Limmud Festival 2017
Wednesday 27 December 2017

Morning news review! Gary Rosenblatt of the Jewish Week Gary Rosenblatt  Social Programming Team  Blue 32
V'yarutz v'yomer: and he ran and he talked, or "run and chat" (3 of 4) Abigail Morris  Hilton Lobby
Take the world off your shoulders: Feldenkrais @ Limmud (5 of 5) Emma Alter  Red 7
Pride and Persecution – Jan Steen’s Old Testament scenes Marion Kinshuck  Hilton Lobby
Morning chavruta – Encountering the Divine: Study (3 of 3) Limmud Chavruta Team  Yellow 24
Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh? How do we co-produce LGBT+ inclusive Jewish communities and organisations? Neil Levitan  Blue 33
Isaac and Rebecca attend family therapy Alma Reisel  Blue 34
The distinctiveness of Reconstructionist Judaism Dennis Sasso  Green 25
Tu B’Av; the holiday of love is reborn Eve Harow  Green 26
Go green: ecological innovations in Israel Oded Gvaram  Green 27
Where have all the Prophets gone? Michael Feuer  Orange 10
Jewish heretics from Abraham to Amichai Adam Chalom  Orange 11
Ketogenic and kosher - treating a Jewish person with epilepsy through diet Sharon Ross  Orange 12
Landgericht Tania Barnett  Linda Berkowitz  Ruth Barnett  UK Jewish Film Festival  Orange 13
Intermarriage - the state of the debate Aryeh Klapper  Andrea Jacobs  Adam Zagoria-Moffet  Mark Levin  Orange 15
Providing a Kad Shemen for Jewish life - dance as food for the soul Maurice Stone  Purple 31
Famous Jewish scientists (and some notorious ones…) Karen Ettinger  Red 1
There's an atheist in the house: spanning religious differences in families Saul Weiner  Suzanne Griffel  Red 2
Miracle workers or mischief makers? A journey through Tractate Taanit 2. Hanina ben Dosa’s Wife (Taanit 24b-25a). (2 of 3) Margaret Jacobi  Red 3
Teshuva: encountering the Divine Presence within - for real! Yiscah Smith  Red 4
Tomor or not tomor, that is the question! Jacqueline Lewis  Red 5
Looking at the challenges that face British Jewry today and into the future Sara Leviten  Jo Nissim  Red 6
Hashkata: A face of Jewish meditation (2 of 2) Mira Niculescu  Red 7
Contemporary Jewish dialogue in Oxford: things aren't quite what they seem Wendy Fidler  Yellow 21
If you quill it, it is no dream Hannah Myerson  Yellow 22
Charedi Startups Menachem Bombach  Yellow 23
Meaningful melodies - what makes them memorable and how do I write them? Michelle Citrin  Blue 33
Ford - American big business and the Holocaust (2 of 2) Mark Creeger  Blue 34
Uprooted: how 3000 years of Jewish civilisation in the Arab world vanished overnight Lyn Julius  Green 25
The campaign to outlaw conversion therapy in the USA Mathew Shurka  Green 26
Balfour Accomplished Beverley-Jane Stewart  Green 27
Jewish heritage from 400 feet - drones and Jewish heritage Marcus Roberts  Orange 10
An introduction to Jewish genealogy Jeanette Rosenberg  Orange 11
Transforming the mental health landscape Louise Palmer  Tanya Harris  Orange 12
Has nationalism returned to Europe? Gillian Merron  Cnaan Lipshiz  Benjamin Weinthal  Tamas Buchler  Simon Gordon  Orange 15
"I would never set foot in Poland!" A virtual walking tour of the Warsaw Ghetto Gideon Sylvester  Purple 31
Labour of love: Stella Creasy MP Stella Creasy  Red 1
Calling all activists: recharge and reconnect with your Neshama Ilana Sumka  Red 3
Ask Hifsa (almost) everything you want to know about Islam and being a Muslim woman in Britain today Hifsa Haroon-Iqbal  Laura Marks  Red 4
Reincarnation and the afterlife Jonathan Romain  Red 5
Naya: creativity & change in the slums of Mumbai Adit Goschalk  Lucy Cohen  Red 6
Songs of change Happie Hoffman  Eric Hunker  Red 7
The use and abuse of power - Bet Midrash Beginners (3 of 4) Roni Tabick  Red 9
“If the Torah is empty, it’s your fault!”: Rabbi Yishmael and Rabbi Akiva in conflict (3 of 4) Jeremy Tabick  Red 9
"Come let us remove him" (Experience morning intensive) (3 of 4) Joseph Israel  Benjamin Stanley  Red 9
Anyone can be a teacher: from source to source sheet Elements @ Festival Limmud  David Levin-Kruss  Yellow 21
Limmud Book Club: The Power (4 of 4) Shoshi Ish-Horowicz  Aviva Dautch  Yellow 22
"Out to find the boys, but discovered ourselves" Racheli Fraenkel  Yellow 23
A Jewish bestiary: Art Spiegelman, Mausketeer (4 of 4) Jay Geller  Yellow 24
Lunch and learn David Cassuto  Social Programming Team  Blue 32
Science is #fakenews Ben Lewis  Blue 33
Think positive, feel capable Vital Zinger  Blue 34
The Conversation: a unique Jewish retreat Gary Rosenblatt  Green 25
Effective media relations for charities Dan Brown  Green 26
The emerging tech and startup scene in Jerusalem (2 of 2) Rachel Rosenzweig  Green 27
Israel in the eyes of an Arab Yahya Mahamid  Orange 10
How to be a human - pluralism (3 of 3) Matt Plen  Orange 11
Rebbe Nachman: reconstruction or rejection? David Bigman  Orange 12
What makes a great leader and believer a deviant? Nathan Lopes Cardozo  Elie Jesner  Orange 15
Leo Baeck: not just teacher of Theresienstadt Harry Jacobi  Purple 31
"Beyn Dam leDam" - budgeting for life Racheli Fraenkel  Red 1
Is Judaism a religion? A very brief introduction to modern Jewish thought Tamra Wright  Red 2
Jewish-Italian communities as a 'Laboratory of Modernity' in early modern period Roni Weinstein  Red 3
Jews and Chinese food Phil Peters  Red 4
Russian revolutionaries Steve Miller  Red 5
Daniel Cainer - Even More Gefilte Fish & Chips Daniel Cainer  Red 6
Jamming workshop Harry Style  Dean Staker  James Charles  Nathan Finkel  Red 6
Mindful Judaism - a Jewish guide to beating stress and anxiety Marvin Shaw  Red 7
Land of milk & honey? Bet you’ve never been to Yeruham… Graham Carpenter  Yellow 21
Café ivrit Raya Even David  Yellow 22
From helplessness to resilience and vice versa: the Manchester community Moshe Farchi  Yellow 23
Can Labour win back the Jewish community? Jeremy Newmark  Rhea Wolfson  Jon Lansman  Stella Creasy  Andrew Gilbert  Yellow 24
Genealogy consultation drop-in Leigh Dworkin  Jeanette Rosenberg  Daniel Morgan-Thomas  Blue 32
Irena Sendler - resistance, rescue and righteousness Antony Lishak  Blue 33
'One of us': A harrowing documentary on the journey of three ex-Hasidic Jews Emily Green  Blue 34
Conversations in Germany Yoav Landau-Pope  Green 25
Composing a spiritual will - a hands-on session (2 of 2) Holly Blue Hawkins  Green 26
Should we be teaching the next generation to be zionists? Anna Roiser  Nina Morris-Evans  Green 27
A Christian and a Jew walk into a bar.... Patrick Moriarty  Jeremy Stowe-Lindner  Orange 10
The (Jewish) art of design Irene Wise  Orange 11
Campus is a good place for Jews! A chance to really understand the environment Rob Young  Isabella Lenga  Rebecca Filer  Susy Goldstone  Orange 12
Misogynist Film Club: unashamedly queer Mekella Broomberg  Alex Davidson  Jacqueline Nicholls  Orange 13
"Transparent" goes to Israel Julia Wagner  Orange 14
Is the Torah really from heaven? Nathan Lopes Cardozo  Orange 15
Write here, write now Rachel Creeger  Purple 31
Women - still, seen and not heard! Hifsa Haroon-Iqbal  Carole Sterling  Eve Sacks  Laura Marks  Red 1
Can a purely 'cultural Jew' exist? The possible horizons of secular Jewish identity. Eli Philippe Fabrikant  Gabriel Wolff  Red 2
Rabbinic rebels and rebellious rabbis: understanding authority in the Talmud (3 of 3) Yaffa Epstein  Red 3
How to grow your community in 150 funerals Daniel Epstein  Red 4
Stress in our families and how to handle it Tanya Harris  Louise Palmer  Red 5
For singing's sake Mich Sampson  Zöe Jacobs  Red 6
Become a Dementia Friend for the Jewish Community Gill Yentis  Red 7
Parshat Vayechi with the Hasidic masters (2 of 2) Yael Roberts  Red 9
A positive sexual ethic in the Talmud - part II Hadassah Fromson  Sam Fromson  Red 9
Henna for Jews Harry Lampert  Yellow 22
Meet a Syrian refugee Richard Verber  Yellow 23
Seven metaphors for God Raphael Zarum  Yellow 24
Pride and prejudice: challenging attitudes towards Jewish identity and learning disabilities Shoshana Bloom  Robyn Freeman  Blue 33
Why did Jesus and Rabbi Akiva have to meet Moses? Chaim Hames  Green 25
The Jews of Canterbury Marcus Roberts  Green 26
British plutocrats from Baghdad Lyn Julius  Green 27
Knit and natter - knitting circle Social Programming Team  Hilton Lobby
Israeli filmmaker Yariv Mozer presents: my films, my identity Yariv Mozer  Orange 10
Shakespeare's Shylock - villain or victim? Ilana Epstein  Orange 11
Why call it occupation? The political and legal reality of Israel's rule in the West Bank Jessica Montell  Orange 12
Yazidi David Evans  Linda Berkowitz  UK Jewish Film Festival  Orange 13
’We’re dancing with fascism': Totalitarian aesthetics in music Keith Kahn-Harris  Purple 31
Jewish women taking on the patriarchy Jacqueline Nicholls  Mekella Broomberg  Sarah Bronzite  Andrea Jacobs  Alma Reisel  Red 1
One billion Chinese, one American Jew: uncovering the blossoming of Jewish inquiry and study in the People's Republic of China; what it may mean for world Jewry and Israel Steven Windmueller  Red 2
Unorthodox thinkers Barry Kleinberg  Red 3
Praying the Bible: participating in God's history, power and holiness Mark Levin  Red 4
"Whoever has a Torah mind can solve any problem": The Charedi doctrine of Daas Torah Benjamin Brown  Red 5
Jess Gold in Concert Dean Staker  Jane Kelson  Jessica Gold  Red 6
Kol Rina singing workshop Debbie Lee  Julian Gilbey  Red 7
Shorthand in Hebrew: Gregg from aleph to tav Gabriel Kanter-Webber  Yellow 22
Why do we need a Vagina Museum? Florence Schechter  Blue 33
Queer, brown and Jewish: Mizrahi gays in Israel Roi Grufi  Blue 34
Rediscovering Bar Kokhba: evidence from the Judean Desert Lawrence Schiffman  Green 25
We're Ghana change the world - orthodox Judaism meets social action in West Africa Genna Barnett  Ilana Epstein  Daniel Epstein  Green 26
God Loves the Stranger: Writing Workshop Sheila Weinberg  Green 27
Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you've got to start young. Wendy Stolerman  Jackie Kramer  Paula Plaskow  Orange 10
A Bat Mitzvah with a difference Yeva Robinson  Orange 11
What happens to survivors of modern day slavery in the UK? Lara Bundock  Sam Grant  Orange 12
Jon Lansman of Momentum meets Jewish leaders one year on Adrian Cohen  Jeremy Newmark  Jon Lansman  Alex Sobel  Ella Rose  Andrew Gilbert  Orange 15
Crafternoon tea: hamsa decorating! Social Programming Team  Purple 31
The cruel cost of leaving the Charedi community Ben Katz  Emily Green  Red 1
The social life of texts: towards an anthropology of Midrash (2 of 2) Lea Taragin-Zeller  Red 2
How the Talmud saved my life Janine Stein  Red 3
Choosing Judaism: narratives from the Reform Beit Din Jacqueline Tabick  Red 4
Jesus the Shabbat breaker Rob Rabinowitz  Red 5
Let the children first be fed Patrick Moriarty  Red 6
More modern jive (2 of 2) Jonathan Hunter  Dan Mackenzie  Red 7
Easy peasy mitzvah projects Danny Siegel  Oasis 2
ShirLaLa family concert Shira Kline  Rhythm & Blues
Arts and crafts Limmud Families Team  Families Lounge
Cartoons Limmud Families Team  Oasis 1
Act the Torah part! Eva Frojmovic  Music Room
"What's wrong with you?" - live podcast taping Florence Schechter  Sarah Klegman  Blue 33
Which side are you on, my people? Why polarisation is good for the Jews Simone Zimmerman  Blue 34
A spiritual journey through the teenage years Marcia Plumb  Green 25
The Nunes Ribeiros: 100 years under the Inquisition Avigail Ben-Gad  Green 27
American Jewish History - the treyfe banquet Barry Kleinberg  Orange 10
'Miscarried, The Comic': when procreating isn't as simple as 'Pru U'rvu' - a man's perspective (2 of 2) Chari Pere  Orange 11
Changing narratives - from cooperation to coexistence, and beyond? Hadar Galron  Nigel Goodrich  Orange 12
Is East Jerusalem a settlement? Ilana Sumka  Eve Harow  Arieh King  Emily Hilton  Simon Gordon  Orange 15
Jewish communities in Latin America (2 of 2) Renato Huarte Cuéllar  Purple 31
Hacking Judaism: A discussion with the tech community Brian Teeman  Adam Overlander-Kaye  Charlotte Henry  Rachel Rosenzweig  Kevin Lieberman  Red 1
Shattering the Tablets: uncovering the meaning of Jewish life Leon Morris  Red 2
Daf yomi - Shevuot 29 David Bigman  Red 3
Voicing love of God: prayer, history, intimacy Michael Haruni  Red 4
Jesus and Judaism: fulfilling prophecy (4 of 4) Amy-Jill Levine  Red 5
A voice in the woods Shai Tsabari  Red 7
The very best Tikkun Olam for you Danny Siegel  Oasis 3
Bubbelas love to boogie! Raymond Simonson  Rhythm & Blues
Bedtime stories for sleepy kinderlach David-Yehuda Stern  Oasis 2
What’s text got to do with it Sam Grant  Georgina Bye  Blue 33
Through the Eyes of women: a look at filmmaking and distribution in Israel Hedva Goldschmidt  Blue 34
Rabbi Akiva and his legends - the martyrdom (2 of 2) Yarden Raber  Green 25
Write letters to refugees Erin Zaikis  Green 26
Aleinu - not just an excuse for Kaddish Andy Kaufmann  Green 27
Antisemitism - the original fake news Charlotte Henry  Orange 10
Warts and all Simon Spungin  Orange 11
My personal journey - a history of how March of the Living started Scott Saunders  Orange 12
How did the Labour Party get into such a mess over Israel, Jews and antisemitism? Luke Akehurst  Orange 13
Where’s the hedgehog? And 26 other things you never knew about Belarus Jonathan Clingman  Debra Brunner  Orange 14
Judaism as rebellion: a plea for religious authenticity and halachic courage Nathan Lopes Cardozo  Orange 15
The Beit Midrash tisch Beit Midrash Hevra  Purple 31
Balfour at 100 Michael Freeman  Yahya Mahamid  Lyn Julius  Richard Landes  Simon Gordon  Red 1
“Return the man’s wife for he is a prophet”: a study in forgiveness Ian Gamse  Red 2
Overeaters anonymous Red 3
Who owns Jerusalem? Natan Abenaim  Red 4
Three generations of the Kindertransport Tania Barnett  Ruth Barnett  Red 5
Stories sung in harmony Max Jared Einsohn  Shannyn Gelbart  Happie Hoffman  Eric Hunker  Red 6
Israeli dance party (4 of 4) Sheila Eizensharf  Red 7
The first decade of the State of Israel through the camera lens Karen Ettinger  Yellow 21
Not The Gala The Not The Gala Team  Orange 14
Limmud Festival Gala Yellow 24
Ahead of Time: The Extraordinary Journey of Ruth Gruber (73 mins) & Q&A Patricia A. Kenner  Blue 33
Let's talk about sex Elie Jesner  Blue 34
Virginity is f****d: deconstructing cultural views on sex and purity Emily Hilton  Green 25
You can make a difference; motivation and perseverence Adi Lustig  Green 26
The new volunteers - youth volunteering in the 21st century in Israel Reut Mor  Orange 13
Bis Bas (Live) Jonny Mosesson  Orange 14
Who is Torah? A beloved maiden concealed in her (ice?) palace (2 of 2) Daniel Lichman  Purple 31
Language under siege Michael Feuer  Red 3
Chant Circle with Nava Tehila Nava Tehila  Ilan Glazer  Daphna Rosenberg  Yoel Sykes  Ruth Gan Kagan  Red 7
Hallelujah, it’s Leonard Cohen Melinda Jones  Yellow 21
Late night chavruta – Encountering the Divine: Study (3 of 3) Limmud Chavruta Team  Green 27
Limmud's Late Night Cabaret Florence Schechter  Sarah Klegman  Moshiel Newman Daphna  Dex Grodner  Lilach Weber  Aviva Dautch  Emma Brand  Orange 14
Beatles tribute concert Nathan Finkel  Harry Style  James Charles  Dean Staker  Josh Nelson  Red 6
The Rebbetzins' Disco Raymond Simonson  Jacqueline Nicholls  Red 7