Orange 14
Should we expect the free market to be moral? If so, moral according to whom? And if it’s not, does that make it immoral, amoral or just simply value neutral? What’s the relationship, if any, between socialism, communism, capitalism and Judaism. In this interactive session we will explore these issues.
Red 2
We will be looking at how antisemitism today is an echo of past contempt. From its early teachings through to today's pulpits and conference podia, the Church has failed to love its closest faith neighbour. It can only truly fulfil its calling when it repents of its hostility toward Judaism.
Red 5
As we age, often we feel less moveable, adaptable, and more scared of falling. The Feldenkrais Method is a great way of improving how we move and get around. Using movement and awareness as tools, we will be exploring how we can use our feet better to ground us to the floor. This is a practical session, open to everyone of all abilities.
Purple 31
Discover how ‘secular’ music can illustrate and illuminate our traditional texts and prayers. We’ll both sing and listen, and no prior musical knowledge is necessary; just enthusiasm and open ears!
Orange 12
Missing President Bartlet and his fast-talking team? Fan of the quirkier Alaska-based ‘dramedy’ about displaced New Yorker Dr Joel Fleischman? This session will explore Jewish themes in these award-winning American television series. Like Bartlet, you might even learn something you didn’t know about Yom Kippur.
Red 4
In this age of instant information access, it is imperative that students don't lose the skill of thoughtful, critical inquiry. The LOQ method gives solid tools and activities to model for and train students to ask, analyse and answer strong questions. Learn by doing how to engage students in higher order thinking with meaningful, fun activities.
Melanie Kelly Social Programming
Blue 32
Join each afternoon to knit and natter. Want to learn how? Come we'll help you learn. Want a knitting project you can do while you're at Festival? We'll be working together to create hats and blankets to distribute in Eastern Europe through the Together Plan. We'll have limited supplies to share but please bring needles and wool if you have.
Green 25
Join a Rabbi who makes an annual pilgrimage to a provincial town in the Czech Republic and a Student Rabbi who has just spent a month experiencing London Jewry particularly the leafy suburbs in John Betjeman country. Learn why visiting Jews should venture outside Prague and what it means to hold the key to a hundred-year-old Jewish cemetery.
Red 1
In this short series Chaim will look at the primary sources behind some widely accepted religious practices. How did the halacha get to be the way it is? Do the sources suggest other possible conclusions? This session is ideal for those who want to make informed decisions about their religious practice.
Hilton Lobby
Need a little help navigating? Want to learn the best route from the dining room? Learn your way around the site with a friendly member of the Limmud team. Then have coffee with fellow participants.
Orange 10
Jonathan Goldstein will be talking about the JLC plans for the future of the Jewish community including: antisemitism in the Labour Party, financial sustainability of the Jewish Community and welfare of the Jewish Community (social care and mental health).
Annika Hernroth-Rothstein Simon Gordon Gary Mond Gil Troy Phil Rosenberg
Orange 15
With the rise of populism across Europe, this panel will discuss the implications for Jewish communities. Some populist right parties have taken a very pro-Israel stance, but have concerning policies against fundamental Jewish practices and migrants. Many populist left parties have extreme anti-Israel rhetoric that often bleeds in to antisemitism.
Green 27
Many Jews are put off by reading the translation of the Hebrew prayers, mainly because so much of it is unbelievable. We will explore the intentions of the people who put together some of our most important prayers, including the amidah, and check whether they really expected us to believe what we say when we pray.
Blue 33
There are three commandments to 'Love'. We're told to Love God, Love our Neighbour, and Love the Stranger. At no point are we told to 'Love ourselves'. This session will explore what 'Love' has meant to Jews through the ages - in biblical times, rabbinic times, and in twentieth century Jewish philosophy to Rosenzweig & Levinas.
Yellow 22
Literally, where are we? This interactive and entertaining session will leave you knowledgeable about the whereabouts of the world’s Jews, what these diverse communities look like, and will leave you eager to jet off to communities worldwide the moment Limmud ends. Inspiration, information and entertainment are guaranteed; flight tickets are not.
Red 3
Although a very tongue in cheek musical, Monty Python’s SPAMALOT (from where the title of this session originates) touches on a valid point. Why do so many musicals have ‘the Jewish Song’? Where has this concept come from? Come along, listen to a selection of songs and discover the hidden influences of religion in the West End and on Broadway.
Red 6
Learn about how to connect to and balance the subtle energy centres within your body and the messages that they are sending us. This session will include some meditation and breathwork.