Red 6
This is an exciting, experiential three part course for anyone interested in the wonderful well-being benefits that creativity brings to our lives. Are you an artist, writer, poet, musician, educator, teacher or therapist? Or would you simply like to get involved in a creative endeavour or project for its own sake? If so, this course is just for you!
Red 4
What do you do when the Torah and Judaism you are absolutely in love with doesn’t love you back? A part poetry, part personal narrative session exploring the lived experience of not finding oneself in Jewish text and tradition. Q&A to follow.
Blue 34
Was Herzl an assimilated Jew (as the biographies say) or a person of real commitment to the Jewish faith with a legacy for generations to come?
Yellow 21
How trauma and memory are passed from generation to generation is a complex reality. Judaism, through iterations of forced removals, genocides, and expulsions, has adapted, morphed and changed over the course of history. This session examines trauma as an inheritance from a spiritual, psychological, scientific, and interpersonal lens.
Blue 33
Using biblical references and archaeological findings with some knowledge of agriculture and farming you will learn what sustained our ancestors. A sample meal will be provided.
Lior Kaminetsky Tracy Tharissa Maria Pater Zakir Uddin Tirhas Woldai
Yellow 23
Amazingly enough, some Muslims, Christians and others are happy with their own religion but want their children to get a Jewish education. Why is it happening? Should we allow or even encourage this? Perhaps it is a waste of Jewish resources? Join us for a discussion about this phenomenon and its possible implication on us as a Jewish community.
Green 25
An open discussion for young professionals who are trying to figure out how to mix religion and spirituality with their career and social life. Should we stick with the traditions that we were brought up with and enjoyed as a kid but seem impractical in our modern lives? Is it okay to pick and choose what to keep and what to do our own way?
Shoshi Ish-Horowicz Aviva Dautch
Red 9
This stand-alone session is a chance for book lovers to share insights. We will discuss our favourite extracts, characters and theories - for those who've already read the book and those who haven't but want to find out more. Today's choice is Rachel Kadish’s award winning historical novel about Jews in seventeenth century London.
Orange 10
Come and join Hadassah (a psychologist) and Sam (a rabbi) for a workshop to explore the impact of casting kids into roles, and how to help your children develop self esteem, independence and confidence.
Orange 11
Why are there three different vowels pronounced ‘a’? When is an ‘a’ an ‘o’? (Spot one at 50 paces.) What does a sheva sound like? All these mysteries and more... For those who can read (but perhaps not understand) Hebrew and would like to know a bit more about Hebrew ‘pointing’ (vowels and other dotty stuff) to improve accuracy and understanding.
Red 2
Yes, there is comedy in the Bible and the book of Esther is a primary example. We will examine the book's farcical and bawdy passages.
Orange 12
A successful entrepreneur in the Startup Nation, while focusing on their own business, looks for opportunities to give back to their local ecosystem and the broader Israeli community. This discussion will shine light on the ways that startup leaders give back to their communities as they simultaneously obsess over their own projects.
Red 1
The Levinsky family walk for a year across Russia with their precious violin which becomes Rosa's property. She has the violin with her when she is taken prisoner on Kristellnact 1938. Sent to Mauthausen, Auschwitz and Belsen where she plays with the women's orchestra. Survives the camps to give evidence at Nuremburg.
Practical help from the participant care team to get the Guidebook app loaded and ready to use on your personal devices.
Andrew Gilbert Wes Streeting MP
Orange 15
Wes Streeting is certainly one of our favourite Labour MPs. From his days as President of NUS until today he has been a friend to our community not just on issues but with so many of us. This is an overdue moment at his first Limmud.
Red 3
Participants' perceptions of Ezra will be followed by a look at ancient evidence on Ezra including some intriguing gaps in our records, e.g. in the Dead Sea Scrolls. We will move on to Ezra’s programme of education and the issue of defining the borders of the Jewish community. We will end by looking at how Ezra's values relate to other groups.
Yellow 22
This session will cover the liturgical overview of Shabbat services, with an in-depth focus on the Musaf service. It will include a section on recognising brachot a section on the structure of the Shabbat Amidot and a section focusing specifically on the liturgical order of the musaf service.
Purple 31
Attending a LimmudNY session about BRCA gene mutations--which impacts about 1 in 40 people of Ashkenazi descent--forced me to face some unpleasant truths, and changed my life. Come hear and learn from my journey as I attempt to pay it forward.