Green 26
Russell Barton was one of 96 London medical students who spent a month helping at Belsen after liberation. His experience impacted on his career as an outspoken psychiatrist fighting for more humane NHS psychiatric care. Later he was caught up in a Holocaust denial trial. How should we view him today? I need your help on this work in progress.
Red 6
“Israel’s tribal schisms are threatening to tear it apart”, President Rubi Rivlin, 2015. What is the cause and extent of this crisis, and what is being done to advance social cohesion in Israel? The Pew Report, political trends and school system demographics indicate a far reaching transformation that will redefine what it means to be 'Israeli'...
Orange 10
Reflect on the rise of the far-right in France, and the challenges of the upcoming presidential election. With a focus on the national coordination of watchdogs committees set up by the Union of French Jewish Students against the far-right in cities where the National Front had been elected. A comparative approach with the UK would be welcome.
Sophie Teff Jonathan Clingman Samuel Behrens
Red 1
Presentation on the work of The Together Plan in the former Soviet Union, especially Belarus, to rebuild Jewish communities and reconnect people with their Jewish roots and identities.
Red 3
Since January 2014, Judith has been leading singing sessions for people moved by the idea of sharing their voices with those in the final days and hours of life. At that crossroads, some may find the companionship of human voices comforting, uplifting or positive in some other way. Come and find out more if this speaks - or sings - to you...
Yellow 21
Our world has become rapidly global and interdependent (circular), while our systems of learning remain linear and hierarchical. Join us in a dynamic process through circular discussion, to build the foundations for the future of education and start scrutinizing how a “global university” could look like.
Red 7
How well do you know Jerusalem? Come and test your knowledge with this interactive session. We will play and explore 5,000 years of history, including some of the lesser-known chapters in the past and present of the Holy City.
Orange 12
The word "Ghetto" was coined in Venice in 1516, and was then applied to other Jewish areas and later became a synonym of ethnic segregation. Shaul Bassi will look at the history of the Ghetto and discuss the present challenges and future prospects of a small but vibrant Jewish community whose landmark quarter has just celebrated 500 years of continuous existence.
Red 5
An opportunity for the children and grandchildren of survivors of and refugees from Nazi persecution - and their partners to reflect on their family history and what this has meant to them and their families.
Red 2
Monty Python's discussion in "Life of Brian" is our jumping-off point for this romp through Jewish traditional texts and history. Bring your own beard.
Orange 11
How do we know about the story of the Maccabees and the origins of Chanukah? It turns out that there are no less than four books linked to this important episode in our history. So why didn’t they get into the Bible??
Red 4
This year marks the centenary of Yehudi Menuhin’s birth. In this session, Malcolm Singer considers the great violinist’s legacy. He explores Menuhin’s attitude to the religion of his birth and assess his life and music-making in relation to his spiritual values. The session will include rare, recently discovered film of Menuhin performing.