Yellow 22
We will take a look at the beginning of Chapter 318 of The Code of Jewish Law. We will discover that it is an extremely important chapter, which is about much more than the laws of cooking. The session is likely to be text based. No prior knowledge is assumed.
Green 25
What is a Nazir? From the feral figure of Samson to the Magian queen who married her brother, the Nazirite has been a conflicted and complex construct though the ages. Hold on to your seats as we try to white-water-raft our way through the relevant biblical texts down to the murky lagoon of the Mishnah and the Talmud with all that lies beneath.
Red 8
Why do we call watches "time pieces"? Is it an expression of a hidden wish to own a piece of time? Time was always revered and dreaded, and it is therefore not surprising that when time and Jewish Law crossed paths a halakhic volcano erupted, constantly providing new opinions about and means for measuring halakhic times. In this session we will try to understand what are the boundaries of night, day, and the twilight zone.