuesday 14:40 Unorthodox Live!

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