Orange 10
This session will explore the extent of the legal material and related areas, like rituals, in the Koran that associated or may be associated in some way with the Bible or with the Mishnah and Midrash. We will pay attention to later polemical interpretation of these sources in Jewish and Islamic writings.
Red 1
Over 2000 participants are arriving tomorrow and they all need a bag packed - just like the one you received. Grab a drink, we'll put on some music and come and join us to pack some bags! Even 10 minutes of your time would be much appreciated.
Max Jared Einsohn Shannyn Gelbart
Yellow 21
Can you tap into your creativity every day? What does having a daily practice mean? And does having a morning coffee count? Join Ahavat Hinam (Max Jared and in this sharing session to explore what creativity can look like in our lives.
Orange 12
Taking the lead of Carl Jung that all creation myths are about the creation of consciousness and Buber's argument that myths are memories of emotional events, we look at the story of the introduction of moral discourse according to the biblical account. A feminist interpretation that only a man can give.
Blue 34
The Karaites have a long history. While they accept the entire Jewish Bible (Tanach), they do not accept the Talmud and rabbinic Judaism, resulting in some fascinating practices due to somewhat different understandings of the Torah.
Red 6
Come and sing round the piano! We will sing our way through some lovely part-songs and small-choir music by Schubert, Brahms, etc., and maybe even a madrigal or two! Some sight-singing ability would be very useful. Let's create a 19th-century music salon in the heart of Limmud! Non-singing listeners also welcome.
Orange 11
Sometimes Jewish law will prohibit an otherwise legal activity because it looks wrong, because observers may get the wrong impression. But why should I change my behavior? I'm not doing anything wrong! We'll explore the religious value encoded in these prohibitions and how caring about what other people think helps us maintain our own integrity.
Blue 33
From 2011 -2014, Offer was leading a project to establish a Maritime Faculty in Bahar-Dar University. This session will tell Offer's story and why he believes that, at some time, all Ethiopians believed in Judaism.
Red 4
Stolpersteine are individual memorial markers that are placed in the sidewalk in front of the last known residence or workplace of someone who was killed by or who fled from the Nazis. This session will introduce the importance and impact of Stolpersteine and will guide participants through the process of ordering and placing them.
Orange 13
This introduction to the sensational stage play and film Cabaret, discusses the original writing, music and performance; the sources, casting and making of the film; its reception and reviews. This will be an interactive talk and discussion, with images, text extracts, film clips and audio recordings. A screening of the full movie will follow a 45 minute talk.
Red 2
What is happening to the Reform and Conservative Movements in the United States? Is American religion in trouble? In studying religious affiliation patterns, Professor Steven Windmueller will offer new insights into the “state” of religion, drawing upon the liberal denominations as a frame of reference.
Tirtsa Posklinsky Shehory Clive Lawton Sarah Charak Daniel Goldman
Orange 14
In the wake of Jo Cox's death, The Great Get Together united millions of people from different communities. But what divides in our communities are impossible to move past? If we can't be one big community, how do we function as separate entities sharing the title of Jews?