Limmud Festival 2017

Limmud Festival 2017 – Monday 08:00

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Are You Sitting Comfortably? Feldenkrais @ Limmud (3 of 5)

Emma Alter 

Red 7

Many of us spend more time sitting down than our bodies were intended for, which can lead to hip/back ache. Come & find some flexibility in your hips in this Movement session for all. I take you through a sequence of gentle movements, refined in an attentive, mindful way. With awareness you can release unconscious muscular tension to move better

Morning news review! YNet's Tali Farkash

Social Programming Team  Tali Farkash 

Blue 32

Rise and shine! Come and hear from top journalists about a recent news story in their publication and have a chat with other early risers about the story and surrounding issues. Meet new people and get your morning off to a sociable start! This morning Tali Farkash, from YNet - one of Israel's top digital news outlets, gives her perspective.

V'yarutz v'yomer: and he ran and he talked, or "run and chat" (1 of 4)

Abigail Morris 

Hilton Lobby

For those who want to stretch their legs as well as their minds, come and run with Abigail. We can discuss Jewish topics, our running schedules or just enjoy being outside. Please be prepared to run for an hour and to perhaps get muddy.

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